Got my Bake ON!

So, as I mentioned yesterday, it’s my Grandad’s Birthday today! We popped round with his presents yesterday so he’d have them to open first thing, but Mum, Dad and I are going round tonight for dinner and I want to take another little something.

First up I made a gingerbread loaf in place of a traditional Birthday cake. It is a favourite with everyone in this family, you’ll find the recipe in this post.

It isn’t the prettiest of cakes, but it more than makes up for it with yummy taste and smell!

Next up was an experimental batch of cookies. I have a HUGE box of muesli that is running out of date faster than I can eat it, so I wanted to incorporate it in baking, somehow, but I’m fed up of making flapjacks. I adapted a recipe I have for oat cookies with m&ms (posted on here waaay back!) and added in some chopped dates as they are my Grandad’s favourite.

Cookie experiment = massive success. I HAD to sample one and oh man. The dates give a toffee-ish taste and the cookie is crunchy and chewy at the same time.
They are now in a glass jar with a gift tag ready to be presented to the Birthday Boy.

For these cookies you will need:

150g self raising flour
150g muesli (I used a low sugar one from Lidl)
150g sugar (I used soft, dark brown, but caster is fine!)
150g butter
2tbsp golden syrup
2tbsp milk
Chopped dates…I used about double what you see in the picture and chopped each one in to about five pieces.


Pre-heat your oven to 180*c

Sift together the flour, muesli and sugar. Add in the chopped dates and mix together.

Melt the butter, syrup and milk, stirring until all the butter is dissolved.

Pour the liquid in to the dry mixture and blend well.

Shape in to rounds (I used a tablespoon for size) and place on a lined baking tray…these don’t spread too much so you can put them quite near each other.

Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden. I have a fan oven and they took just under 10 minutes, so do keep an eye on them!

Wait for the biscuits to firm up then move to a wire cooling rack.



43 comments for “Got my Bake ON!

  1. Mmmm yummy! I made cupcakes this morning with my niece. Made extra to be nice and let my younger brother (15 mind you) decorate them 🙂

  2. Ok. This post is like a humungous sugar craving in blog form. YUM.
    I’m not one for ginger cake but I have to say yours looks rathuur lovely. But those cookies? OH.MY.
    Bring on the baking.

    Thanks for sharing Laura!


  3. Yummy, i want cakes and cookies now!!


  4. i keep seeing things i want to make, and then remembering i broke my scales, but i cant’ find any cheapish ones..grr!

  5. ~k

    Man oh man, I love cookies! They look so delish! Can you tell me what rock road is?

  6. Oh, I want to bake so bad now! Sadly I’m going to have to wait till Friday when exams are over!


  7. Oh my, now don’t they look so yummy! I may have to experiment with those cookies, i love dates and oat cookies, so looking forward to making them.. Hope your grandad has an amazing birthday! xx

  8. butter+syrup+milk=heaven
    that looks so yummy, i want it on pancakes and EVERYTHING else!!
    that cake looks delicious. i hate frosting so that looks like the perfect birthday cake.

  9. they look so yummi!!!
    Love your comments! thank you! hope you know that k come karolina is also on bloglovin, facebook and twitter 🙂 so cu soon!!!

    xoxo from rome

  10. Such a lovely post, I never would’ve thought those biscuits could sound so delish but they really do. I love baking!

  11. oh my, all of those baked goods look amazing! I’m hungry just thinking about them.

  12. Ginger cake has to be one of my favourites so I am defo going to try this one out, looks yummy! xx

  13. Oooh! Thank you for the recipe – they look SO GOOD! yum 🙂


  14. The chewiness just screams out of these puppies… I love oatmeal in cookies! I like fiber …and fun.

  15. Yum! Looks delicious. Happy birthday to your grandpa!


  16. The cookies look so yummy and it just shows how good taking risks in baking can turn out 🙂

    I really really want to bake now xx

  17. Hmm, I’m not one for baking but I think even I could manage that cookie recipe 🙂

  18. I love your baking posts so much! What yummy looking creations. xxx

  19. Perfect for that morning break and with a large mug of tea. Love the previous post too!

  20. These look yummy!! x

  21. Looks delicious, I’m inspired to do some baking myself after seeing this! x

  22. nom nom nom!
    happy birthday to your grandpa!

  23. Looks so tasty, nothing beats home-made cakes.

  24. Oh my goodness, this looks so good, but i am trying to be good and not have such things…im too easily led!!

  25. I’m always super impressed by your baking skills. everything looks so scrumptious it just jumps off the screen.



  26. Slowly reading through this post, completely made my mouth water and I will even admit to running to get a treat because your baking items look so damn good!

    Elisabeth Adele

  27. Oh YUM! They look gorgeous – I must give them a try.

  28. Uow delicious I´d love it!

  29. WOW! Those look great! Now I really want to make gingerbread 😉

  30. Oh my god, YUM! I need cookies now.

  31. Oh my those look delicious!

  32. Oh, wow, these look delicious!
    I’ll have to store that recipe away : )

  33. Oh wow those cookies look amazing! I may well have to try them, but with raisins as I’m not keen on dates!

  34. Nom Nom! I do love a good gingerbread loaf. x