feline photobomber

Mae has clearly let appearing on my blog more lately go to her head as now the second the camera comes out for outfit photos she flies up to me and makes a fuss. I know she’s a heck of a lot more photogenic than I am, and I wouldn’t mind at all if she was a less delinquent cat, but growling at leaves and chewing my toes does get a little bit tiresome after the thirtieth time- she also doesn’t stay still long enough for any real nice photos of the pair of us. Still, here is our latest outfit escapade.

Dress: H&M | Shoes: Clarks

This dress was a bargain at £5 in H&M’s sale. Even full price it was only £7.99 and I wish I had picked up the plain black one as well as it’s the perfect cut and length for work. I had thought it was really flattering too, and then I saw these photos- oh well, you can’t win them all eh?!
The shoes were a gift from my friend Leo, my fellow Diva and handily, a manager in a Clarks store. I fell in love with these the second I saw them and I was both gobsmacked and very, very grateful when he said they were on their way to me. The perfect height for work, they are also a great transitional shoe as they can be paired with tights when the weather gets chilly. Cheers Leo, I owe you a cocktail or six!
Oh Mae, my character laden little beastie, she’s the polar opposite of our old cat Flash, who was also a regular on the blog…with him you could dress him up, carry him around and curl up for a nap on the sofa. The one time I tried to dress Mae up I almost lost an arm, she cries if you pick her up and napping isn’t in her daytime vocabulary. Still, the steady influx of mice shows that she loves us after all (I think!) and I wouldn’t be without her, even when she does shred toilet roll all over the house or throw herself out of windows. No doubt there will be more of her on the blog very soon, she’ll be starting one of her own next!


7 comments for “feline photobomber

  1. To be fair to Mae, she’s a very cute photo bomber! Xx

  2. AvatarSian

    Mae is gorgeous (so are the shoes yay for Leo!) and she sounds like quite the character 🙂

  3. I think the dress is very flattering on you, I love this dress, I have the leopard print one, which I also got for a fiver in the sale. The length is really good and it is so super comfortable.
    Loving the shoes, I wish I had a generous friend that worked in Clarks 🙂

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  4. Haha what a cutie! Oh cats and their personalities. I don’t think either of mine would enjoy being dressed up. While Smokey loves the camera Ed just wants to attack in – in fact she’ll attack anything near her that’s plastic – remotes, cameras, phones, nothing is safe,

  5. That dress is a bargain I love H&M. Mae is so cute x

  6. Gorgeous outfit and super cute photobomber too!

    Maria xxx

  7. That dress is so cool – what a bargain!