How sleep impacts your mood

We all need sleep and if you’ve not been getting enough shuteye, you might be feeling the ill-effects. As well as making you tired, a lack of slumber can impact on your mood.
How much sleep do you need?

There’s no set amount of sleep that all adults need. After all, every individual is different. Factors such as lifestyle, age, diet and environment affect how much rest people require. However, as a general rule, most healthy adults need around seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

As people age though, it can become harder to maintain this level of sleep.

Feeling irritable and hostile

It is known that when individuals are sleep deprived, they are more likely to feel irritable, hostile and angry. They are also more prone to reacting negatively when something doesn’t go well for them and they may even be more likely to feel depressed.

This can cause a range of problems. For example, it can put additional pressure on relationships and cause tensions within families. It can create issues at work too.

Research also suggests that people who fail to get enough sleep report feeling less friendly and less able to enjoy positive experiences.

What to do

It’s one thing knowing that your mood is suffering because of a lack of shuteye and another thing actually addressing this problem. If you think a shortage of sleep is affecting your daily life, it may be worth booking an appointment with your doctor.

However, there are also simple changes you can make to your routine that you may wish to try first. For example, it’s really important that you have a comfy bed. Luckily, it’s now easy to purchase good quality beds and mattresses that can promote a restful night. For example, Adjustamatic sells a selection of adjustable beds fitted with Cyclo-Therapy technology. This massage system features a number of settings, including a relaxing, sleep-inducing function. In addition, the firm sells Aveon pocket spring mattresses that can boost comfort levels further.

You may also benefit from sticking to a steady bedtime routine. Going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day can help to boost the level of sleep you get. In addition, make sure that you avoid consuming too much caffeine, particularly during the later afternoon and evening.

Before going to bed, it is a good idea to read or take a warm bath as this can help you to unwind and get you in the right frame of mind to sleep.

If possible, try to ensure your bedroom is as quiet as possible, and it may be worth investing in some blackout blinds or curtains too.

Reap the rewards

By making changes to your lifestyle and environment like this, and if necessary by visiting your GP for further advice and help, you stand to enhance your level of sleep. In turn, this could serve to lift your mood, improve your relationships and generally raise your quality of life.

Given these potential rewards, it’s certainly worth making an effort to get a good night’s rest.

3 comments for “How sleep impacts your mood

  1. I get so arsey when I’m sleepy, it’s so hard to get 7-9 hours sleep when you work!

    Corinne x

  2. I felt like this on holiday a few times. I slept badly and was ratty as hell all day. x

  3. Katie

    I need more sleep, sadly pull out sofa beds are not great for that :(. I might need to invest in a good matress topper