Gifts for Everyone (Including You) at Amara

Another day, another gift guide…I did warn you there would be a few of these coming up but this one does involve a little treat for one lucky reader, too. Everything you see in this post comes from Amara, the one stop online luxury boutique. I’ve long been obsessed with browsing this site and have made a couple of orders in the past (brilliant service!) so when they asked every so nicely if I’d like to write a gift guide I didn’t hesitate in saying yes, especially when they bribed with the most gorgeous candle ever (I say bribe, I’d have happily written the post regardless but the candle was a nice touch!)

Voluspa Candle in Velvet Box– just incase you hadn’t noticed I’ve been a little stressed lately, but the French Bourbon Vanilla scent of this candle soon helped me chill out. One of my favourite scents ever, this would make a wonderful gift for just about anyone! It’s probably the poshest thing I own.

Anyway, back to the gift guide. You can see my choices at the top of the post, I’ve tried to include a little bit of something for everyone so I hope you get at least a little bit of inspiration from it!
Taking it from Top Left:

1. Alessi Tigrito Cat Bowl because pets need spoiling too, this would also make the perfect gift for a crazy cat lady *raises hand*

2. Pip Studio Chinese Rose Mug– everyone needs mugs and this one is just too damn pretty.

3. “Fashionistas I Met and Liked” notebook by Archie Grand, perfect for every fashion obsessive out there.

4. Orla Kiely Fig Tree Scented Candle I do think candles make a wonderful gift; unless hastily grabbed from a pound shop and smelling like “fresh pine” toilet cleaner. I wouldn’t say no to this beauty and it would be a great gift for any female relative.

5. Igloo Hottie no-one likes to be cold and it’s nice to have something luxurious to snuggle up to at night.

6. Playful Playmats is something that will appeal to most children, and probably adults too…peace and quiet at the table? I quite fancy one of these for myself.

7. Alessi Lula Dog Bowl for those with pampered pooches. I think this is adorable!

8. Pantone Cufflinks for otherwise impossible to buy for men; yes Dad, I’m talking about you.

And now for the really lovely part of this post; as well as treating me to my candle, Amara also asked me to pick a present to give away to one of my wonderful blog followers. I’ve chosen this gorgeous Pip Studio Cushion

Want to win? There are two simple rules…

1. Be a follower of adaisychaindream (I don’t mind how, just state it in the comments)

2. Leave a way for me to contact you if you win

Any feedback on my giftguide would be great too, but I understand that you may jump straight to the giveaway.
Good luck lovlies,
the giveaway is open to all UK residents (as long as you’ve followed the rules) and will close at 8pm on Saturday 17th November.


61 comments for “Gifts for Everyone (Including You) at Amara

  1. Love it, so cute


  2. Plein de petites choses tentantes…

    Gros bisous

  3. I’m in love with fig candles atm, might need to add that one to my list.
    Follow via GFC


  4. Oooh, I love the things you chose out. Especially the mug and table mats! xo

  5. I need that cushion! I bought some studio Pip crockery recently.

    I follow on Twitter, gfc etc!

    As far as your gift guide goes, I’m loving the diversity of gifts, after all it’s a diverse range of people we buy for.


  6. following you on gfc ianmaciver

  7. I love that cushion, so pretty! I follow you on Twitter & have you in my Google Reader πŸ™‚

    I also love your gift guide, especially the mug (for me!!) and the drawing playmats – my children would love those!


  8. i’m a follower on GFC Lynsey Buchanan

  9. following on GFC – claire – @clairew137

  10. Ooh that cushion is gorgeous, I’d love to enter please!
    I follow via GFC and my email address is

  11. Your candle sounds lovely, vanilla scents are my fave! And that dog bowl is so cute although I think it’d be more for my benefit than Freddy’s haha.

    I’m a follower on GFC πŸ™‚


  12. Great gift ideas! I love candles, and I think that they’re such a nice universal gift.

  13. Oh lovely cushion please can I enter my email address is

    I will have to check out this website.

    I love the mug and hot water bottle. I think you can get some really pretty hot water bottles now and its a nice gift x

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I follow via GFC (steveclairecam)

  16. Oh I do love Pip Studio – have you seen the bedroom in my latest post? It’s at the back of a shop in Lymington, I’m pretty sure it’s all Pip Studio and it’s beautiful. That cushion is gorgeous, what a lovely choice! I follow you on GFC, you could tweet me if I was the lucky winner… @rosieoutlook πŸ™‚ xo

  17. Gorgeous cushion I just love the Pip stuff! I love the orla candle you picked out too, I could think of several of my girlies that would squeal if I bought them that! xx

  18. kylie johnson

    Following on twitter @kyliejohnson6 Oh dear, I think you may have made me obsessed with that website, thanks for bringing me here and to the website! Kylie πŸ™‚

  19. Nice ideas here- the Orla Keily candle is a nice one particularly! I’d love to enter your giveaway and you can find me at my blog in the unlikely event I win!!!

