
A few weeks ago I was contacted on behalf of Ellos asking if I’d like to take a closer look at what they have to offer. Ellos was yet another of those places to shop that I probably hadn’t have heard of if it wasn’t for blogging and of course I was curious.

I had a good long browse through the website and was impressed at the range of what they had to offer, as well as the fabulous prices…but of course, what I was really drawn to was the shoes, and I opted for these brownΒ  boots which arrived the other day.
These are what I call “spring boots”. Not so clunky and chunky as is required for winter, but still more durable than a sandal or ballet flat. Comfort wise I put these to the test by stomping around Cabot Circus in them and that alone won then a special place in my heart…I could have been wearing slippers for the amount of comfort they provided. Nice one Ellos.

And what was I doing stomping around town on a Sunday? Well, that would be stocking up on roasted chickpeas with Ellie (we were recognised by the staff in Holland and Barrett…but come one, buy one get one half price?!) and getting an impulsive ear piercing…I was going to get a Rook piercing but wimped out and went for something more simple on my right ear, as the left one is looking a little full!

Have you heard of Ellos, or will you be taking a closer look in future?

Got a Rook piercing? What is it like to heal?

Well, Monday morning work calls…5 days to the weekend!


Disclaimer: I was sent these boots for the purpose of the post, this has no impact on my views

39 comments for “hellos

  1. Good morning, looking lovely as ever today! I’d never heard of Ellos until your blog today but I’ve just had a quick look on my phone whilst having my breakfast and I’ve got a feeling it will be added to favourites toolbar come this evening and I’ve only seen the shoes so far πŸ™‚ have a good day xx
    Ps I’m boring just got a single piercing in each ear.

  2. Never heard of Ellos, might have a quick look. Those boots are so so cute!! Goes well with you whole outfit. πŸ™‚ x

  3. Nice boots – will check out the site x

  4. I love EVERYTHING about this outfit, amazing. Never heard of Ellos before but will definitely go and have a look! xxx

  5. Never heard of them before but those boots are lovely!

  6. I have my rook pierced – it took absolutely ages to heal because it’s so tucked away. I did have it checked out as I wasn’t sure it should be taking so long to heal (all the others cleaned up fine!) but my piercer said it’s normal. I love the tights and boots x

  7. These shoes are so pretty, will definitely check out the site!

  8. Tan boots are the perfect Spring staple, the colour goes with everything!

  9. All your earrings look so cute! And that piercing you mentioned sounds pretty painful, no experience with it though as I only got each ear pierced once.

  10. I love the boots!
    I haven’t got my rook pierced but I really want to. I have my conch and tragus done and if it’s aything like those it takes a while to heal.
    Claudia xxx

  11. those shoes look great, and I love the bright tights! Not sure I’d get a rook piercing, I have one high up on my ear like you and that’s as far as I’ll go! xo

  12. those boots are brilliant! Never heard of ellos before, but having a look now πŸ™‚
    my friend has a rook piercing, she never complained or anything about the healing!



  13. I’ve just brought a similar style of boot, but with rocker buckles and laces. They are good for offering you a little bit of glam for the approaching spring!

  14. I love your booties <3

  15. You have…without a doubt…the most colourful collection of tights I have ever seen!!

    These boots are great! Never heard of Ellos before! x

  16. Those boots look perfect, and nothing beats a comfy pair of shoes! xxx

  17. super cute! love this simple look! xx


  18. I love the boots, and I love all of your piercings, I’m a little bit of a baby when it comes to piercings, although I did get my tragus done.

    Jess X

  19. Ooh those shoes are really nice, never heard of that site so going to have a look now! I have my rook pierced, it took about six months to heal to be honest and it was quite sore for a while afterwards but then my piercer told me to swab it with vitamin e oil and saline solution twice a day and it healed really quickly. I don’t regret it at all though, I love it and it barely hurt at all xxx

  20. Love the boots. Great purchase!

    I’ve heard the rook piercing is painful, but don’t know personally. Looks great, though, if you can handle the pain…

  21. Cute boots – can’t believe they’re comfortable too. x

  22. Ooh class boots! I wish I wasn’t so tall and could wear platforms! x

  23. What is a Rook piercing?? Lol. Looking good, love the bright tights!

    Why not enter my Fashionista Giveaway

  24. I love ELLOS, I too was contacted and picked out nude heels, I love your boots! πŸ˜€ Great site aren’t they, the shoes are amazing.


  25. Those boots are lovely, I have a similar pair but without the heels.

  26. The boots look good!

  27. They’re nice but what’s a rook?!

  28. Love this outfit its gorgeous and those boots are amazing.What is a rook piercing?

  29. So pretty! Gorgeous boots x

  30. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of Ellos, but I love those boots!

    As for the piercing, I’m FAR too squeamish lol!

    Nat x

  31. Love the pink tights, they are such a gorgeous colour. I adore your dress too.

  32. I love the color of your tights. They are super fun and look great with the neutral-colored shoes.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  33. your boots are perfect! fantastic choice! πŸ™‚

    p.s. your outfit is really pretty!

    <3, Mimi

  34. I seriously love those boots. Going to have to check out the website πŸ™‚ x

  35. Those boots are stunning!

    I don’t have my rook pierced but I have my tragus which is quite thick cartilage – it was a bit twingey to get done but it was over quickly and it healed fine… to be honest it was one of the easiest piercings I’ve ever had and I’ve had quite a few πŸ˜› You should definitely get it done!


  36. These boots are lovely, I agree that they look like perfect Spring boots.

    I have no idea what a rook piercing is! xx

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    Thanks for you inspiration.

  38. Your card is just beautiful — and what a lovely gift. Any woman would be thrilled to receive this.
    Thanks for you inspiration.