Gorgeous Galibardy

Long time no jewellery post on the blog eh? I got caught up in the Spring/Summer clothing and footwear madness and totally neglected my beloved sparkle. No worries though because I’m about to give you a little feast for the eyes from one of my all time favourite jewellery websites Galibardy…I’ve been stalking this site ever since I first started blogging on those years ago and I can guarantee I always have a huge wish list from their stunning selection on the go.
Currently some of the objects of my desire are: (hover over an image for details)
I know, I know, who could have ever predicted the magical black cat ring would have ended up on my list? If you wanted to make a little purchase on my behalf, or even for yourself for this or any other item on the Galibardy Website then add the code daisychaindream at the checkout for a generous 25% off your order until the 29th July!
Sorry for such a short ‘n sweet post today, I’m off to the wedding of one of my oldest friends and I can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle! It’s things like this that make me feel suddenly very grown up though…
Happy Shopping!

2 comments for “Gorgeous Galibardy

  1. What gorgeous pieces! The rabbit is my fave. Have fun at the wedding! x

    Josie’s Journal

  2. SJ

    Ah, I went to the wedding of one of my oldest friends this weekend – I worked out we’ve known each other 17 years, which is a bit nuts!