confirmed cat lady

Crazy Cat Lady jumper c/o Skip N’ Whistle
Skirt: Zara
Shoes: Bertie c/o Sarenza
I’m fairly certain this is the best jumper in the world, ever and I’m eternally grateful to Skip ‘N Whistle for bringing it in to my life. Not only does it sum me up perfectly it also hands down the comfiest, slouchest jumper I own meaning I am pretty much guaranteed to live in it until it falls apart.
Monday has rolled around once again, where do weekends go? It was a pretty good one I must say,ย  plenty of time spent with friends, yummy food and far, far too much coffee (even by my standards…the caffiene crash was spectacular!)
I’m ready to embrace what should *fingers crossed* be a quieter week ahead, I’ve probably 100% jinxed myself by saying that though. Counting down to next weekend’s adventures, a theatre trip to see the Full Monty? Hurry up Saturday!
What’s on your agenda this week?

32 comments for “confirmed cat lady

  1. I LOVE your “Crazy Cat Lady” jumper c/o Skip N ‘Whistle! I’m also hoping you’ll make a sequel to your YouTube video “Mae Explores” ๐Ÿ™‚
    I can identify with yor love of coffee. I’ve scaled back to a half a pot of coffee instead of a full 12 cup pot in the morning.
    The yummy food sounds good. Best of luck with your week – and enjoy the Full Monty if you go.
    I’m hoping to finish my taxes, get a whole slew of things done and maybe do another post in the next two weeks –
    and am hoping you might stop by and comment before then if you have the time, but I’ll understand if you don’t.
    Have a wonderful week and following weekend!

  2. Anonymous

    Ohhh lovely jumper, what size is it – thinking of buying one and wanted to see how they come up?

  3. Firstly I am loving the jumper! Its fab..

    as for this week, well I have woke up with the worst sore throat and fever I have had for years. Typical as I have a day of meetings and no chance of cancelling. And to add insult to injury I have to drive 2hours to get to work. Bummer!

    X x

  4. Loving the jumper, it looks great. I agree the weekends go far too quickly, getting ready for a highly productive week and loads of work!

  5. I love the full monty! Soft spot for Robert carlyise sp? The musical sounds a,sizing!

  6. so cute jumper ^^

  7. Anon- mine’s a medium x

  8. Awesome jumper ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Love this! The cat’s Dame Edna specs are such a great touch ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Haha your jumper is brilliant! xxx

  11. That is such an awesome top! So cute. If only I had a cat….

  12. Haha amazing jumper, love it with the denim midi too!

  13. That is fabulous. Love it. I’m more of a dog person, but want to get ‘crazy cat lady’ if it means I can wear one.

  14. Your shoes are beautiful and I love that jumper, it looks so comfy!

    Maria xxx

  15. L.O.V.E that jumper! xx

  16. holy crap I need this! xx

  17. Yeah, so I need one of these. Cat ladies unite!

  18. Iยดm loving the jumper ! Would look brilliant also with new muubaa double color jacket


  19. That jumper <3 I love it! Especially with that skirt - gorgeous combo x

  20. What a cosy looking outfit, perfect for slouching around ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I adore that jumper! Might have to sneak one into my wardrobe!
    I have a quiet week coming up, it’ll be nice to catch up with everything, even the housework!

  22. Oh how cute is that! And so nice paired with that skirt and elegant shoes!!!

  23. I love the jumper! I should probably get one for myself actually!

  24. Cute sweater you crazy cat lady! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  25. thanks for the compliments on the hair hun! love that jumper btw x

  26. Haha, Laura this jumper is absolutely amazing! <3


  27. That jumper is amazeballs and I’m totally in love with your shoes x

  28. Haha! That jumper is the best! x

  29. ah, the jumper’s amazing! x

  30. Great jumper, i have a friend who this would be ideal for !!!

  31. haha cool sweater!


  32. This jumper is absolutely amazing! Xx