  20. This was lovely, such a shame I cannot afford such things for people πŸ™ God so much on the site I want for my future home!

    I follow you via blogspot and you can contact me via twitter @whatamydidnxt πŸ™‚

    Amy x

  21. I follow via GFC. email:

    I absolutely love the cup and the hot water bottle in your gift guide! x
    Just Rach β™₯

  22. awww that cat bowl is so cute!

    pls enter me, i follow on gfc

  23. I adore Pip Studio things, ever since I saw a tea set in Lakeland by them. The prints and the colours are the sort of thing I usually go for, which is why I like Cath Kidston as well. Not that I can afford either!

    I followed you on twitter and you can find me @yyesidolikecake.

  24. Ah, do do love a good bird on a cushion πŸ™‚
    Follow on GFC,
    email: emmaherself[at]gmail[dotcom]

  25. followed on twitter @ummziyad
    and liked on fb anna marikar
    u can contact me on either of those?
    thanks for the giveaway!


  26. I love the cushion
    I follow on Twitter and via GFC Reader.
    Best contact is on Twitter @mawhittaker

  27. Following on GFC
    hannahlucypickard at hotmail dot co dot uk
    Great giveaway

  28. Anonymous

    ‘twould be a great xmas gift for a friend of mine- to brighten up her room, cheers! πŸ™‚

  29. Lovely choice of items from you

    I’m following you on GFC, and can be best contacted @dangerbadger

  30. Hi, love the cushion.


    Serena La Pietra on FB


  31. I think the Tigrito cat bowl is adorable. Just wish I could have a cat to spoil them with this πŸ™‚

    I have followed via GFC as theonlybonster.


  32. Following on Twitter @cherylpearson09

    on facebook

    and also by GFC (Cheryl Pearson)

  33. Following on Twitter: @paddington_ozzi

    Love the Alessi cat bowl. I don’t think my cat would be too bothered by it, but I would love it!

  34. I’m following on twitter (@ellegorizza)

  35. love this

    following on twitter @elff73

  36. Love the cushion, love Orla Kiely stuff in particular….

  37. Very pretty, would love it.

    Follow on twitter @boywillie

  38. Very pretty cushion. I know just the spot for it : )
    Following on Twitter @KatieJoyceAnna

  39. Im following on Twitter!
    Love the Orla Kiely Fig Tree Scented Candle!


  40. amy

    Following on Twitter and I love all of the stuff on the site – inspiring in time for xmas!


  41. im following via GFC and twitter

  42. I,m following on Twitter
    @sheridarby – What a lovely website – so many wonderful things

  43. im following via GFC and twitter

  44. Following via gfc – danielle vedmore. @tinkertink2010 xoxo

  45. following via GFC as piper and daisy. Twitter id is @piperanddaisy

  46. Following on GFC and facebook

  47. Hi there i am following on GFC and adore so many items thank you x

  48. am following on twitter @yasmine041

    wuuld love to win

  49. following on twitter as @lempers

    loving the cufflinks

  50. Love that you have included an Alessi product in the gift guide.

    Following adaishychaindream on fb and twitter



  51. Cushion is very sweet. Also love the dog bowl
    Following via GFC

  52. Cushion is very sweet. Also love the dog bowl
    Following via GFC

  53. Following on twitter @kelandab

    Love all these items! πŸ™‚

  54. am following on twitter @comps67

  55. Love the gift guide, and the cushion is gorgeous!

    Following via GFC and can be contacted on Twitter @86PinkPrincess πŸ™‚

  56. Love the guide especially the igloo hottie! I’m following on twitter @boodles1207

    I know I’m late but hope I just snuck in in time!

  57. BeX

    following on gfc @beckydowney

  58. Following on GFC @ericahughes
    loving that cat bowl

  59. I think we have by similar tastes! I am just decorating my bedroom with a bird theme & I’d give anything to have that cushion!! Loving everything on your gift guide especially the mug, candle & hot water bottle (I have about 10 hot water bottles as I need them even in the summer so another one wouldn’t hurt!) I’m doing a gift list tonight for my mum so I am going to pop over to their site now.

    You cam get me on twitter as @sjess82
    I’m following by GFC as Shelley Jessup

    Thank you for a fabulous competition x

  60. am following you on twitter @pinkglitter_ali

    love the cushion – the bird print is brilll