bow peep

This Pearl Lowe for Peacocks dress first caught my eye the day it was launched, but at £40 I just couldn’t justify it.
By after Christmas, temptation peaked as it was reduced to half price, but still I held off. Just as I was really kicking myself for being so cheap, a chance wander past a Peacocks store on Friday led to a quick rummage and I secured the dress for a mere £10. Patience pays, folks…and shopping fate strikes again!

Worn with my trusty Tesco tights and my New Look bargain shoe boots (another fine example of patience paying off) for my first day back at work…which went wonderfully. I do start to question my sanity when I’d rather be at work than at home, but there are so many lovely people to talk to at work, and only myself for company at home.

Tuesday is my standard day off; easing in nice and gently! Mum’s off too so we’re braving the freezing cold and heading in to Cabot Circus to spend the last of our Christmas money.

Hope your week is getting off to a cracking start!


42 comments for “bow peep

  1. That dress is SO pretty! I love it! 🙂 x

  2. What a gorgeous dress. Love the detail of the bows. x

  3. Nice find. They’ve just gone into administration so imagine there will be some more sales on the way… x

  4. Love the dress.

    Have fun shopping today xx

  5. That dress is really lovely, loving the cute bows x

  6. Great outfit!

    Claire xxx

  7. Sounds like the most perfect way to spend a Tuesday! Love the dress – it’s super sweet. xx

  8. What an awesome bargain! Its a beautiful dress 🙂

  9. Very cute dress! x

  10. Such a sweet dress I love it.

  11. I love this dress. Gorgeous!

  12. love the dress, what a find at a tenner. Lucky you x

  13. Lucky you that dress is gorgeous, I walked past Peacocks the other day and was thinking of stopping in but foolish me didn’t maybe I’ll pop in later this week and have a browse xoxo

  14. You lucky thing, it’s so pretty x

  15. I love that dress, the bows are so sweet and I love the monochrome look of it too it tones down the sweetness! Patience seems like a good bargain technique 🙂

  16. What a shame that they have now gone into administration.
    It’s wonderful that you enjoy your work so much.

  17. That dress is beautiful! Can’t wait to see what you buy with your Christmas money xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  18. That dress looks gorgeous on you, nice bargain! 🙂 xx

  19. LOVE that dress, proof that there are bargains to be had in the January sales! xxx

  20. I love this dress! Its such a shame they have gone into administration 🙁

    Have fun today! x

  21. You make me want to get my summer things out! Gorgeous girlie x

  22. Hope your week back at work goes ok! Love the detailing with all the bows especially across the back of the dress.

  23. This dress is gorgeous! Such a lovely collar

  24. That’s such a bargain!

    Well done on your shopping skills, it’s lovely too 🙂 xx

  25. What an amazing dress, and it suits you so well, too! What a bargain!

  26. What an amazing bargain! xx

  27. It looks lovely on you! I had similar luck last Christmas with Pearl Lowe dresses and managed to get 5 of her dresses in the sale all for £9-12!!!!

  28. Gorgeous dress and what a bargain! x

  29. Such a pretty dress, well worth the wait.

    X x

  30. This dress just looks so chic on you! We’re loving the white detail! Really lovely.

    Wardrobe Stylists, NYC.


  31. I LOVE the dress! Looks lovely on you 😀


  32. Beautiful dress – well done on waiting before you bought it, such a bargain! x

  33. That dress is amazing && you look beaut, as per!


  34. That dress looks gorgeous on you. I ordered it when it was full price but sent it back because I didn’t think the price was justified. I would have definitely paid £10 for it though!

    Glad your first day back went well xx

  35. what a cute dress! you wear it so well.

  36. Oooh this is gorgeous! I love finding a bargain in the sale, especially when it’s something you’ve been lusting after too!

  37. Jen

    Brilliant bargain and such a beauty too – love the bows! x

  38. now that is my kinda dress!!! You look fabulous – love it!!

  39. Yes, yes, yes! I adore everything about this <3