Should You Build or Buy Your Next Home?*

Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

One of the most important decisions to make when looking for a new property is whether you should buy it, or build it. It can take a lot of time searching through the internet when trying to find your next property; you often have set criteria for what you want, and if you have a family then there are more people you have to consider in the process.

When looking for a new property, there are also many factors that you need to consider, for example- the size, style, location, age, space, schools, neighbours, garden, costs, and more. Trying to decide whether to buy or build can be challenging to say the least. 

Here are some pros and cons for both building and buying, to help you further with your decision.


There have been many debates as to which is the cheapest option. However, this is not an easy question to answer, as it entirely depends on the land you intend to build on. In some cases, especially if you are considering renovating or updating a property once you have purchased it, it can work out cheaper to build a property. This is especially the case when you have house and land packages available from specialists such as BellRiver Homes. However, the costs can work out a little bit more if you are looking to build a home from scratch, as you will need to consider expenses such as getting permits, fitting and connecting utilities, and whether any work has to be done to improve the land. When buying a home, there is often little wiggle room for negotiation, depending on your budget. If you build a home and are willing to get involved in the process more, then you could play a role in sourcing better, cheaper materials and contractors to help suit your budget. 


When purchasing a new home you tend to get a survey completed which will provide you with information on the structure and quality of the property. This is essential before purchasing, for your information, but also for your lender to accept you for a mortgage. Unfortunately, with any property you purchase, you will never know the full extent of its problems until you move in and spend time there. Some unforeseen maintenance costs, for example, problems with the roof, the heating systems, or the walls can significantly drive the costs for repairs up. In some properties, you will not only need to pay for functional repairs, but also any renovations that you want to do to update the property, and furnishings. 

Building a home can also carry the risk of unforeseen circumstances for example, sourcing materials and construction workers. 

Unfortunately the decision to buy or build property has to be your own. It will take time to research and weigh out both options, as it will entirely depend on your lifestyle, your location, your housing criteria and much more. If you have a set property in mind and have the budget, then building a home may be the best option so you have more freedom with the design.

Posted in home


Essential Items For a Comfortable and Relaxing Baby Nursery*

A new baby is always a joyous occasion, and it’s exciting to plan out your little one’s nursery. With so many options on the market, from colors to bedding, there are endless possibilities for what you can do with their room. But have you thought about the essentials? In this blog post, we’re going to walk through four items that will make your life easier when caring for a newborn in their nursery.

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

#1 Changing table

The first thing we’re going to recommend for your baby’s nursery is a changing table. The first few months of motherhood can be challenging, and it’s important that you stay as organized as possible, so the little one doesn’t suffer from any unnecessary discomfort. Also, keeping diapers close by will make those middle-of-the-night changes easier, allowing you to get back to sleep more quickly after such an exhausting task!

It would be best if you also thought about investing in some diaper stackers or other storage bins that fit on top of the changing table. This will help keep everything tidy when not in use, keeping your child’s environment clean and fresh.

#2 Rocking chair

Another thing you might not have thought of is a rocking chair for the nursery. Newborns don’t sleep through the night, and they need their parents’ help to get back to sleep once they do wake up – which means that mom or dad will be spending a lot of time in this room with them! So it’s important that everyone who spends time here feels as comfortable as possible (which can sometimes be difficult when sitting on such an unforgiving surface like a standard wooden baby crib).

A good way to make it more relaxing would be by adding some cushions and placing your child in something soft like a plush rocking chair. Parents spend hours upon hours feeding, burping, and changing diapers, so making yourself as comfy as possible is very important. This is a great way to make sure that you can spend as much time with your baby as possible and not fall asleep in the chair!

#3 Baby monitors

Another important item for your nursery is a baby monitor. As the little one spends more time in their own room, it’s vital that parents are able to keep an eye on them at all times. This will allow you to get some much-needed sleep when they finally do fall fast asleep! There are countless models available with different features and capabilities depending on what kind of parent you are. 

So finding something that works best for your lifestyle should be easy enough once you narrow down the options! Last but not least, make sure to place the unit somewhere safe where no one can interfere or touch it by mistake.

