Friday Feeling

Oh look, it’s that Cat jumper again. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was going to live in it!



And somehow we’re at the last Friday in November…how is that even possible? I feel like this year has just sped past and a huge chunk of my life has gone missing.

I hope my USA readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I finally got around to painting my nails,
Models Own Grace Green is my new favourite


I’ve also got a total obsession with rings, the two I never take off are these two


Spinning elephants is a very special one to me. It has a wonderful story behind how it came to be mine.

The Love Bites ring is by Me and Zena and came to me via Spoiled Brat. I love it!

What are your weekend plans? Anything exciting?
I’m not sure what mine are yet, I might be meeting some friends for lunch tomorrow but I need to work out getting there first…
bring on the New Year and re-starting driving lessons!


P.S. don’t forget the giveaways!

Here + Here

I’ve also become an EYEKO Ambassador, use my code E12740 to recieve a free gift when you spend over Β£15! (they have some GORGEOUS gift sets right now!)

52 comments for “Friday Feeling

  1. NOA

    Nice boots and coloursΒ΄nails! ;D


  2. I want that cat jumper lol!! Love your elephant ring too – elephants with their trunks up like that are meant to be very lucky!

  3. you should live in it! it’s so pretty! and I also really like the colour of your nail polish!
    I love rings too, but I can’t wear them unless they’re made of silver or gold or else my fingers will get green, eek! the elephant one is darling.

  4. J adore! je me permet de te faire decouvrir mon blog mode,
    merci, bisous

  5. I’m really liking that nail polish colour!

    I really need to take driving lessons too…

  6. Kb

    Good luck with the driving lessons, I know that restarting feeling… I’m a bit ring obsessed too, love the elephants!

  7. love the jumper xxx

  8. The elephants ring is lovely, and i love when things have happy memories with them πŸ™‚
    have a lovely weekend! xxx

  9. Cute sweater and love your rings and nailpolish color!!

  10. Awww, the cat jumper (sweater as we’d say here in States) is adorable. Your nails are such a pretty color too.

  11. That jumper is so cute! Suits you very well.

    Have a nice weekend.

    My Bathroom Is My Castle

  12. dan

    Im not suprised to live in it, its so cute!
    The Urban outfitters nailvarnish I bought yesterday looks similar to that, not tried it out yet though.

  13. Still love the cat jumper, and I can’t quite believe it’s nearly December already. Time does seem to have taken a leap recently xx

  14. I would live in that kitty jumper too, it looks terribly comfy!

    I can’t get over the fact that it’s gonna be Christmas soon, where did the time go?

  15. Love that nail polish color!

  16. You look ravishing in your cat jumper, a regular little sex kitten! Love the nail polish and the rings, too. xxx

  17. Anonymous

    I love that jumper. The boots!!! The boooots! Where did you get them? Not sure what my plans are for the weekend yet, seeing old friends, dinner, maybe a show. πŸ™‚

  18. I love the nail polish color. ItΒ΄s so pretty. Weekend plans?! Study, study and more study. This time of the year is always super busy for me at school.


  19. love those color of your nails! and hehe the cat jumper is cute

  20. love the elephant ring πŸ™‚
    and i can’t believe its nearly december – less then a month till christmas! x

  21. D.

    Well now you have to tell us the elephant ring story πŸ™‚



    ahhh your Friday is looking so nice and calm…lol I’m about to hit the stores, wish me luck.

    my Thanksgiving was good, we’re still eating the leftovers…and my rum cake was a hit!

    pleeeease tell us the elephant story?

    and congrats on being an EYEKO ambassador!

  23. i love that sweater and nailpolish. you’re so cute. happy weekend!

  24. Mat

    good choice, mad not to wear a jumper in this cold. i had two on actually.

    i’m working all weekend, shame but at least i won’t freeze at work.

  25. Thats my current fabourite nail polish too.
    I love your jumper(i’ve said that before) its so cold i’m hibernating this weekend!! x

  26. That cat jumper is soooo cute!

    β™₯ Leia

  27. Love the nail colour my dear!! im wearing barry m mint green at the min πŸ™‚ xo

  28. Love those boots and the vampire ring πŸ™‚

  29. Meow, darling!

    Love the mani!


  30. that nail polish is such perfection! LOVE your boots <3


  31. Hello there πŸ™‚

    I’ve only just started blogging, but instantly loved yours πŸ™‚

    Don’t give up on the driving test…it took me 7 times but I got there in the end (pretty bad, hey?)

  32. I love that Me and Zena ring! It’s s cool! And I can totally understand why you’re living in that jumper – it’s lovely!

  33. The cat sweater looks so cute! I also like the elephant ring.

  34. The cat jumper is so cute. My weekend consists os cleaning my house…boo!!!

  35. How cute is your “love bites” ring πŸ™‚ Love the cat jumper too, so please keep wearing it!

    Eternally yours,

  36. I’m with you on rings. I just made myself a thumb ring. Loving it!

  37. i’m loving your kitty cat jumper! and the rings! amazing!=)
    please check out my new blog on street fashion and people:

  38. That cat jumper has so much personality it doesnt matter how many times you wear, I will still love it and still want one.

  39. The cat jumper is definitely looking really comfy. I’d live in it too if I had it.

    I’m totally obsessed with rings as well. I love the Love Bites one! The fangs look really cool.

  40. That cat jumper is so very delectable on you! Do live in it, you are miaowing so sweetly!

  41. I don’t mind if you live in that sweater cause it’s soo cute! And I like your nail colour!

  42. Love that nail colour and that elephant ring is so pretty πŸ™‚

    My plans are to party really hard tonight to one of the best dj’s ever get all my stress out and then back to work work work.

    Have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚

  43. I love the cat sweater and the elephant ring! I should paint my nails this weekend.

  44. That fang ring is so cool. I have been looking for one and I really like yours:)

  45. Thanks for your comment on my blog πŸ™‚ I love that cat sweater!!


  46. Nat

    That cat sweater looks great for this COLD weather! I have that elephant ring, plus the matching bangle- I know what you mean about it being special. You’re looking great hun!

    Nat xxx

  47. That cat sweater is so cute and quirky and fun πŸ™‚


  48. Lovely polish, such a great color!

  49. Amy

    Hi my love, so sorry I have been away from the blog commenting, life has taken on a role of it’s own. However, I am back and I just wanted to say that your outfit is absolutely adorable! That sweater is the cutest! Hope all is well.


  50. and I still love that cat jumper babes. Great colour on your nails too, reminds me I need to do mine badly.


  51. Great outfit! I really like your boots! πŸ™‚