Oh dungarees, how did I cope without you in my life? This seems to be a pretty standard weekend outfit for me at the moment as it’s just so easy to wear- a basic tee, my trusty dungarees and some slip on sandals…perfect.
Necklace c/o Lola and Grace | Tee: New Look | Dungarees c/o Long Tall Sally | Shoes: Marks and Spencer
The necklace above was a surprise gift from Lola and Grace which couldn’t have had a more timely arrival. Fresh from their new Say it with Symbols collection this cute cross necklace represents faith, courage and confidence- all of which I could really do with right now as I’m feeling a little bit stressed and struggling a bit with a work/life balance and my recovery too.
I love everything about this new collection from Lola and Grace, already a firm favourite brand of mine before this. The necklaces retail at £24.90 and make for the perfect meaningful gift. I’ve been wearing mine non-stop, and although it may not contain magical powers (that I’m aware of) it has been a visual reminder to believe in myself and not give up.
I kind of feel like this is a bit of a half-arsed outfit to be sharing on the blog, but sometimes I think it’s good to show what I slob about it as well as when I’ve made an effort. I love blogging, I’ve been doing it for six or so years and I have made some amazing friends and worked with some of my favourite brands but I am SO guilty of comparing myself to others, or putting immense pressure on myself to post daily, be around on social media and have something interesting to say. How do you cope with that kind of pressure on yourself? I’ve long been aware I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to expectations of myself…the next few months, for me as I prepare to move out on my own will be about learning to relax and actually take a bit of down time…if that means not posting every day (but having something worthy to say when I do) then so be it.
It’s time to get my focus back let go of the nagging self doubt that often dominates. Anorexia, anxiety and depression ruled for too long, right now it’s about learning to believe in my own ability and worth. Thank you Lola and Grace for the constant little reminder.
You kinda hit the nail on the head there, I believe that loving ones self is the best thing you can do. Growing strong and confident all follow when you believe in and love yourself.
I’m pretty erratic with blogging but I don’t get sponsored for any of it so if there is nothing to say well then … silence 😉 I’m more active on Facebook I think so when I do have little titbits or gems of information to share, they go on Facebook.
Taking time to relax is something that I’ve really struggled with as well. So many times I’ve fallen into the trap of thinking ‘I’m well so I’m going to make the most of it’ and then ended up trying to pack so much in that i makr myself feel bad again! The other thing I’ve struggled with a bit is not panicking when i have a bit of a blip… Basically, recovery is a pain in the ass sometimes!
Sending you lots of love! X
What a beautiful necklace! You really do have every right to believe in yourself Laura, for being: beautiful, talented, successful, brave, courageous, kind, warm, humorous, stylish, innovative, admired, and the list goes on and on but I might be here all day clogging up your comments box…. 😉 😀
I can definitely relate to self doubt and comparing myself to others, mostly I try and shut those thoughts out by realising I’m me, there’s only one of me, and that’s not going to change anytime soon, so I might as well appreciate me. But it’s a hell of a lot easier said than done, I know. I also started following @recoveryspirit on Twitter recently, everyday she posts positive, uplifting words of wisdom that have definitely made me change my outlook on staying positive over these past few weeks.
Wish you all the luck in the world with your exciting step of moving; I’m sure it will be the start of only good things to come and a wonderful new chapter in your life 🙂 Stay strong, keep your head up, never forget what an inspiration you are to so many! xo
Sophie | soinspo
Litlle things like the necklace do make a difference as silly as it sounds. I’ve suffered depression and anxiety for years, and recently my boyfriend bought me a necklace with the chemical symbol for dopamine – a little bit of the ‘feel good chemical’ for when I need it. I was so touched by the gift and I wear it every day for that little bit of a boost.
So you keep wearing the necklace and get that bit of extra confidence wherever you need it and I’m sure you will get back on top of that stress. Youre a strong person and always inspire me 🙂
Gems x
These dungarees look sooo cute on you!
Jade & I both work long hours so we aren’t able to blog everyday and we’ve both come to realise that that’s okay. We blog because we love it. Sometimes we say yes to too many projects at once (which can be quite stressful) but we take little breaks to recharge and become hyped up again!