birthday run down

Most of yesterday I was asked “do you mind working all day when you could be at home?” The answer was no,
as well as it being a very important day for us at work, for me, being involved and working a long and chaotic shift was the ultimate sign of how far I’ve come. It might sound strange, coming from a (now) 24 year old, but although I have worked since I was 15 I have never been able to do full days and for a couple of years was right now at three hours a WEEK.

We won’t talk about the actual day at work, all my predictions of chaos and hiccups came true…and then some. What amazed me was the team spirit and how we all pulled together to help each other out and make sure our patients got the care they needed and deserved. I love my work place and the people who I work with. They really went out of their way to make sure I had a special day, understanding what it meant to me.

Sorry I get so … emotional about things like this. It’s hard to explain. To put it simply, I feel loved and spoiled by everyone who took the time to wish me a good day. It was the Birthday I wasn’t sure I’d see and in it’s own little way it was the

I woke up to this:





My Mum is far too cute for her own damn good!


Gorgeous flowers from work, as well as a mountain of cards and gift vouchers and girly things.


Utterly spoiled.
My main present was a new digital camera from my parents and a *mystery* of which we are yet to work out.
Other highlights included a Patrick Cox purse, although I’m not sure who sent it as there either wasn’t a card, or I misplaced it…so if it was you, please say!


Trudi….who else knows me that well?


And quite simply, the most awesome hand made card ever, from my school friend Hazel!

I think I’ve thanked everyone personally for the cards and gifts now, but if I haven’t…then THANK YOU, please don’t think I’m being rude, I was somewhat brain dead by last night.

Today will be all about the chilling.

((and probably eating a bit more cake))


37 comments for “birthday run down

  1. Sounds like you had a awesome day and got spoilt rotten and you totally deserve it x

  2. Oh no, I’ve been really paying attention and somehow it slipped my mind yesterday to congratulate you on the day of! But..
    HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!
    I hope this will be an absolutely amazing year for you!

    Hope the little birthday things I sent you have arrived.

  3. I feel so bad now for not taking any time online so I could comment on your BDAY! Happy belated birthday Laura! So glad to hear it was a great day for you, and your mom really is super cute! xxx

  4. Looks like you were spoiled and you deserve it! I adore your Poddington Peas Tee!
    Kandi x

  5. Sounds like you had a fab day!

  6. Happy Birthday, hope you had a lovely day. I love brithdays. The perfect opportunity to get spoiled.

  7. I am so jealous of your Poddington Peas tee! I’ll be singing the theme tune all day now hehe! Enjoy the long weekend, sounds like yeasterday was a manic but brilliant day x

  8. You are an inspiration! Happy birthday xxx

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, hope you’re still celebrating it today!

    I totally agree that working on your birthday can be a really good thing, and for you especially it sounds great. Well done you!

  10. So glad you had a lovely day – you deserve it. Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your cake. <3 xxx

  11. so cute/sweet:) happy belated birthday!

  12. Hope you had a fantastic birthday!
    The flowers are so beautiful. And I love that t-shirt.

  13. Wow I’m glad you had a great birthday! I’m glad people have been giving you all the love you deserve!


  14. Glad you had such an awesome day 😀 love all those cute notes from your mum! xx

  15. Oh no, I’m late! Happy (belated) birthday!!! xoxoxox

  16. wow, you must of had a good birthday! And, it’s amazing how far you come, I hope things go from strength to strength with you!


  17. Happy “belated” Birthday hun, glad you had a lovely day xx

  18. Happy Birthday, I am so very proud of you and how far you have come. I understand more than one might think.

  19. You got here. That is an accomplishment. I really feel what you feel.

    Let’s keep walking. Baby steps. Happy B-day this one …and the many others to come!

  20. It sounds like you had a wonderful day! I’m glad to hear it:)

  21. Happy belated birthday! Love the flowers.

  22. Poddington Peas t-shirt! That’s the coolest present ever, and a new digital camera, that’s awesome. Also, there’s an award for you over at my blog lovely! xxx

  23. Oh that t-shirt is possibly the greatest thing ever. You do realise I’m going to have the theme tune stuck in my head for days now though?

    So glad you had a lovely day.

  24. I’m so glad you had a nice birthday, you totally deserve it! Those presents are fab too, love your Momma’s notes 😀

    Maria xxx

  25. Ablated happy birthday my dear. Looks like you had a great day with supper gifts.

    You deserve all the goodness and love possible.

    X x

  26. Thanks, it’s a lovely poem isn’t it? I also love the apple shaped chalkboard you’ve got. xxx

  27. happy belated birthday to you. i must admit i always take the week off for my birthday, i can’t stand being at work for it!

  28. Oh my gosh… the poddington peas!!! I sing this all the time. haha. Why don’t we have cool cartoons like that anymore? I really want your t-shirt. Looks like you had such fantastic birthday.
    Katie x

    P.Si’m now your new follower… I think it was the poddington peas that did it. haha.

  29. Aww glad you had such an amazing day! Happy belated birthday! I am loving you Podington Peas tee it is awesome!!

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  30. Happy birthday Laura! A bit late but I wish you had the best, till next year that is 🙂

  31. Happy belated birthday Laura. So glad to see that despite work you were spoiled. love your flowers and pressies.

    Dena x

  32. Oh I am so sorry I missed this. Happy Belated Birthday hope you enjoyed your day xx

  33. I am so glad you had such a great birthday 🙂 I truly understand the feeling of accomplishment for making it to this year, and being able to work a full shift and be awesome! You should be so proud of how far you have come, I know I am proud of you <3

    Have a wonderful day today, enjoy your full day at work Monday, because you can do it amazingly thanks to all the hard work you have put into recovery <3
