Cake and Cat

As promised, here is one of the fruits of yesterday’s labours in the kitchen; Chocolate Banana Cake!

I would have got a prettier picture of it all sliced up, but I’m trying to preserve it’s shape and structure for when I take it in to work tomorrow (so taste verdict will hae to wait until then, too!

The recipe I used was from Baking Mad (they have been working with bloggers lately, but this is off my own back!)

3 Bananas Medium sized, ripe
175 grams Light Muscovado Sugar (Billington’s)
175 grams Self Raising Flour (Allinson Nature Friendly)
2 Free Range Eggs (Happy Eggs) Beaten
3 tbsp Sunflower Oil
55 ml Milk
110 grams Milk Chocolate Chips, Or chopped chocolate ..I used plain chocolate in my bake as it’s what was on hand!
75 grams Walnuts Chopped (optional)

Grease a 20 x 10 cm loaf tin. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180Ā°C/350Ā°F.

In a mixing bowl mash the bananas with the sugar until smooth.

Stir in the flour, eggs, oil and milk, mixing well until everything is thoroughly combined.

Gently fold in the chocolate and walnuts

Pour into the tin and cook for 50-60 minutes until cooked through (Mine took 45 and I needed to cover it in foil after 20 to stop the top burning)

Remove from the oven and cool in the tin for 5 minutes. Then turn out of the tin and leave to cool on a wire rack. Serve in slices.

And that’s it! Super quick and simple, and hopefully a hit! Have you made this cake before? Perhaps we need ot set up a blogger pen pal type recipe swap…any takers?

Just sharing a few more photos of Mae, who is a little confused at the sudden lack of people in the house…she mainly seems content with me though, content enough to chuck catnip toys at my head at 4am and getting herself in to the neighbours garden then not being able to get back over the fence…embarrassing to be knocking on their door at 11pm with Mae crying the other side of the gate!


23 comments for “Cake and Cat

  1. Sounds like Mae is quite a character. She would get along with my mr. Buttons, he likes to wake me up between 4 and 5 am. Darn cats! That recipe above looks yummy, I will have to try it when I get back home this week. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  2. Mae is so cute!
    That cake looks amazing, hope it tastes nice today šŸ™‚ x

  3. Bless her. Our cat got stuck up a neighbours tree when he was a kitten. I looked like a right twins having to get ladders to get him down.

    That banana bread looks yummy. I made one the weekend, minus the chocolate and it didn’t last past Sunday. Definitely up for a recipe swop.

    X x

  4. That cake looks so good! Your cat is so sweet. I hope she doesnt get stuck again bless her xx

  5. Okay, THIS I have to try! X

  6. Thank you for this, perfect timing! I have a lot of fruit left over from guide camp last weekend and i was planning to make something with it for a committee meeting tomorrow evening, so this will be coming togethter this evening ! I’ll let you know how it goes! šŸ™‚

  7. Oh that looks delicious! I really should start baking things for work, I bet your colleagues love you haha!

  8. Chocolate and banana are two of my favourite things, this cake looks delicious!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  9. I’ve never baked banana cake before but it always sounds lovely, must get my bum in gear!

    Love that top pic of Mae, she looks like she’s wearing black knee socks and a white shrug! šŸ™‚

  10. Mae is adorable, and that cake looks absolutely delicious. Cats crying at 4am in the morning is a regular occurence round here too! xxx

  11. The cake needs to get in my belly!

  12. cake and cats what more does one need? xx

  13. Mmm, that cake looks good – send some my way please?!

  14. I took me 25 years to take a taste of banana cake and man isn’t it good! Smokey loves playing with my hair ties so we constantly have to duck flying objects. I remember many a time our kitties at my parents house getting themselves locked into their sheds and garages.

  15. Haha, I take it Mae isn’t much of a jumper then? She’s so adorable.

    The cake looks fantastic! I love a good banana loaf. Good call on using dark choc btw – I always think it works better with banana than milk choc does cos it’s not so sweet.

  16. Mae is too cute !
    I’ll be happy if you check out my blog too=)

  17. CHOCOLATE banana cake! Genius!

    I thought my cat was the only one who decided that 4am is an appropriate time to play with his mousey…on my face…Good job they are so cute!! x

  18. This looks gorg, I’ll need to give it a go with flax eggs and GF flour! I’d love to see a recipe for the malt loaf too.

  19. Mae is an absolute darling, by the way. I can’t wait until I’m living somewhere I can have a cat of my own, I do miss having pets.

  20. Mmmm, I do love Banana cake and throwing in chocolate makes it sound even more appealing!

    Mae really is a cutey pie! xx

  21. sounds delicious, I rather like the sound of that. I can almost smell it now…

  22. Wow this looks so yummie… I definitely have to try this recipe soon! and ur cat Maw looks so cute (and confused hehe) x

  23. Oh dear what a troublesome kitty! I’m glad she’s okay xxx