Another Primark Find

The third and final item I bought in Primark on Friday was this jumper dress…blue with bright flecks of wool for only Β£15? SOLD.

Please excuse the hair, we’re not talking today.



Actually, I lie because that wasn’t my final find…that would be these nails, for Β£1.50 I deemed them worth a shot. They aren’t the best, but as someone who doesn’t often, if ever go for false nails they were a good place to start.


Have you found any recent gems in Primark? Or anywhere infact.


40 comments for “Another Primark Find

  1. The jumper dress is lovely – looks nice and cosy!!
    And I’ve never done fake nails, i’m sure i’d mess them up!

  2. I want a Primark next to me on the spot!
    That dress looks gorgeous. Well bought!

    I never use false nails because I can’t handle them.


  3. I wish 2 things: a winter just like you have there, and a Primark store here in Brazil! lol

  4. The nails are fab. Think I’ll get a pair to try out all those crazy art designs I’ve been dying to attempt.


  5. The jumper dress is wonderful, Primark never fail to come up with a bargain. The tights are lovely too x

  6. oooh I like! that is very cosy and yum for winter πŸ™‚

    LOVE primark hehe πŸ™‚

  7. I’ve always wanted to try those kind of nails.

  8. Gem

    That jumper dress is great, you can wear loads of diff colour tights and accessories with it because of all the flecks in it πŸ™‚
    I bought a lovely top/dress from Peacocks recently looks nice on

  9. Another of your Primark buys I love!

  10. I like it when you play with lovingly color-crazy-out-there-type-of-tights… like these! As I am getting healthier, wearing tights feels better too. Weird, huh. When you are too skinny, they squeeze and feel suffocating.

  11. Cozy, comfy sweater dress and cool nails!

  12. That dress is so cute! And what a good deal, have to love a bargain. IT looks great with those tights too!

  13. I love your jumper! I love ALL over-sized jumpers πŸ˜€ Anyway, nice blog!
    xoxo from Hannie

  14. So cute and looks so comfortable!

  15. Those nails look awesome for Β£1.50! And did they do that jumper in a kind of peachy colour too? I think I saw it this morning πŸ™‚ lovely xx

  16. Fellow bloggers always seem to find treasures in Primark that I can never see myself!

    Thank you for your lovely comments to my blog, really appreciate them and enjoy reading them,

    β™₯ Dressing Miss Dolly β™₯

  17. I must admit that Primark scares me and I find it daunting to go there. I love your finds though… this sweater dress is adorable!

  18. Ooh, those nails ar not bad! I bet they’d look good with polish on too (can you put nail polish on false nails, or does it not stick?! I have never worn false nails so I don’t know!)

  19. i love primark, my newest post features my love for primark in my snuggley scarf! πŸ™‚ x

  20. oooh I likey.

    I never use false nails but I want to try some and wondered what the Primark ones were like. They look good.


  21. loving the chunky sweater

  22. like your blog, hope you’ll become a follower of my blog too?

  23. Adorable tights m’dear

  24. Fab dress – I haven’t been in Primark for weeks and weeks. Going to have a look this weekend. xx

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. That’s such a cute dress! I have to say, I’ve never bought anything from Primark. Partly because I’ve never been able to find anything I like and also because there’s something fishy about a pair of shoes costing less than Β£5. I picked up a lovely grey snakeskin blouse from Zara the other day – love it!

  27. Ahhh your dress looks so snuggly! My most recent Primark gem was a thermal top from the mens section for Β£3. I’m too cool, I know πŸ˜‰ Sally x

  28. yep, some awesome boots;;)
    love your jumper dress!

  29. nuttypigeon

    I bought a huge wooly jumper to keep me warm! it’s lush πŸ™‚

  30. how do you always find such gorgeous stuff in primark?!

    love you girlie. looking amazing as always

    x H x

  31. You can’t imagine how sad I am we don’t have Primark here. When I found out Asos was opening a US site my credit card hid in mortal fear. ps–your hair is adorable! you have that CK model, I dont care look going on. Awesome sweater dress, hope it keeps you warm!

  32. The jumper is perfect for the cold weather at the moment! My recent bargain wasn’t really a true bargain after all. I happened to have a giftcard which means new purchases feel super bargainous!

  33. nice outfit! the tights are so cute.

    xx Kenny

  34. aww i wanna do french mani too

  35. That jumper dress is lovely, it looks extremely warm which is obviously perfect for this time of the year! Great nails too!
    Definately following you; great blog xx

  36. Great outfit! your nails look awesome πŸ™‚ xx

  37. MJ

    You know, I haven’t found anything I like in Primark in an absolute AGE. Great finds though!

  38. The jumper dress is wonderful, nice outfit!!!


  39. Wow, I love this dress! And the tights look fab with it!