Float On Friday

Firstly, an apology for the amount of photos of myself in this post, I just love this dress (and shoes) far more than I should.
What makes it even better?! The dress was £9.99 in the Zara sale. A bargain for floaty, girly goodness! I forsee me living in this!






And a much deserved better photo of THE shoes! For those who asked, they are surprisingly easy to walk in (and comfortable, too) thanks to the platform.


Happy Friday loves,
I’m off to float around the office!


Don’t forget my giveaway ends on Sunday!

55 comments for “Float On Friday

  1. That a lovely dress hun, Really suits you. I love floral dresses! The shoes are amazing too great colour.



  2. i love this floral print.. it’s so vintagy shabby chic!!

  3. What a bargain, the print and the cut are both lovely lovely lovely. And it looks great with the pink tights! The shoes are amazing of course (so impressed with New Look shoes these days!) xx

  4. Such a pretty dress, it looks great with the pop of colour from the tights. And what a bargain! x

  5. That is beautiful, it has a very 1920’s-30’s feel to it. I can see you in a vintage car whizzing round the countryside with a picnic basket in the back. My mind wanders sometimes, forgive me 🙂
    Kandi x

  6. Ooh so Springy!! Come on weather, buck your ideas up! xx

  7. Ohhh that dress is divine! Its so beautiful! Such a bargain too!
    New Look have some amazing shoes in at the moment!

  8. Oh that’s lovely!! Why didn’t I find anything nice in the Zara sale?!

  9. OMG, that dress is a dream! floaty, girly goodness indeed.

  10. oh everyone manages to find lovely things in zara, and then i go in and they must hide all the nice things 😉

    i love this dress and it looks stunning on you!!

  11. That is a fantastic dress; it looks great on you, really elegant! I could never carry it off!

  12. Looks great on you! Have a nice weekend.

  13. Love the dress, so pretty, really suits you :).


  14. Adore that dress! It’s so little house on the prairie-ish:)


  15. Great dress and what a bargain! It’s so perfect for Spring (now if only the weather would play along…).

  16. i think I’ve fallen for that dress – so goregous, and such a find for £10!! xx

  17. The dress was such a bargain, very pretty. Your shoes are incredible too.

  18. Love this dress you look beautiful 🙂

  19. Lovely dress and those shoes are amazing!

  20. Amazing dress!I love the flowery print and the colour!It really suits you!xxx

  21. Those shoes are amazing!!!

  22. My god, those shoes. Just…nom.


  23. I love that dress on you, just the right amount of sphistication and grown-up glamour. xxx

  24. That dress is GORGEOUS. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

  25. This dress is so nice! i love the print!

    PLEASE check and follow if you want…every day new posts!!!


  27. Gorgeous dress, you’re so lucky to be able to wear that length x

  28. Oooh that dress is gorgeous! You always seem to find such awesome bargains!

  29. Love the dress and the way you paired it with the tights and shoes.

  30. ~k

    Love the shoes! Those colored tights look fantastic with the dress!


  31. That is so stunning on you. What a COMPLETE bargain xx

  32. adore the dress – will suit this coming spring perfectly!

    Vintage Stop at http://www.vickileestyle.blogspot.com

  33. Cute outfit. I love that the tights really make the look more modern! 🙂


  34. Those shoes really are gorgeous and work so well with that dress. You look like a wood nymph or something 🙂 I love the pop of colour you get with the tights too 😀

    Maria xxx

  35. the perfect hippie dress! with matching pretty boots.. aahhh
    missed you missy!

  36. What a bargain for such a beautiful girly dress! I want it!

    You look fab.

    X x

  37. brilliant bargain for the price – I do love Zara sales you can get some brilliant things that more then just the leftovers. The dress looks fabulous on you. have a lovely weekend.

  38. Kat

    Gorgeous look hun- love a floral floaty number! And what a bargain- may need to get myself down to Zara 🙂


  39. Honey, both dress and shoes are gorgeous! Have a great weekend x

  40. I LOVE THIS DRESS. I hope you just recently got this because I am going to zara right now! fantastic outfit. following now!

  41. You look gorgeous, and those shoes are amazing! And yay for having matching beach towels 🙂 xxx

  42. this dress is darling! xo

  43. That’s a beautiful dress, and I love the shoes! You look lovely.

  44. thought i may have already commented but maybe not… Wanted to say how much I adore that dress, especially as its a longer length. FAB shoes too 🙂

  45. Wow this dress is so pretty!

  46. pretty dress darling.

    x o x o


  47. That is such a lovely dress, and such a bargain too! It’ll be perfect if we ever get to summer!

  48. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. Loving the magenta tights peaking out. xx:)

  49. wow, you suit this dress length soooo well! it’s beautiful on you xox

  50. Adore that dress!! You look stunning honey! And the shoes are super cute too!

  51. Love this outfit and those colored tights are amazing!

  52. I love both of them- the dress is so YOU! girly and sweet.