Giveaway Time!

Remember this from yesterday’s post? Well I managed to get the last bottle in town shortly after blogging and I’m going to give it away to one lucky reader (as well as some other random goodies of my choosing).

This is a thank you, for all the love and support my readers have shown me this year. I wish I could send something to all of you.

Giveaway open to UK residents only, sorry international folks, I promise a giveaway for you, soon.

Giveaway will end in ONE week, and a winner will be drawn at random

– To enter you just need to leave a comment on this post, and be a follower of this blog, please leave some way for me to contact you if you win.

Good luck


58 comments for “Giveaway Time!

  1. Enter me please πŸ™‚ hope your having a nice weekend hun.

  2. Joey

    Sounds like a great giveaway.
    *Fingers crossed*

  3. So many people are giving away bottles of this amazing polish, if I don’t win one I definitely need to find one or order online πŸ™‚ xxx

  4. I adore your blog, and I’m so happy to see you’re looking so much better. much love x

  5. Exciting giveaway!

    I’m subscribed to your blog, is that the same as following?!

  6. Fab giveaway Laura! Enter me please πŸ™‚

  7. FeeneyFooFoo

    Ohhh yes please – Enter me :o)

    ***Good luck everyone***

  8. I know I don’t blog any more, but I still read!! Me please!

  9. Oh YEY! I haven’t been able to find this yet, great giveaway!
    Thank You

  10. thanks for your lovely comment dear. I love your maxi skirt in the last outfit post, you look great

    I am a follower so can you enter me please πŸ™‚
    cheri, xxx

  11. How sweet of you! πŸ™‚ Looks like a very nice nail polish! A chance for me to experiment a little…

    Thanks for doing this!

  12. Kb

    I would love to try this out, hope you are well!

  13. OOhh enter me too yay!! How exciting πŸ™‚

  14. i was going to buy this on tuesday! good job i didn’t, can i be entered please πŸ™‚ x

  15. Thank you for the give away, I just love Barry M stuff.

  16. Fab giveaway! I had a look for this n town today with no luck ! x

  17. Yes only UK peeps. More chance for me. I’ve never ever worn black nail varnish and i would like to.

  18. Oh how nice of you, please add me in, I went to our crappy Supergdrug to get some today and they didn’t have any, I was in a little huff!
    Kandi x

  19. Ooh please enter me πŸ™‚
    char x

    laura,hope youre okay, long time no speak (my fault entirely!)
    i got style spotted in london the other day and am in a competition on facebook now! and i NEED NEED NEED YOUR vote!
    this is the link:

    and im the first girl on it in the purple coat! please tell all your friends on blogger and on facebook to vote for me as well! the prize is Β£250 in lipsy vouchers!
    lots of love

  21. Bee

    Weee a giveaway!

    Enter me please πŸ™‚

    Love xxx

  22. Ooh I’d love to try this out!
    I’m a follower on bloglovin’

  23. Love the colour! I love Barry M stuff.

  24. please can i enter x

    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  25. I’d love to be entered please – this nail varnish really intrigues me!

  26. Sweet giveaway! In the US tho, but happy for the lucky winner!! =D


  27. Ohhh I love the colour of this polish – bummed I don’t live in the UK!

  28. Sad I’m not in the UK. Looks like a great giveaway

  29. How nice of you to give away!
    Best regards,
    Fashion Ranger

  30. Oh, I wish I could enter πŸ™‚ I’m having a giveaway too, come join mine if you have some time.

    Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend!

  31. awwww…..too bad. πŸ™‚ x

  32. You are SO sweet! What a lovely giveaway. πŸ™‚ And good luck to all the UK contestants. xo

  33. I’m in the U.S., so I can’t enter; but good luck to everyone! πŸ™‚

  34. Thanks for your sweet comment on my last post, I really appreciate it. new post up now, I’m trying to post more regularly πŸ˜€
    panda xo

    Oh my god, I love Barry M. Please enter me!

  35. Been eyeing up this nail polish for a while and would LOVE to win it.


  36. Good idea!! Giveaways are always great and fun ^^

    Good luck to all the UK readers πŸ™‚
    And a hug to you my friend**

  37. me me me! πŸ™‚ xxx

  38. That crackle effect looks cool! Dang. I want in πŸ™‚

  39. Wow, I’d love to win this!

  40. *gasps* Ooh yes please! Enter me please πŸ™‚ And I’m already a follower and thanks for the lovely comment, glad you got the letter. xxx

  41. Hello hun! What a fab give away : ) Hope you had a lovely wknd! xx

  42. I would like to enter! πŸ™‚ you can contact me via my blog or twitter (aowenLDN) x

  43. oh enter me!

    Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion

  44. Oooh enter me please! This stuff looks like so much fun!

  45. I’d love a bottle of this!!

  46. Kemcaflipflops

    Hmmm not awake enuf yet for sensible comment..So not a morning person! liking ur blog A LOT!!