A Little Giveaway

I said in my post earlier that a giveaway was coming soon, and here it is! This time it’s just a small selection of goodies I’ve picked up on my wanderings around town, so don’t get too excited but if you’d like to enter here is the haul and the how!
We have…
-A bottle of Backcomb in a Bottle by Umberto Gianni. This is my new hair holy grail and I want to share the love!
-A leopard print silky scarf, because I love animal print.
-Cupcake soap and handbag lipgloss.
-A bag of Haribo Heart Throbs…just because I’m a child when it comes to sweetie.
-A copy of one of my favourite baking books…Beautiful Baking by Jane Asher. I own this book in paperback and hardback, that’s how much I love it!

Close up of the soap and lipgloss.

To enter you need:

– To be a follower of my blog
– To leave a comment on this post
– Enter before next Sunday 27th February

This giveaway prize is UK only,

however international followers, feel free to enter, I’ll pick one of you to send a few little candy goodies to.

-Let me know in your comment if you are UK or International.

Good luck xxx

94 comments for “A Little Giveaway

  1. Hey sweetie.

    Lovein ur give aways – such a haul πŸ™‚

    Goodluck everyone



  2. Oooh! I adore that scarf!
    I’m in the UK!



  3. oooh enter me please such fab goodies.

    I love it all esp!


  4. sorry I did not finish that comment i meant esp the lipgloss bag and the baking book…fabulous x

  5. Lovely bunch of goodies there πŸ™‚
    UK follower πŸ™‚
    tinker_bell1990@hotmail.com (think thats the start of my follow ID aswel)

  6. looks great! that scarf is especially gorgeous, so please enter me! x

  7. OOh goodies! cupcake soap! soooo cute.
    I’m UK



  8. ooo i’d love to enter, i keep seeing the haribo heat throbs on blogs but can’t find any anywhere πŸ™‚ xx

  9. you have the BEST giveaways! πŸ™‚ enter me please gorgeous xo

  10. Cute stuff. Of course I am entering this giveaway. I love the soap and lip gloss.


  11. Great giveaway, i really must learn to bake!! Enter me please sweetie:


    Sadie xx

  12. Great giveaway, please enter me lovely! x

  13. Hi!

    I subscribe to your blog via Google RSS reader πŸ™‚ I’m enjoying your blog a lot and am excited about you having giveaways. However, I live in Denmark but still wanted to enter with this little comment.

  14. Amy

    Lovely giveaway πŸ™‚

    Enter me please.


  15. Ooh, wonderful! πŸ˜€

    Please enter me πŸ˜€

    Fiona x

  16. Ooh enter me please! I am a complete sucker for Haribo and anything baking related.

  17. This is a lovely giveaway. I love how you’ve spent the time to pick out such personal items (all of which I love by the way!) Think I’m going to have pick up a few of them myself if I don’t win!



  18. I live outside of the UK, but you already knew that;)

    How sweet of you to pick an international winner too!

  19. Ah you have amazing giveaways πŸ™‚ I especially like the baking book

    I’m UK



  20. Fantastic. I’d love to rock the scarf. I’m planning some giveaways this year. They seem like a great way to become a better part of the community, if you can call it that, and have some fun. πŸ™‚

  21. enter me please! lovely giveaway, very generous of you.
    thanks xxx

  22. Enter me please!
    Fabulous giveaway!! thanks muchio!


  23. LOVE the lipgloss <3

    I’m a fellow Uker xoxo


  24. Ooo, I love the lipgloss πŸ˜€
    Enter me please!
    I’m from the UK – thatsophiegirl@hotmail.co.uk
    Thanks lovely πŸ˜€

  25. D.

    I’m entering! I’m international πŸ™‚
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  26. Gorgeous items I am a follower and international πŸ™‚

  27. I’m in for the candy goodies!
    (international, of course)


  28. lovely prizes!
    I’m a uk follower through bloglovin.

  29. GFC follower: MidnightDraven




  30. Another giveaway you are such a sweetie, I love the leopard print scarf !! So cute πŸ™‚

  31. Another giveaway you are such a sweetie, I love the leopard print scarf !! So cute πŸ™‚

  32. Another giveaway you are such a sweetie, I love the leopard print scarf !! So cute πŸ™‚

  33. Another giveaway you are such a sweetie, I love the leopard print scarf !! So cute πŸ™‚

  34. Another giveaway you are such a sweetie, I love the leopard print scarf !! So cute πŸ™‚

  35. Oooh I’m intrigued by that backcomb stuff! Enter me please, I’m in England πŸ™‚ x

  36. Hello there lovely – great giveaway πŸ™‚

    Is that an entire bag of Haribo hearts I spy!? Why did I not know these existed?! They’re my favourites!

    I’d love to be entered into your giveaway please – my email is: dlw1210(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk – thanks a lot πŸ™‚


  37. cute giveaway! I’m entering from the uk and i already follow you of course πŸ™‚ x

  38. i’m a follower, and have been for ages =]

    international, sadly. :/ those giveaways are lovely!

