a long forgotten treasure (and some new)

A much needed wardrobe tidy-up on Sunday (how many times/how often do I do this?) led to re-discovering this Primark skirt that I purchased…ohh…6 years ago now, before the Primark in Bristol was anywhere near the shopping mecca that is now. But it’s served me well, this seems to date back to when the quality in Primark was pretty impressive…worn with a £5 Primark jumper that has also stood the test of time/the washing machine (albeit it’s only a few months old) and Georgia Rose boots c/o Sarenza.

Also using this post as a chance to reveal two of my Stanwells Rerun prizes…these fab Sam Edelman wedges and “fits all my rubbish in” Longchamp bag.
I also picked up a gorgeous dress that will be shown off as soon as the weather improves.

Seriously..what is with this weather? MADNESS. And madness all around at work yesterday…and I very much suspect the same for today.
Wish me luck!


22 comments for “a long forgotten treasure (and some new)

  1. Adoring the skirt, such a pretty pattern.

    Fab new buys too, those shoes are amazing!

    The weather is crazy! I drove through wind, rain and snow storms yesterday. it was horrid.

    X x

  2. Ah, the good old days of Primark when nothing cost more than £6…
    I love your outfit! As for the weather yesterday, wow! I was trapped in my colleague’s car for 5hrs because of road closures and getting stuck in the snow! Awful!

  3. Love the bag!
    The weather here is fine, bit windy yesterday but sunny, and beautiful sunshine this morning!
    Hope you have a good day 🙂


  4. I remember this skirt! Such amazing bargains from Stanwells Rerun too, I think you took all the good stuff! 😉

    Maria xxx

  5. That skirt is fantastic! This is another one of my favourite outfits from you, it’s so simple and put-together. 🙂

  6. What a great skirt! I love refinding things.

    Those shoes look pretty cute too

    | Bright Green Laces |

  7. I love discovering ‘new’ things during a spring clean. This skirt is definitely a great find- looks nice and floaty with a cute pattern. Looks good on you 🙂 xx

  8. I have a dress from Primark thats about that old and the quality is great! It sucks that they deteriorated so much, I barely buy anything from there now as it really doesn’t last.

    Love the skirt though, the pattern is beautiful.

  9. I love the skirt – Primark quality has gone downhill hasn’t it, I’ve got a few dresses from years ago which have lasted, yet stuff I bought 6 months ago hasn’t! I love your bag too x

  10. love that printed skirt on you.
    Your new shoes look rather fab and so jealous of that bag! You lucky thing x

  11. Love the print on your skirt 🙂 Those shoes are gorgeous too, well done you!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  12. I have this skirt too, must dig it out!

  13. Those booooooots!! Gorgeous. Want. Need.

  14. Kat

    Ahh I do like Sam Edelman, we sell their stuff at work and always see such lovely styles from them!


  15. Those leopard print shoes are so gorgeous. And I am forever clearing out my wardrobe only to do it all over again months later! xxx

  16. How lovely to rediscover an old favourite! It’s really nice. And that bag! It’s gorgeous!!

  17. Beautiful skirt. I did a rummage over the weekend as well and found my black leather satchel I’ve been looking for 🙂

  18. That bag is divine, love the splash of the orange!

  19. Such a gorgeous skirt! Looks so good on you.

  20. I love this skirt and your style 🙂

    Charlotte xx


  21. I am envious of the skirt, those amazing wedges and that gorgeous bag!