
So, in err 3 weeks time it’ll be Christmas Eve?! What on earth. I’m glad I’m kind of organised this year as it’s really caught me by surpise that it’s *that* close. Right after I finish this post I’m off in to town to pick up the last few presents I need.

Still rocking my crazy lady hair. I kind of like it, and it’s something…different from me, the girl who *never* wears her hair down. I need to re-colour it and make it more even. Super red head, or something like that.

Todays outfit consists of a thermal top under a Primark jumper dress. The tights were a twitter comp win from we love colors and the wedge boots are from New Look.





Thanks to the lovely Alex my ears are now toasty warm! I don’t do hats, so these headbands are perfect!

Anyway, best bust a move.

Don’t forget my giveaways!

Tea for two


I hope those of you snowed in are coping okay! Apart from the bitter cold we’ve got off very lightly here.


45 comments for “Friday

  1. Oh it’s just awful here, snowed in again I’v hardly done any Christmas shopping and can’t get the car out!! Anyhoo I love that earwarmer from Alex, I need to make some of these for christmas, better get cracking! Keep Warm
    Kandi x

  2. That headband is gorgeous!!! I love your boots too. Seeing you all rugged up makes me miss wearing boots in the winter. I can’t believe I even said that. i should enjoy this Summer heat! xxx

  3. glad to hear you are all organised, i can’t decide whether to brave the elements and do my xmas shopping tomoro, or to stay home in the warm..

  4. I’m in love with that headband, it’s amazing.

  5. For what it’s worth, I always let my hair down to dry naturally, and most of the time, it’s while I sleep. Love it that way, may be you should experiment more with headbands, they suit you!

  6. Ooh it looks lovely on you. Hurrah! I wasn’t sure about the colour but I’m glad I chose pink πŸ™‚

    The tights are super funky but then I expect nothing less from you.

  7. so excited for xmas xxxxx

  8. Oh I really need/want one of those headbands so much now! The tights are fabulous as always xx

  9. NOA

    Beautiful dress! I like so much the black lace! ;D


  10. Love the headband <3

    This year has gone so quickly hasn’t it, still I’ve had such a wonderful year and I just can’t wait to see what the new year brings πŸ™‚

    Good luck with your shopping the shops are hellish around this time of year xoxo

  11. ~k

    Those tights are awesome! Love the headband!
    I haven’t started to do any Christmas shopping yet. I can’t believe it’s already Dec!

  12. Ah! You’re right, christmas is right around the corner! I best be shopping!

    Have a great day!

  13. Lovely outfit.. gorgeous shinny legging you have on..

  14. 3 weeks? when did that happen?!
    i like your hair down and you headband is really cute πŸ™‚ x

  15. What a fantastic dress! It looks so cute and cozy with the headband.

  16. lo

    Lovely πŸ™‚ xx

  17. Looking lovely as always Laura, and that headband is adorable. Like you, we got hardly any snow this time, enough but it hasn’t stayed the whole day like it did last year πŸ™ xxx

  18. Your tights are rad <3.

  19. Beautiful photos! Love the outfit – that headband looks very warm indeed! The snow is pretty heavy where I am – it looks beautiful but it really can be a pain.

  20. Your tights are fantastic lady.

  21. you look so adorable with that headband πŸ˜‰
    I think you should look great with dark red hair or perhaps a dark blod! your gorgeous anyway ^^
    The boots are gorgeous too***

  22. I like how your accents bring this outfit alive!

  23. i realy love receiving your comments- so sweet! can’t wait for MORE πŸ™‚ …and have you seen k come karolina on bloglovin, facebook and twitter?

    xoxo from rome

  24. Oh time goes really fast, right?
    Love you headband! =)

  25. yay for christmas being soon!
    I almost bought that headband at primark when I was in London 1 month ago, now you made me regret not getting it!!

  26. I really like your blouse;) That is beautiful stylization:)

  27. i am following you darling! I hope you’ll follow me back!

  28. love the headband, fab!

  29. love those tights!! xx

  30. Crazy is all good. Hmm maybe I should knit some headbands…

    Have a good weekend. xx:)

  31. hehe crazy lady hair…you are so cute. and i adore that headband…sweet of you to be so giving with your presents!


  32. fab hair!

    Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion

  33. I love that knitted headband, I definitely need one of those!

    I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by so fast.

  34. amazingly cute tights and yes i cant believe its christmas soon!

    i was quite the domestic goddess yes!
    You should try making a pavlova if you haven’t already… they are amazing… i used this recipe


  35. love love love your headband!

    love this post!


  36. those tights seems so much fun to wear!

  37. Love your leggings! Hope you’re doing well <3

  38. J

    love the dress, the headband is so cute!

  39. M!

    i love your tights!

  40. What a pretty dress! And lovely headband!

    β™₯ Leia

  41. You look lovely ! Totally love your tights ! And yes , Christmas is coming ! I can’t wait πŸ˜‰

  42. Those tights are crazy awesome. Love them!