
Being Mid-June and so say in Summer, I thought last weekend was long enough to have delayed packing away the chunky jumpers and bringing forth some of my Summer wardrobe.
Clearly this was a big mistake as ever since, I’ve been looking mournfully at the clothes hanging in my wardrobe and trying desperatley to work out what exactly I can wear without risking hypothermia.

This dress once again came to my rescue. I call it “old faithful” and bought it at least five years ago from Asda George for not very much money at all.
I have nearly got rid of it several times, but each time I drag it out I remember why I haven’t, I think it’ll be one of those dresses I’m still wearing when I’m eighty.

Even with a cardigan added I was freezing at work yesterday, and it seems S.A.D. may be making itself a year round affliction…

What in your wardrobe has stood the test of time? How are you coping with this miserable weather?

Enter my giveaway for a chance to cheer yourself up with a new bag; I wish I could send everyone a little something in the post to make them smile!


29 comments for “Classique

  1. Wow very chic! You look lovely hun. Great dress.

    I’m having the exact same wardrobe problems too. This weather is a nightmare.

    X x

  2. I do the exact thing, threaten to throw it away and never can!

    It’s a great dress though πŸ™‚ xx

  3. i swear you buy the best stuff from asda!x

  4. I put my boots away a few weeks ago only to bring then out away due to the crappy weather we’re having at the mo! I have quite a few items a keep wanting to throw away but then I don’t have the heart because it’s still wearable and in good condition. I too believe you will be wearing that dress until you’re 80 :p x

  5. I love the dress! I’m having the same wardrobe issues, just moved house so I only left myself one outfit to wear to move in, skirt and no tights. BIG mistake!!


  6. Tell me about it, what is this weather?!

    That dress looks lovely on you.


  7. Looks great Laura x

  8. Ooh pretty dress! Totally get what you mean, its actually not that cold here (well my house is, but outside is ok…), the weather has just been shocking, all wild wind and rain, ugh! πŸ™‚

  9. This dress is such a great buy! And it looks stunning on you too. I’m keeping clothes for all seasons to hand at the moment, I can’t stand being cold!!

  10. I love those dresses that you know will always look good no matter what! x

  11. That is such a beautiful and classic piece! You look beautiful wearing it, such a great buy! Some things I’ve been really happy with for so many years are my Ecco boots, some of my jewellery and my Longchamp bag. They always make me feel comfortable and put together, and I know they’ll never go out of style either!

  12. sending you big hugs my dear! My outfits don’t look all that different to my winter ones x

  13. That dress is very Audrey Hepburn – you look so chic!
    Its mt Miso black and white skater dress that is my old faithful – its good for any occasion!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  14. Cute dress, I have a couple from H&M that I always wear on days when I can’t find anything else lol xx

  15. This is a really classy look Laura, you look lovely. xxx

  16. *love* the dress and it looks awesome on you xx

  17. this weather is awful! D:

    hope you’re okay m’love xxx

  18. Its funny but I knew you would like the navy dress I bought as I could so imagine you wearing it.

    I love that dress it really suits you.

    I think I suffer with that SAD too xx

  19. This dress looks lovely on you. I love clothes like this that you can keep for years because they will never go out of style πŸ™‚ xx

  20. Clicked this post on BlogLovin to find out where your dress was from – I’m a real slut for monochrome – and totally devastated it’s out of season!

    It sounds like you’ve had some good wear out of it though!

    Emily x

  21. Love the dress. It just works! Don’t go throwing it out. I miss living near an ASDA, they always have some really good things. xo

  22. This is a lovely outfit! You always find such amazing bargains xxx

  23. This is lovely, I love the statement buttons.
    This weather is depressing. I’ve been considering chunky jumpers with my pretty skirts but just can’t rock it lol x

  24. It’s a lovely dress, keep it!!!! You look very pretty and classic!

  25. That dress is perfect and a true classic xxx

  26. AWESOME work. And amazing assortment of tools to work… Really great!!