  39. oooh i’m an international follower! lovely giveaway though πŸ™‚

  40. Vee

    these are adorable!!!

  41. Gorgeous giveaway Laura!

    Please enter me πŸ™‚


  42. … And I’m a UK follower! πŸ™‚

  43. S_S

    another FAB FAB FAB giveaway sweetie pie! Pretty please can I enter – sarah@sarahs-scribbles.com

    I’m in the UK lady!


  44. You are such a sweetheart! That cupcake soap looks good enough to eat haha!

    (I’m uk)

  45. Great giveaway, sweetie!
    IΒ΄m a part time UK lady and part time Finnish lady but have a permanent address in the Uk as well, so IΒ΄ll let you decide what I am, lol.

    xxx, Ulrika

  46. Enter me in your lovely giveaway please πŸ™‚

    email: laurenmclean87@hotmail.com

  47. hello, please could i enter πŸ™‚ Xx

  48. Amazing giveaway. Everything looks so pretty.

  49. lovely giveaway –
    enter me please! πŸ™‚

  50. lovely comp! Enter me please, i’m in uk. williamson.chambers@gmail.com

  51. Oh what a lovely giveaway πŸ™‚

    I’ve been a follower for yonks so count me in xxx

  52. dan

    Lovelyyy giveaway! I’d like to enter please

  53. Please enter me :)x

  54. Oooh lovely giveaway, enter me pls πŸ™‚

  55. awww, I’d love some candy goodies πŸ™‚
    I’m sure there’s much great candy that we can’t buy here in Germany (sometimes being german really sucks, because there’s so many great things you can’t buy here πŸ™ )

    So please enter me in the Giveaway πŸ™‚


  56. Oh wow, how cute please add me in. I’ve not seen that backcomb in a bottle, I must get me some ~ I have to backcomb my hair every day it’s so awfully flat ~ it’s like black smoke!
    Kandi x

  57. oh enter me! i’m determined to win a giveaway at least once in my lifetime! plus my hair really needs a boost πŸ™‚

    Enter my Apothica giveaway!

  58. please enter me πŸ™‚
    my email is

  59. Ooh, what a treat. Me please! (UK). x

  60. What a lovely giveaway. Please enter me. x

  61. I cannot remember if I have entered or not, I remember reading it on my phone! If I have ignore this entry but if not can I please be entered!
    My email addressed is sophie.warner89@yahoo.co.uk

  62. I follow πŸ™‚ please can i enter
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  63. Aw I follow via bloglovin and google friend connect. Again, I’m still in Portugal but will move to London soon! Would that count as UK πŸ™‚ please say yes. If not, I’d be delighted to get the international candies anyway πŸ™‚

  64. Bec


    I’ve been following your blog for a while and blame you for my ever-increasing shopping bill! πŸ˜‰

    I’m in the UK and you can get me through my blog – http://www.automaticpilot.blogspot.com


  65. There’s not enough leopard print in the world for my liking haha. Love it. Always wanted to try that backcomb in a bottle and I have to say, I love Jane Asher cos she was once with Sir Paul McCartney. Lucky cow! πŸ˜‰


  66. I am LOVING that scarf! please enter me! kattymcau@gmail.com (UK)

  67. This is such a lovely giveaway! I would LOVE to try the Backcomb in a bottle, I have heard so many good things about it πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  68. great giveaway, im dying to try this hair product!
    i am a follower and i am uk (n. ireland) so count me as entered!


  69. Nice give away. Please include me!


    Trayci x x

  70. Eek! I need that book in my life!

    Im in the UK πŸ™‚



  71. KatieFrank

    Ooooh awesome
    I’m a UKer believe it or not πŸ˜›

    _KatieFrank_ @ twitter, you know how to get hold of me πŸ™‚

  72. Hope that you are well lovely! The book looks amazing – I’d like to enter please πŸ™‚

  73. What a fab give away! Can’t believe I don’t own that book yet!!

    Katie xox

  74. Awesome give away Hun count me In please looks fab!
    Luv reading ur blogs xxx

  75. Cute giveaway! Love to be entered πŸ™‚

    UK follower

  76. Kim

    Oh my, the scarf is lush!

    UK πŸ™‚

    Kim xxx

  77. that is a sweet giveaway xx

  78. I’d love it if you entered me in your give away! πŸ™‚ Im a UK follower.



  79. Such a cute giveaway Laura!

    I’m a UK follower πŸ™‚


  80. The little handbag lipgloss…squeeee. ^^

  81. The little handbag lipgloss! Squeeee. ^^

  82. Here’s some love from the USA. Waaa-aaa-aaa-aaa! i am so sad that i can’t win. πŸ™ WAAA-AAA-AAA-AAA! i could cry a river! (or a pond)

  83. It’s a good idea to give away a baking book πŸ™‚

    I’m a UK follower


  84. I am in the states…. but I still want something!
    I love your blog <3

  85. getting in there at the last minute !! πŸ˜›
    well done for the great blog, I’m a regular reader πŸ™‚
    much love, rosie <3
