A Missguided Obsession

When the gorgeous Sara at Missguided e-mailed me to alert me of their stunning debut TV ad I was prompted to take a look at the latest offerings from the online shop.

Previously when I’ve browsed there, I’ve found maybe one or two things I’ve liked…but right now, damn. Missguided are killing it. Just a brief selection of things I covet…

All at prices that make it ever more tempting!

As for the TV ad…well, simply stunning, I think!

Anyone else a Missguided fan? What have you bought there lately, or what do you plan to buy?


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26 comments for “A Missguided Obsession

  1. The black skirt and those boots, want!

    Emily x

  2. The purple dress is stunning. I love it so much!

  3. I love those tights and that purple dress!!!

  4. Looks like some good things at great prices πŸ™‚

  5. I’ve not heard of them before, but I do now πŸ™‚ They have some lovely stuff there.

  6. Never come across them before but I love those tights

  7. Very nice! I am loving all the cape-coats and things, though I haven’t seen one in store yet!

  8. I <3 the purple dress!

  9. I had been unfamiliar with Misguided but, being a lover of lingerie, I really do like those tights in the fourth photo and the knickers at 0:12 of the YouTube video.

  10. i love missguided! glad they are getting bigger X

  11. L

    I am so buying those amazing tights!x

  12. VELVET DRESS! I WANT!!!! I’m not sure they sell their stuff in the US though..

  13. I’ve not bought from them before but those tights and glitter chelsea boots are stunning!

  14. Sparkly ankle boots… I love! I just blogged about how much I’m digging glittery shoes for winter πŸ™‚

    How are you lovely?


  15. I love the velvet dress and the striped tights! x

  16. This is the first I’ve heard of them but I’m lovin the purple dress and the tights x

  17. I have never seen a Missguided tv ad.

    I like some of their things and they are not too expensive xx

  18. I’ve not heard of it but the tights are really fun! I’m so scared of wearing pretty thin tights like this though as I seem to rip them to piece the minute I put my great big ugly size 8’s into them! They sound like a great place to shop!

  19. I love those stripey tights!

  20. the cape and tights are amazing!

  21. The tights are especially tempting!

  22. I love those tights! Those sparkly boots are lovely too πŸ™‚ Missguided always nail it.

  23. Love the black skirt. I saw a really chunky knit on their website a few weeks back.. I think they’re a great site

    Bhav x

  24. ooh, i love that crushed velvet purple dress! seems like that material’s coming back into style… i’ve seen it a couple other places too πŸ™‚

  25. I love the skirt and the boots. I did buy a dress back when they first launched and I get loads of wear from it.

  26. Anonymous

    I think you would love Cameron Taylor cardigans. They are like the one in your picture and it reminds me of it. I have one and i love it.