#4 Nursery furniture

Lastly,  you’ll need a place to put your baby. The best furniture for the job is going to depend on personal preference, but here are some things you might want to keep in mind when making that decision Foryourlittleone later down the line:

  • It should be made from natural materials rather than particle board or pressed wood because it’s better for babies and safer.
  • If you plan on having more children, consider purchasing items with classic lines so they can transition into other rooms (like their bedrooms) later down the line.
  • If you’re short on space and only have room for one piece of furniture like a changing table, make sure it has storage options built into it–you’ll still need somewhere else to store diapers and wipes!

Keeping everything organized will make these tasks easier to complete, and having a comfortable space for your little one will also encourage them to get some rest. It’s important that parents are able to relax as well after spending hours caring for their child during the night without any relief! These essentials should help keep everything neat and tidy when not in use, letting parents focus on what matters most: Spending time with their baby.

Posted in home, interiors


A New Start in a New City?*

Another drizzly day arrives and you are thinking about how much more extraordinary life would be if you were in a sunny climate. Nothing too hot, of course, but definitely more temperate and dry than where you are. 

Daydreaming about jetting off isn’t uncommon, but the daydream doesn’t last forever, many people slowly sink back into regular life when you land for a few days and think nothing more of it.

But for others, it sparks a fire that can’t be quelled. The urge becomes overwhelming to leave. To pack up and head somewhere new; moving to somewhere with a new language, new streets to roam, and unique delicacies. 

Leaving things behind can give you a fresh start in a way that many people wish for, and when it comes down to it, it doesn’t have to be as expensive as many people think. 

Organisation and planning will save you money – and see you leave with just a few possessions ready for your new beginning. Ahead of booking your local removalists, there are a few things you need to consider. 

Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash


Everyone is waiting for the right time to do something when the truth is there isn’t usually a right time to do anything. If you wait for your children to finish school or other people to finish what they are doing, you put your dreams on the backburner. 

Most often, even though it is a cliche – the time really is now. 


If you are lucky enough to have savings put by then you are already ahead of where most people start their journey. If you don’t have savings – it isn’t impossible to move; you just need to be more organised. 

Selling the things you don’t need anymore is one of the best ways to start making cash. Clothing, electricals (if you are moving countries then sell your electricals apart from any used for work), furniture. It will be harder to find things that make the grade in the end. 

Savings will help secure a new home and get you a few small items for the new house and cover any legal fees or paperwork fees. 

Best Local

Find the best local – everything. It will take a while for you to get used to the area, and if you have moved countries, you’ll have the added adjustment of learning a language. It might take a while, but once you find the best local groceries, take out, restaurants and medical places, you’ll start to feel right at home. 

Friends and family

Even if you are only moving a few cities over, it can be a big move to say goodbye to your support network. In many aspects, this can help us grow and find new people. It is not uncommon to want to travel back to your home city a lot, but for settling, ask them to come to you for a while – so you can show them around! 

Moving can be stressful, but it can also be one of the best things that you do in your life. It brings new experiences and people into your life – which is perfect for personal growth. 

Are you still torn? Check out Moving or Improving to help you make the decision. 

Posted in home


4 Elements To Consider Creating An Awesome Kid’s Bedroom*

Are you thinking about renovating your child’s bedroom? This is an important space in your home as it helps determine whether your child gets the right level of rest before a busy day at school or play. Here are some of the options that you need to keep in mind. 

The Right Bed 

Firstly you should think about choosing the right bed for your child. The best bed will guarantee that your child gets a fantastic night of sleep. One of the options that you could explore here would be choosing an elevated bed; this is great for kids that hate bedtime because it makes bedtime more fun and like a little adventure. It can also provide extra storage and other options built-in including a desk or even a set of shelves. They can be difficult to build at the best of times, so you need to make sure that you think about whether it’s worth paying extra for someone else to set it up for you. 

Another key option here is the mattress. Mattresses aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution so you do need to make sure that you think about taking your child to the store and letting them try out the mattress for themselves to make sure it suits them.

Storage Options 

You might also want to consider different storage options for your child’s bedroom. For instance, you might want to get some storage containers. If you get the right style here then these will stack one on top of the other. This means that you can make the most of the height space that a room provides whilst maximising floor spae.

