Dotty for You

This dress has been all over blogs lately. Partly because it’s gorgeous and partly because it is an amazing bargain in the New Look sale! £8! Although I paid £10 for mine because New Look dresses and I get along better if they come from the tall range (we’ll save the paying extra for a few cms another day).

I wore this to work yesterday, so the photos were taken early morning hence the first oh so out of focus shot followed by random posing (because apparently that is all my camera can cope with so early in the day!)


(see now why I rarely pose front on?!)




Oh Peter Pan collars, you might be everywhere but I still adore you.

…in my head Peter Pan leaps to PANcakes, what was your winning flavour combination?

time to mooch off to work, on the quieter (ha) site today with the disadvantage is there is no Costa coffee to provide my much needed double shot americano first thing!


51 comments for “Dotty for You

  1. Love it! I have a top almost identical to that, but without the polka dots.

  2. That dress is so pretty I cant believe it was so cheap I want one xxx

  3. I got this exact dress a few days ago. I went for the tall range too, I prefer a slightly longer dress 😉

    Katie xox

  4. I would love a piece of clothing with peter pan collars, haven’t got a single one yet! Just can’t seem to find them in anything that’s not polyester 🙁 Love that dress on you, it’s so pretty and would be totally stylish with a blazer, too!

  5. This dress looks lovely on you, and I am so very jealous, because it’s the one that made me look preggers!! 🙁 I really wanted it too.

  6. I have the t-shirt version of this from New Look, I love it!

  7. I must have had my eyes shut – I haven’t seen that on any other blogs! It’s gorgeous though. PP collars are such a winner and the dotty print is fab too.

  8. how cute is this dress?!

    because of my large, urm, boobs, I can’t pull off this look but you can do it without effort!


  9. love the PP collar dress <3
    i like my pancake all buttery 😀 with syrup.

  10. Jees louise this was such a bargain! And in the Tall section too- my local new look doesn’t have one, boo!
    Peter pan collars really suit you though m’dear, buy them ALL!

    Pancakes for me are good as long as they have nutella on. YUM.

  11. Peter Pan collars still have my adoration too 🙂 you look gorgeous!

  12. That dress is beautiful on you! Peter Pan collars are always loved. I had pancakes last night with lemon juice, and golden syrup, rolled up with a little dollop of ice cream on the side, nom nom nom 🙂
    Kandi x

  13. I have this dress too! But £8 in the sale! OMG. Gotta check out the New Look sale now…

  14. i have seen it everywhere! but i havent seen anyone wearing it! only posting about it! but it looks great on, especially on you! you pull it off so well!

  15. I love that dress it really suits you! xo

  16. It’s gorgeous! I’ve tried it on and it didn’t quite suit me, which was slightly devastating! lol… but it looks great on you! What a bargain too!

  17. supercute dress! I had oj and sugar pancakes and took pics for my blog 🙂

  18. Such a pretty dress it suits you perfectly xoxo

  19. What a cute dress. It looks like something Alexa Chung would envy…

  20. What a bargain! Looks lovely on you. Sally x

  21. That is a really gorgeous buy! Like you, I would opt for the tall version to be on the safe side. Looks lovely!

  22. Love the dress! Hope you have been well! Have a lovely Wednesday xx

  23. You look so cute in this. I had chocolate sauce on my pancakes, we’re going to make some more at the weekend too 🙂

  24. That dress is stunning on you. I had no idea New Look had a sale on, such a good price too xx

  25. You look stunning in that dress!

  26. Love the dress, very cute x

  27. That dress is gorgeous, love the print and peter pan collars

  28. Ooooh, that dress really suits you, its got a lovely shape and colour to it. Love for items with a peterpan collar!

  29. Might have to look out for this dress if it’s in the tall section AND in the sale!

    Golden Syrup all the way!!!

  30. lovely lovely dress, and it looks amazing on you – you suit a peter pan collar!! 🙂

  31. A really pretty dress, what a bargain.

  32. Zee

    I love that dress, I tried it on in NL yesterday (or at least I attempted to!) and couldn’t get my arms into it as there was no stretch to it at all 🙁

    It really suits you though.

  33. Gosh what a bargain. That is a stunning dress. I neve see anything that pretty at such an amazing price!

    You look stunning in it to.

    X x

  34. The perfect shade for your skin and hair – looks good on you!

  35. It is such a cute dress. I’m with you on the idiotic nature of companies charging more for items from the Tall ranges. What is the logic because surely they would then charge more for a size 18 over an 8. x

  36. Such a pretty dress!
    For me for pancakes it has to be good old lemon juice and sugar. I was explaining pancake day to my Austrian landlord and he looked really confused when I said lemon juice. I thought maybe I’d got the word wrong, but no, apparently that just sounds like the strangest thing ever to an Austrian, that we would consume the juice of a lemon..

  37. That is such a sweet dress – the collar is just darling. I really need more Peter-pan collars in my life!

  38. that dress is super cute, i love peter pan collars at the moment, dressing like a little girl is definitely the way forward this summer! x

  39. Hey! I am sooo with you on the Peter Pan dress thang! I LOVE them! I love this dress! I remember looking at this in there in Jan (fullprice) and being annoyed that I had just bought a black horse-print peterpan dress a week or so before in Appletree boutique for £55 and I liked this better! Looking at one of my dresses, my boyf. commented to me last week that I liked little girl dresses alot! BTW, it looks fabulous on you!

    Alas, it seems to have gone from the Newlook website!!

    I didn’t make any pancakes 🙁 as I had orchestra and had stayed late at school, although nursery gave me one that the children made in the afternoon!
    I’m a lemon-and-sugar girl through and through; everything else is too sickly!

  40. awh i need to make panckaes XD and i saw someone at college wear the same dress it looks so good :3 i want one :p

  41. I definitely really love that dress. New Look do great dresses! I love the peter pan collar and the colour of the dress.

  42. I didn’t make pancakes! Sad times, they are definitely happening on the weekend though!

    Bhav x

  43. S_S

    LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how amazing do you look?!?!? that dress is just STUNNING and I am so jealous!!! hee! WOW WEEEEE! xxxxx

  44. So in love with this dress! If only I could squeeze myself into it 🙁

  45. I bought that dress myself today! You look gorgeous in it 🙂

  46. Gem

    what a bargain! such a pretty dress!

  47. Love this dress! It is so pretty!