How To Keep Your Sanity When Stuck Indoors*

Thankfully, many lockdown rules are being relaxed; This means that gyms are back open, pools can be used, and you can meet up with other people. However, these rules could easily change and there are parts of the country still in full-lockdown due to a spike in cases. You might also be in a situation where you don’t want to go out because you’re either at risk or live with people who have a higher risk of catching Covid-19 and suffering serious consequences.

Consequently, many of you are still stuck inside trying to find things to do. It’s been this way since March, and it’s hard to cling to your sanity for that long. Here are some suggestions that can help you remain positive and keep your mind in one piece when stuck indoors:

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Make your own alcoholic drink from scratch

You have to get creative if you want to survive the year 2020! Pubs are starting to re-open, but you might hate the idea of being in a confined space with loads of others. So, why don’t you bring some of the same fun to your home by brewing your own alcohol? So many beer-brewing kits and gin-making kits exist nowadays for your pleasure. You can stay at home and come up with your own alcoholic creation. It’s a double-whammy in that you have fun making the drink, then have even more fun drinking it! These things take time so it should also keep you occupied for a few days at least. Think about your favourite alcoholic drinks, then go online and see if you can find a brewing kit for them. 

Photo by Bruna Soares on Unsplash

Play around with your car

If you have a car then you’ve got your very own boredom-freeing machine. You can do so many things to a car when you’re stuck at home if you’re brave enough! On a base level, give it a proper clean from inside to out; it may have been years since you cleaned your car like this and it’s a great little passion project to undertake. Then you can start to think about making some other adjustments – like an alloy refurb on the wheels, a new paint job, some different lights etc. Basically you can turn your life into an episode of Pimp My Ride every single day. You’ll be amazed at how many things you can do to a car, and at how fun this can be with a little help from YouTube!

Photo by Roselyn Tirado on Unsplash

Renovate your home

On the topic of pimping things up, why don’t you renovate your home with a bit of DIY? Most people think home renovations are costly and involve lots of construction work. Truthfully, they don’t have to be like this if you don’t want them to. There are so many DIY renovations you can do on your own with a handful of tools. DIY is always a winner when you’re stuck at home, and you get the benefit of improving your living space at the same time.

You see, keeping your sanity is not as difficult as it seems. Essentially you have to keep yourself occupied and find things to do that last for a long time. Even when life gets back to normal, these are great little projects to undertake when you’re bored on a rainy day inside!

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