Another option would be to invest in a set of wardrobes if the room doesn’t have built-in cupboards. As with everything else, there is a range of different options that you can explore here. For instance, you might want to think about built-in wardrobes or fitted wardrobes. These are fantastic if you have younger kids. With a built-in wardrobe, you will be able to guarantee that you don’t have to worry about the wardrobe or similar kids furniture falling onto your child and causing an injury. 

Usually, wardrobes will come complete with all the equipment that you need to fit the wardrobe to the wall. You’ll need to decide whether this is necessary and ensure that it is secured firmly. It will be useful if you want to store things on top of the wardrobe as well as inside it. 

Window Choices 

Next, you should think about window choices for your child’s room as well. As already mentioned, it’s important to make sure that your child does get a great night of sleep. One of the issues that can prevent this is light pollution. If your child’s room is too bright then they are always going to struggle to fall asleep at the right time. 

One of the ways that you can correct this issue is by making sure that you think about covering the windows with the right material. For instance, you could get blackout blinds for your home. Blackout blinds are great and will guarantee that any rooms are completely dark for your kids. If the room is too dark, then you can resolve this with the right night light. The benefit of a child’s night light is that it uses light that will not affect their sleeping pattern and keep them awake. 

Style And Design 

Finally, you can think about the design and style of your child’s bedroom. There is a range of different ways that you can decorate your child’s room. For instance, you might want to think about using wall decals. Cheap and cheerful as well as easy to install, wall decals are the perfect solution that you need to guarantee that your child’s room looks incredible. They are available in a range of different styles including options that are based on your child’s favorite characters. As such, it’s definitely worth researching the market and exploring all the possibilities. 

There are other decorative items that you can get for your child’s room as well. For instance, you might want to consider a rug. The big benefit of a rug is that it’s easy to wash and clean. So, it’s arguably a lot better than other options like a carpet. Again, these come in a lot of different designs and styles. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you need to guarantee that your child’s bedroom looks amazing and provides all the benefits that they need. This includes guaranteeing that your child does have a fantastic night of sleep. 

Posted in home


Smart Tips To Make Your Home Safer*

Being safe at home should be your priority. Your home is where you go to feel safe and secure. Thus, lacking safety at home means that your home is not fulfilling your security needs. Here are some smart tips for making your home safer. 

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Prevent leaks

Experiencing leaks at home can be scary; if you cannot stop the leak it could cause all kinds of damage to your home. 

To prevent leaks and future water issues make sure you keep on top of the health of your plumbing. For instance, leaving a blocked drain for a few days could result in a flood which can cause structural damages to your home. You can get your blocked drain repaired by an expert and ensure that you combat any future floods and issues. 

CCTV cameras

Using smart technology, you could add cameras and other safety devices to ramp up the security of your home. 

Cameras will ensure that you can keep a close eye on your home at all times, even when you are not in. You can link your cameras up to your phone to watch on your property. These smart devices can detect motion and alert your phone when you are not home. 

Likewise, you can use other camera devices such as smart doorbells which allow you to see who is at the door before you answer. You directly link the doorbell up to your phone so that you can view your porch at any time of day.

Higher fences

Higher fences will heighten the security of your home. It will prevent people from looking in and also deter intruders.

You should try to add high fences to your front and back garden. You will want to increase your privacy and higher fences in the back garden means that fewer neighbours can see into your garden. You can still pick a luxury wood fence, as fences can be functional and look good too.

Secure your wifi

Your wifi could be tampered with by outside passersby or hackers. It is rare but it can happen. If a hacker can enter your wifi network they may make your data and private documents vulnerable. 

Securing your wifi with a specific name and strong password will ensure that it is less vulnerable to hackers. 

Empty your mailbox

If you have a mailbox in your front garden and often worry that passersby could open it and take your mail, then you should make sure you empty it as often as possible. The letters inside could include important and private information as well as personal data.

Should you be away for a long period or on holiday ask your neighbours to keep an eye on the mailbox and ask them to store it safely for you until you return- just make sure to offer to return the favour!

Empty your garbage bins

If you leave lots of smelly rubbish in your bin for too long it could attract insects and animals. These could pose a danger to your pets or small children. 

To prevent this make sure to empty your rubbish bins as often as possible. Putting them on set days so that they can be cleared and cleaned to reduce the number of insects and animals in your home. 

Posted in home
