Cram in the Collagen*

Collagen accounts for the majority of the protein in our bodies and is present in the muscles, cartilage, bones and skin so making sure you keep topped up is pretty vital. In efforts to improve my attitude towards my body from the inside out I’ve been looking a bit more in to the health benefits of certain supplements and I’ve come across Hydrolised Marine Collagen from Hellenia and the idea of something like this, I admit both scares me and fascinates me (and I say scares because I’m a bit phobic about any drinkable substance having a strange texture).


If I’m honest I’m a bit wary of any supplements but right now I’ll be the first to admit my skin is looking dull and my joints feel older than their years so it was interesting to read about how a simple powder (there’s one for fitness fans, one for beauty junkies and one for those who just want to keep active) can have such health benefits.

Made from Naticol® (A type 1 Hydrolised Marine Collagen no less). Type 1 is the most frequently occurring collagen within the body. It is an excellent source of amino acids and has a very high purity degree of collagen protein. Supported by human clinical studies t is highly bioavailable and bioactive for the best efficacy. GMO free, Fat Free, Carbohydrate Free, Preservative Free, Purine Free there seems more to be gained than lost through trying something like this and still…and still I’m just not sure! I think it’s the beauty benefits that appeal most to me. Years of poor diet, smoking and generally not having a good skincare regime means I feel I now look older than my 29 (almost) year old self. The promise of seemingly being able to reverse this and get an antioxidant boost from the added Vitamin C is making me quiet tempted to part with £12.95 and try a teaspoon of this mixed with water each day…

Are there any supplements you swear by for keeping yourself looking good? Or in general for overall health and wellbeing…I’m all ears!


One comment for “Cram in the Collagen*

  1. This sounds interesting! Although I guess the number one rule is drink plenty of good ol’ plain water (as well as eating yummy food!) x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic