God Save the Queen of Fashion

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee gives everyone, whatever their monarchical persuasion, two very fine things indeed. The first is not just one bank holiday, but two (June 4th and 5th) and the second is the perfect excuse to dress for a formal luncheon at Buckingham Palace (or a soggy street party at the local cul-de-sac, whichever).

This summer, fashion has been seized by a decidedly royal authority. Designers have taken majestic inspiration from HRM’s 60 year reign, with Union Jacks, Corgi prints and crown jewels decorating the high street. Queen Elizabeth II has, throughout the years, displayed some particular fashion prowess and now, with diamonds the hot stone of the season, it’s time to start thinking about what will be gracing your wardrobe ahead of next month’s street parties and celebrations.

First things first, as tempting as it is to display your red-white-and-blue pedicure in those killer peep-toe sky-
scrapers, it’s a good idea to dress your feet down. Always think about the functional necessities of shoes for summer garden party. If it were my choice and I controlled the
solidity of the earth, I would announce the summer as stiletto season and be done with it. However, this is Britain ladies and with the way things are going, it’s bound to be a grey and goose-pimpled affair. This means stilettos are a no-no. Don’t be the silly fashionista that gets stuck in the mud as her five-inch Louboutins sink deep into the abyss. This makes even the classiest of gals look a little ditsy and, after all, the Queen would never allow such a faux pas.

However, that mustn’t hinder our royal engagements. Opt for sandals or, if all else fails and the weekend is a wash-out, Hunter have designed some wonderful wellies to arm you against puddles in the best possible style.


Another word of warning: it might seem like a good idea at first, but sewing a Union Jack tea- towel to a black mini dress and stuffing your feet back into those platform shoes will not make you look like Geri Halliwell in her hey-day. As tempting as it is, that outfit didn’t look good then and it certainly does not look good now. Instead, opt for a more regal aesthetic and go 1950’s. We’re talking full A-line skirts, petticoats, sinched in waists, fascinators and formal hats. Channel a fresh- faced Queen Liz at the beginning of her reign with some modern quirks thrown in. Hobbs have got a delightful, but pricey, fascinator that will set off any Jubilee outfit whilst Topshop provides a wonderfully unusual accessory, perfect for a celebratory British tea party. It doubles-up as a functional item, too, because it can be used to measure rainfall!

However you choose to celebrate the second longest reigning female monarch in the history of the world (Queen Victoria is still winning with her 63 years and 7 months) do so in style. If you’re after fancy hosiery from Marks and Spencers or new arm candy from Zalando, the British high street is sure to cater for all of your Jubilee needs, and then some.

*Guest post provided from Zalanda. No payments exchanged*

7 comments for “God Save the Queen of Fashion

  1. Oooh yes! Bring on the bank holiday! I need to join in on a good old fashioned tea party. Maybe I should host my own!

  2. Those wellies are awesome, and certainly suited to a British ‘summer’ lol!

    Nat x

  3. Anonymous

    Great post, Zalando is a fab store!

  4. Love these, I wish I wore wellies more often, I always want a pair of hunters when it calls for wellies, but I would never wear them often enough.

    Jess x

  5. I love those wellies- they become my best friend when I go camping!

    Love, Elizabeth xx


  6. Seriously want those wellies! xxx