I am not.

I am not a sporty person, not really…but this outfit kind of makes me think that I at least look it. I finally have some converse in my life and I’m never taking them off (except to wear my other current shoe obsessions).




I forgot to put makeup on before these. Woops. Worn yesterday to the dentist to get my first ever hole in my tooth sorted. Oh hell, I go back in two weeks for the needle.

Today I am working an all day shift. I feel lazy when I do my usual half days but ultra shattered after a full one. Cannot win! At least by being contracted on half days I can pick and choose when it comes to over time (though silly me got carried away and I have no day off next week!)

Anyone else have extreme wardrobe frustration right now? I pretty much want to stamp my feet and throw things because despite owning a fair amount of clothes, I suddenly hate everything.


34 comments for “I am not.

  1. Ann

    Love converse! I’ve had a green pair forever, and they’ve served me well πŸ™‚ and I feel like I have been so boring when it comes to my clothes! I think we’re just lacking the proper motivation at the moment… I want a break from life! Haha

  2. Cool converses!! Loving the pink as well. I have wardrobe frustration in winter… I hate winter clothes! I want summer back NOW!!

  3. adorable. I love converses. My daughter has those in her size and my son has some regular converses in black!

  4. This outfit is CUTE AS. I love the blue with the pink πŸ™‚ LOVE

    Maria xxx

  5. Your looking very sporty my dear. thoses pink jeans look fab as do your converse.

    I always have a love hate relationship with my wardrobe! But I always love my shoes!

    X x

  6. I dig the way you are totally rocking those chucks!

  7. Love this outfit and those jeans look awesome on you great colour. ohh no dentist I spent most of my spare cash last year at the dentist :(. I had wardrobe frustration a couple of months ago it is my work wardrobe I hate xoxo

  8. love the look! and i’m having a total wardrobe blah week!

  9. ME! I hate it when the weather is too warm to wear winter gear and too cold to wear summer gear!
    Love your converse, though! But for me, trainers aren’t my style…
    Julia x

  10. I really like the navy and pink, looks lovely on you !

  11. Me! I dislike everything in my wardrobe, I am bored of it all! I find myself wearing the same 3 outfits all the time recently which is silly because I have so many clothes my wardrobe does not shut! I need to come into some money and go on a spending spree!
    Everytime I see those pink jeans I love them even more!

  12. I love the pink, you look fabulous and no wardrobe is complete without a pair of converse.

    Good luck at the dentist, boo hiss to naughty teeth

  13. Love your sporty look and love your converse!
    I have a wardrobe bursting to the brim but can’t find anything to go together. Urgh.

  14. Those pink trousers and Converse look fabulous. Why worry about the rest of your wardrobe when you can look that good? xxx

  15. Awesome sporty look. I’m in love with Converses and your pink ones look great. I don’t think I could live without mine.

    You still look fantastic without make up! Jealous.

  16. love the pink trousers and converse! πŸ™‚ Yeah I’m in a bit of a “blah” mood towards my clothes as well, but trying to resist the temptation to buy lots of new stuff! xx

  17. I love the colour of your converse!

  18. Hot pants, love them!


  19. those converse have a lovely colour, and the pink cropped trousers look great on you, I’m really feeling that trend this Spring and I’m thinking about getting a pair for myself πŸ˜‰

  20. wahhh i’m so desperate for converse! tempted to steal my sisters pink ones after seeing how cute you are in yours!! hope your tooth is okay owww xx

  21. I must admit I am really bad as I go off my clothes really quickly then I want more xx

  22. I am in the wardrobe rutt too! Wanna throw half of my stuff as I am so bored. Think this is when my no shopping ban has started to hit! I have worn the same few items all the time the last 2 weeks. Need to start thinking outside my comfy clothes again

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  23. LOVE the trousers and looking fabulous with the vest. Also super jealous you look this good without make-up.

    Having major wardrobe frustration too. Mainly weather based. I seem to have all the wrong things here at uni, and the weather is refusing to play ball- wind and rain followed by humidity?! Major urge to shop as the local H&M has some great stuff in atm… DAMN!

  24. I had a big clearout of my wardrobe the other day so I could actually see what’s in there an I just wanted to throw it all away and start again! x

  25. i love my green converse boots ive had for years πŸ™‚ your pink ones are cute!

  26. I love converse! you pull off brights so well xx

  27. gotta love conserve, they are so comfy!

  28. They are cute – I love the colour!

  29. I may hate pink but I’ve got to say that they are CUTE!

    My wardrobe frustration is massive but it’s largely self-inflicted. I haven’t done any ironing for weeks so everything that I actually want to wear is in a heap waiting for me to deal with it πŸ™

  30. love this outfit, i am not sure abotu anything in my wardrobe right now, i had a total mare packing for a week’s outfits. i don#t want to wear anythign i’ve taken with me. blargh!

  31. Hey, they’re great! Seeing them on you, I think the low ones look definitely better than high tops- good choice!
    I recommend wearing them for cycling- I find mine are perfect for it! They now serve that purpose! Just watch wearing them in wet grass or rain- they get grubby, soggy and none too comfortable

    Not sure where you bike post vanished to, but I wanted to say he/she/it looks very handsome!

  32. LOVE those jeans! You’ve also inspired me to get my pink chucks out <3

  33. you look amazing, my darling!

  34. Damn girl, you rocks the pink trousers and converse!