…and then I went a bit mad

Dorothy Perkins dress, Pretty Polly tights (covered in little Daisys), New Look boots.

Yesterday was lovely, freezing cold but lovely. Shopping with my Mum is always a pleasure; we have more of a best friend relationship than a mother/daughter one, and although I still live at home, we don’t often spend quality time together so this was just perfect.

Our first stop was Nails Inc for a ยฃ5 Special Effects manicure (yeah, I peeled the glitter off from Friday!)
Mum went for a magnetic polish, and I opted for blue glitter crackle over a white base.

Christmas money was spent (Nails Inc products, some work clothes) and as we popped in to Harvey Nichols to visit the food hall, we got sidetracked. By handbags.

I made the ultimate impulse purchase (and perhaps my best sales buy, ever, as it was half price at ยฃ180) by falling in love with a Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag.

Crappy instagram photo for now, but I love it!
Do I feel guilty?
A little…but I’ve saved money, since the summer of 2010 I have made considerable savings…and I’ve worked. Held down a job for a year, and made progress I’d previously never thought I could.

I’ve decided I deserve THAT bag.

I just won’t shop for a while. That’s all.

(let’s see how long that lasts!)

What’s been your best impulse buy?


44 comments for “…and then I went a bit mad

  1. i say u only live once! u did the right thing getting that bag ๐Ÿ™‚ don’t feel guilty….u do deserve it!

  2. I drool over this dress whenever you post it, and I dont think you should EVER feel guilty for being a new bag. If you carry one every day or even almost, the cost per wear is PENNIES!

  3. Firstly you look lovely, that dress is stunning.

    The bag is fab.

    X x

  4. my best bargain was Ashleigh’s prom dress from America. I saved over ยฃ300!

    X x

  5. Love, love, love that dress and the bag well you deserve it!!!!

  6. the dress is gorgeous.

    the bag is stunning. you’ve worked hard for it just enjoy him & be proud anytime you carry him down the street. (I can always justify a bag purchase!)xxx

  7. What a fun and wonderful dress! Love the bag, too! You SO deserve it!

    I made an impulse buy yeaterday… I bought a watch!

  8. That is a gorgeous bag and you know what at the price really isn’t so much in the grand scheme of things. Especially thinking it will go with everything, every occasion too – and it’s black. It’s more of a very clever investment. xx

  9. That is a fab dress and I love your new bag!

    โ™ฅ Leia

  10. Really pretty dress! And the bag is a great investment! I can never control myself at sales either..


  11. This is the sweetest outfit ever! I love that dress, it’s the loveliest shade of pink ๐Ÿ™‚ I adore Dorothy Perkins, it’s one of my favourite online boutiques!
    Your blog is wonderful!
    xo Maria

  12. This is MY favourite of all your dresses I’ve seen so far. Love it. Amazing colour. And as for that bag… hell fricking yeahh xx

  13. Yes you completely did deserve that bag – it’s beautiful & there should be no guilt especially as you are a savings bean & so a splurge is well deserved darling.

    Looking beautiful as ever x

  14. That bag is gorgeous! x

  15. I really want that dress! I went looking for it the last time you posted it but I guess it isn’t around anymore. That bag is gorgeous!


  16. Gorgeous bag! I would have totally done the same ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  17. Love the dress and tights! Gorgeous ootd x

  18. Oh gosh! That bag is rightfully yours, you work so hard and rewarding yourself a worthwhile purchase really does no harm. I LOVE it xxx

  19. Gorgeous bag! You so deserve it!

  20. I love that dress, you look so glam and innocent! And yes, you do deserve that bag – gorgeous! xx

  21. You definitely deserve the bag!

  22. No guilt allowed! That bag is gorgeous and you deserve a treat!!
    You look really lovely in these photos Laura, the dress and tights are perfect xx

  23. That is definitely the best impulse buy! I have a Marc Jacobs handbag and absolutely love it!
    Claudia xxx

  24. You DO deserve it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  25. Naheeda

    Oh wow, how amazing does that dress look on you! It was definitely made for you! Plus, it’s okay to splash out when you’ve saved for so long! Xx

  26. HELLO PURDY NEW BAG! eek amazing!
    Love your dress too.. the colour is amaazing!x

  27. Pretty dress!!!! The bag is very nice- I bet it has a lovely soft feel!

  28. It is beautiful!! Good for you, definitely well deserved!

    My handbag is Marc By Marc Jacobs and I just love it, but it was also the most expensive thing I’d ever bought! I had to call my mum during the transaction, and say ‘OMG, am I doing the right thing?!?’ but I’ve used it every day for over two years, so price per wear it’s down to pennies by now!

  29. That bag is beyond amazing. I am so jealous. It is gorgeous!

  30. Wow! Beautiful bag – you’ll love this one for years so def a good buy. xx

  31. Looked high and low for signs of madness. None that I can see. Love the dress. Bag too.

    xoxo – P

  32. Well you look bloomin’ lovely. Beaut. x

  33. i love the structure of that dress!

  34. ah you definitely deserve it, it is ridic pretty – as are you in pink!


  35. I love love love everything about this post! You look gorgeous in that dress and the bag is to die for!

    Maria xxx

  36. It’s gorgeous and you totally deserve it! Looking fab today as always xx

  37. You totally deserve it! And it is gorgeous.
    Me on the other hand would have a harder time trying to justify the DSLR I am about to buy (next week, pay day woot) unless I can say that I’ve been wanting to get on for ages and set the end of January to myself, to do it ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Oh no, don’t ever feel guilty, it’s your money and you decide how to spend it ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a great bag, you loved it and now it’s yours ๐Ÿ™‚

    I must confess in terms of clothes I am a bargain hunter (and a bargain buyer), but I can spend that amount of money on a folk dance festival or some contemporary dance workshop I really want to do.

    The dress looks really good on you as well.

  39. Loving the color of the dress!

  40. REALLY, REALLY, REALLY love that blue crackle over a white base nail effect. Did they offer i in other colours too? I’m loving pale hues at the moment, getting me reaaaaally excited for spring! x