
Outfit: Primark skirt, New Look jumper.

After the success of the cake at work yesterday, I came home when I finished at 1pm and popped a malt loaf in the bread machine and prepared a lentil cottage pie for dinner as my Grandad came round to dine with me. Something about having the house to myself this week has turned me in to a wannabe domestic goddess…I’m even enjoying the odd bit of housework…
will it last? Well, that remains to be seen…I’m messy by nature so this is all very novel!

Off for two full days at work now, which I don’t do often with my new hours. They are my dream days though with a phlebotomy clinic in the morning and reception in the afternoon…for a few weeks I was finding work hard going, but after making a few positive changes in my life my enthusiasm and motivation seems to have come back by the bucket-load!

Happy Thursday folks, almost at the weekend!


17 comments for “domesticated

  1. Ha my cat always tries to get in on my outfit pictures too! Hope you have a good day at work


  2. Glad your enthusiasm is back!

    The weekend will be here soon. Yay!


  3. Okay, that has to be the most perfect outfit for me!! I love slouchy jumpers and maxi skirts! Looking good as always x

  4. Wish I could bake bread
    NRC ♥

  5. I love your jumper and it looks lovely with the maxi skirt! x

  6. Love that skirt!
    Lentil cottage pie sounds too delicious right now, so nice of you to make it for your Grandad =)

  7. Hi! I really like your blog!
    I’m actually having a giveaway just to celebrate the opening of my own blog!

    I hope you’ll check it out!

  8. Lovely to hear you sounding to happy, it really comes through in your writing. And love the pink jumper 🙂

  9. *SO happy I meant – gah!!

  10. you’ve really inspired me to make my own malt loaf! I love it but I’ve only ever had shop bought stuff – I’ll be popping out for malt extract later xx

  11. That malt loaf looks ace! Since moving i’ve become a bit of a housewife – I never use to enjoy cooking but now i’m always hunting out new things to cook/bake.

  12. You are quite the domesticated goddess! Love the gypsy skirt xxx

  13. Finally I am back & with a computer!! Gosh I’ve missed your blog my dear.

    You really do seem to be a domestic queen – you are totally going to have the most welcoming, fantastically smelling house of your own one day – which I will visit often!

    I have that skirt!! Comfy agreed?
    Hope you are well beauty x x x

  14. love the cropped jumper. being a housewife is fun when you own your own place.. so yes it will stay! x

  15. glad to see you are getting back to it! lovely outfit x

  16. my enthusiasm for housework nosedived when I realised how much work it takes, especially with dog + husband making a mess. Argh!