A Reminder Never Hurts

We’ll get there.


23 comments for “A Reminder Never Hurts

  1. Hope you’re ok Laura?

    Stay positive hunny, am holding your ‘virtual’ hand xxxxx

  2. Wise words.


  3. Sending a lot of love. Hang in there – you can do this. Believe. xxx

  4. With you all the way on that one!

    Smile and the world smiles with you.

    Hugs X x

  5. Totally true, just keep your chin up!!

    Julia @ retro Jules

  6. Have to agree, and hope everything’s okay!


  7. we will, thanks love, a reminder definitely doesnt hurt x

  8. Never a truer statement! Hope you’re OK xxxx

  9. Hope you are ok xx

  10. Mat

    hope all is well

  11. Very true and I hope everything is ok with you lovely. *hugs* Just in case everything’s not just know that I’m always here to talk if you want to. xxx

  12. That is beautiful, and the perfect pick me up in this long dragging afternoon. I hope you are doing well, I’m sorry for neglecting to comment, but I’ve been reading your posts!!

  13. A beautiful phrase and a beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing!

  14. I like this a lot 🙂

  15. I’ll think of this when i’m getting in one of my panics about the medical 🙂 xox

  16. Beautiful quote, I hope everything is okay xx

  17. Hope is extremely powerful and achieves strong things…

  18. Bex

    Keep smiling hun, I’m here if you need to talk <3 xo

  19. Oh I like this. So true.

    Hope you’re ok!

  20. True that. Hope you’re ok xx