an outfit, a bag and a lot of pictures of a cake.

Happy Thursday guys! Almost the weekend…yes! What are your plans? Who’s going to be at LFW? And who (like me) is going to be utterly lazy?

Feeling a bit fragile today, having been sent home from work yesterday with horrible nausea and general feeling crap,
I do feel better today but not 100% so I’m indulging in a day of doing my favourite things.

Wearing: another old favourite



Loving: My new Nica bag, which was my treat to myself for passing Media law. I ordered from on Tuesday evening, and first thing this morning it was here!


I am not one of those people who can cope with little bags! This has so much space around for all my junk/really important stuff.

Baking: Chocolate sponge with malteasers inside and a chocolate icing drizzle. Just a basic sponge mix with cocoa and a couple of small bags of malteasers added in. It might look dense but it’s as light as a feather. Sadly I don’t get to taste it (yet) as it is for the doctors at work who have an inspection type deal this week + stress levels are high. They are chocaholics so I’m taking this in tomorrow to celebrate the end of the week.









Malteasers work really well in cake for adding texture. The cupcakes I made a couple of weeks ago were such a hit most of the staff now have the recipe and have been making their own!

Have you baked lately?


42 comments for “an outfit, a bag and a lot of pictures of a cake.

  1. love your polka dot dress and especially love that you paired it with those teal tights!!

    that cake looks so yummy!

  2. love the cheerful colourful outfit..
    i have so much bakign to fit in at the weekend, i am catering for 40 guides at a sleepover next week, and have to make sweets and cookies to sell at our market stall, and enough victoria sponge for a cake break! argh!! as well as the actual meals..

  3. Ahhhh your baking never fails to amaze me! It always looks so yummy!
    I love the dress and tights combo!

  4. that cake looks devine! I do feel like making a chocolate slab bar that was featured on the telly the other day…!

    I hope you’re feeling better soon! x

  5. cake looks amazing as usual! really need to start baking more. love the cut of that dress on you x

  6. Gorgeouss as ever.
    That cake looks fab, i’ve never baked with malteasers in the cake, i’m so trying that out!
    This weekend i have a friend coming over on Sat so i’m going to make us a nice lunch and then Sunday i have no plans x

  7. Big YUM!
    I’ve never tried Malteasers in cake before, sounds amazing. Though once when I put minstrels in cookies they went green! oopsie.

    Really love this dress,and of course the tights…looking lovey my deear! x

  8. I love Nica bags, so well made and beautiful detailing. Still haven’t baked in an age, I am so rubbish on the baking front! xx

  9. Hey lovely :]
    Hope you feel better soon!
    That cake looks amazingggg…. x

  10. Love the bag! Big bags are a must. I have one friend who doesn’t even have a bag. She carries her purse, mobile and keys around…. Pfft stuff that! AND that cake looks so delicious.

  11. Oooh beautiful, I really wanted the Nica Alicia, but the price was too high for the size!

  12. Do the Malteasers melt in the oven? I’m not a fan of the honeycomb but if it’s melted it’s a different story! You’re a sweetie baking for the office in times of stress πŸ™‚

  13. OMG. I have no plans this weekend and the house allll to myself – therefore, I MAY have to make this cake…. πŸ˜€ x

  14. You look gorgeous today in that frock, sorry to hear you were yucky yesterday, hope you feel a bit brighter today. The cake looks delightful, I bet they love you working there πŸ™‚
    Kandi x

  15. I am going to have to make that cake! πŸ™‚

  16. It looks delicious, I haven’t had a chance to bake yet with work but I’m off next week so must remedy that! xoxo

  17. That dress is really cute! works well with the bright tights.
    I baked some Macarons last week, sadly they were not very good. Tasted ok but didn’t look as pretty as usual.

  18. The cake looks delicious and great bag!

  19. Awww, I hope you get to feel completely better soon; make sure you get some good rest! Γ“ 3 Γ’

    …but that didn’t stop you from looking all that pretty, hmm! You’ve got a really nice style, so classic and feminine… I want a dress like that now…! ; u ;

    ~ Orphin’s Domains ~

  20. I’ve never heard of adding Maltesers to a cake, that’s genius!

  21. Such a fan dress, and your baking looks amazing!

  22. I love the look! And that cake looks delish!

  23. That cake looks so good!!!
    Great dress, the print is so pretty.


  24. yum that cake looks good

    Love your dress too

  25. dan

    Hope you get well soon! I’m being completely lazy this weekend. That cake looks so good! xx

  26. The cake looks so yummy!
    Also your dress is very cute!
    Claudia xxx

  27. Lovely bright frock and your baking looks fasbulous. Hope you feel better soon. xxx

  28. Oh my! How delicious does that cake look!??!

  29. mmmm that cake looks amazing!

    That bag is gorgeous, enjoy it, you deserve it!

  30. Cute outfit m’love πŸ™‚

    Hope you’re feeling hugely better, very soon – feeling rubbish is, well, rubbish!

    That cake looks SO amazing I can’t actually express – send a slice down my way please?!

  31. hope you’re feeling better by now. Adore your outfit, so cute! I would have gobbled down half the cake mix before it hit the oven! Can’t wait to get baking again|! πŸ™‚

  32. Ah I love your dress! It’s so pretty! Polka dots and rainbow, what’s not to love (Likewise, sensational cakes!)

  33. I absolutely love your dress!
    As ever, I have tights envy too x

  34. I absolutely love your dress!
    As ever, I have tights envy too x

  35. Kb

    Gorgeous dress and tights contrast!

  36. Lovin everything in this post. The polka dot dress is gorgeous and so is your new bag.
    Malteser sponges sound yummy!!! x

  37. oh my gosh, that looks amazingly delicious, wow!

    Also hurray for nica bags, I remember you commenting on mine and now I must say that yours is beautiful πŸ™‚

  38. Yuuuuuuummmm…. x

  39. That dress is definitely a classic. Also absolutely love the bag!! It’s so pretty.