
Now I’m spending increasing amounts of time at work, and therefore dressed for work I’ve noticed my weekend and day off outfits have become increasingly casual. I used to feel like I had to get dressed up every day. Dresses, tights, nice shoes…now I relish the time I can spend in elasticated waists, bare feet and plain vests. Sunday was a typical example of this…

Maxi skirt and vest, both Primark.
And now, what I wear for work is what I once wore on a day to day basis.

 Matalan dress, Primark tights. Shoes ended up being my suede Jeffrey Campbell lace ups, at this point I hadn’t decided/couldn’t locate them.
Did you notice a change in how you dressed when you started work? It’s come late for me, as it was only this year that I got a “proper job” with decent hours and I think my need to dress up everyday was to justify my not working/give the impression there was more happening in my life. Of course, there are some days, even lazy days that simply call for a pretty dress or killer shoes, but on the whole I have now fully embraced casual dressing (although I draw the line at going out in my PJS/ a joggers + UGG combo as much of my town find acceptable).

31 comments for “casual/smart

  1. For me it’s the reverse, now I don’t have to make an effort for uni I feel like I should dress up everyday and end up wearing nice dresses where I’d used to just wear jeans and a random top for hanging out at home… I guess it’s good!?
    I do love that Matalan dress, it looks lovely on you 🙂

  2. Love how you wear cute dresses with coloured tights they always look fab on you x

  3. Great post!! I’m lucky as we can wear jeans/shorts to work (for example I’ll be wearing my denim shorts today) and I normally team that with a smart top – however today my boss said that I can be casual today (thanx mum!!!)

    Julia @ Retro Jules

  4. I’m one of the unfortunate ones who has to wear a horrible dowdy uniform for work so I tend to make the most of my days off and dress up :0)

    The matalan dress is really pretty, you look lovely as always (even your ‘casual’ wear !) xxxx

  5. I have to look smart for work as I am normally stood in front of a crowd of people. But being corporate isn’t alway fun! (I am meant to wheat black and white!) I just find different ways to jazz it up a little. My youngest makes me laugh as she says I look like I should be on the apprentice!

    Days off I still like to dress nice but some time this can be casual. Jeans, tshirt but still a nice pair of shoes!

    X x

  6. I don’t need to dress overly smart for work but obvs I don’t wear anything to revealing.. I love the dress with the purple tights! x

  7. Angela

    I also don’t have to dress up for work because I rarely have to deal with the public, so how much I ‘dress up’ is dependent more on my mood! Occasionally though there are days when I do dress up. I haven’t found it affecting my weekend attire.

    They are both great outfits! x

  8. your hair is amazing !!!!!!

  9. I wear a uniform everyday for work so I love dressing up or down I dont care as long as I am not wearing my grey uniform.

  10. I love just dressing simply now and again! Especially maxis because they’re so comfy! I love your hair colour by the way!

  11. Your casual, around-the-house outfit puts mine to SHAME. I live in jogging-shorts and tees when it’s this hot and I’m at home. Some days I really relish choosing an outfit and pairing it with accessories, but other days I literally can’t even face the wardrobe…it’s too daunting.
    And so, the slobsuit was born. x

  12. I wear nice stuff to work but even nicer stuff out of it – I don’t really do casual! I really try and keep work and home outfits seperate as well. Love your work outfit with the purple tights! xx

  13. I know what you mean. Since starting work a few months ago, I think my weekends have gone more casual than before. I don’t wear colourful tights and dresses as often as I used to, and would opt for a simple tshirt and jeans. I guess I also spend more time thinking up what to wear for work (ever notice how fun work blouses/skirts can be?), so when weekend comes, I don’t bother anymore.

  14. I know exactly what you mean – I used to dress up all the time but now I’m working I can never be bothered in my free time! xx

  15. You look fab!! I love the Matalan dress teamed with the coloured tights, uber cute 🙂 xx

  16. Lately i’ve noticed im dressing up more on my off work days – I style my hair properly, put on nice clothes and do my face. I think its because during the week my life is spent in a uniform with no personality so having those days to dress and be me are becoming more and more important.

  17. Anonymous

    just wanted to leave u a NICE anonymous message to say that i think u r really brave and i wish u so much luck and happiness. keep fighting and keep doing what u do. Don’t let those other comments the other day stop u from getting well. keep going and know ur true fans and friends love u anyway! x

  18. Really wish I could get away with long skirts/dresses…but I can’t!

    Anyway…I’ve realised that I can get away with wearing almost anything I like at work…though mostly I like to dress up and will go through periods of being slightly slobbish.
    But everything kind of has to be cycle friendly…and dresses usually are.

    Have a nice week and to hell with negative commenters.

  19. Not to worry, Laura, with your hair everything is bound to look fabulous! Doesn’t matter what you’ll wear;)

    Like the skirt btw!

  20. There’s very little distinction between my work and non-work outfits. It mostly depends on what sort of mood I’m in as to what I end up wearing.

  21. i think i especially like to see you in the floral dress/bright tights combination – you really suit it.

  22. I hardly every dress up for work. It’s usually flats and a dress for me, but then I don’t need to be presentable to anyone outside of my office, oh and we have casual fridays, my favourite day at work!

    Bhav x

  23. work requires dressing down for me so I like to dress up at every other opportunity. I love your tights and dress combo x

  24. I’m a bit of the opposite, I dress casual for work (I don’t work in public or have to wear a uniform luckily) so at weekends I really appreciate being able to dress up.

    You always rock tights so well xxx

  25. Love your matalan dress!

    I started off dressing super smartly for work, but now I’ve been there almost a year it’s become slightly more casual; a mix of smart shoes, but more simple t shirts and accessories.

  26. I usually would make a lot of effort for work and then love wearing pjs at home! But my new job is more casual attire so I am currently lost as to outfits!

  27. Your ‘casual’ wear would be the equivalent of my smart ‘dressed up’ wear! It all looks great on you!

  28. This dress is so pretty. I love the colors! And that maxi skirt is AMAZING! Your style always makes me smile. 😉 I totally did not mean for that to rhyme either. Lol.

  29. hi great maxi, and foral dress. you pair it nicely with bright stockings 🙂

    new follower, great blog.


  30. Me too! I just can’t face wearing real clothes at weekends. Jeans and a loose top – that is it. x

  31. The one thing i miss about work is dressing up for it despite the fact that it was a casual office and you could wear jeans and tee if you wanted, i always dressed up.
    Now if i’m staying in i’m very casual, its only going to get milk/babyfood/paint on it! x