gift guide: bean cellars

Someone was good this year!

New! Chocolate beans.

Perfect gift.

Food and drink is everywhere at this time of year and it’s hard to know what will make a good gift and what will be banished to the back of the larder until Easter time. I can pretty much guarantee that anything purchased from The Bean Cellars will be pounced upon with delight and you’ll be hard pushed to have any left past Christmas day.

The idea behind the site is simple; bottles filled with delicious jelly beans and personalised for all occasions. You can choose from a vast variety of flavours (perfect for the personal touch) or mix it up with a pre-selected combination.

The bottles are purse friendly; the 250ml bottles shown above will cost you £4.50 and make the perfect stocking filler, secret santa or teacher present; who can resist the sugary goodness? If that doesn’t float your boat then there are plenty of other options available…

If you’re feeling adventurous then try the NEW chocolate coated beans. The folks at Bean Cellars sent me a selection of these to try and sceptical as I was they are damn good (chocolate mint?! divine!)

You can also buy bulk bottles or generally just stock up on vast quantities of your favourites; I wouldn’t say no to 600g of my beloved liquorice beans!

Are you a jelly bean fan and would you like to find yourself a six pack under the tree? What flavour will you be asking for?


8 comments for “gift guide: bean cellars

  1. Amazing! And those flavors sound amazing too!
    Did you ever have those Harry Potter jellybeans? I remember having them years back, it included weird flavors like tomato and horseradish haha. I’d much prefer chocolate mint!

  2. This looks like a great idea for a present.

  3. such a cute (and yummy) idea!! 🙂

  4. YUM! These look amazing <3

    Jennie xo |

  5. This would make such a good present! I love jelly beans, yum yum yum! I love anything ridiculously sweet – hello candy floss flavour!

  6. Perfect gift!!! I love those type of beans!! =D


  7. Oooh, the idea of chocolate coated ones is an amazing one! xo

  8. Chocolate beans sound amazing!!