if it aint broke

Floral dress, bright tights and clompy boots. Faithful wardrobe staples. This is the third year I’ve dragged this dress from Primark out of hiding. It’s seen better days now and needs a bit of a repair job, but that’s not going to stop me wearing it until it falls apart (which I admit, might be sooner than I’d like)

Sometimes all ambitions of a defined style for myself go out of the window and I head back to the components that never let me down.

((Let’s just hope the dress lasts the day))

What do you find yourself returning to time and time again?


32 comments for “if it aint broke

  1. Love this outfit! I must replenish my coloured tights collection for winter! All of mine are laddered!


  2. If it works why change it and this outfit definantly works.

  3. Lately I’ve been wearing a lot of the same stuff over and over again. Though they’re mostly my favorites so that’s ok.
    But somehow I had given up on brown clothes, however yesterday I bought the most awesome heels/boots I’d ever seen and now I’m looking forward to wearing the color again.

    Too bad about the dress, hope it lasts a little while longer!!!

  4. I love my jeans, always have. But my purple dress a few posts ago is a little similar to yours a trusty faithful that I hope will last a few more years yet.

    Love the outfit. I hope the dress survives for you.

    X x

  5. I’m a sucker for rewearing jeans no matter how torn and frayed they become at the bottoms. I’m bad I know!

  6. i’ve been recycling outfits recebtly as well, i don’t know if it’s because i’ve been feeling less inspired!?

  7. I have one orange (I know, random colour) skirt that I keep coming back to. Midi length, and goes with everything, which is weird given the colour!

    I always love your coloured tights, I think I might have to start digging mine out for the cold days. I fancy a raspberry coloured pair…

  8. I love your boots!
    I have a couple of dresses that I’d wear everyday if I could get away with it haha!


  9. I love this dress!
    I’ve got many at item that repeated gets pulled out of its wardrobe hiding, unfortunately a lot of them have seen better days now though!

  10. I’m the same with a couple of dresses. Love the boots! x

  11. Anonymous

    But you do have a defined style! Awesome floral print dresses, colorful tights, rocking shoes!! That’s your thing! Don’t try and change it if it works! πŸ™‚

  12. Angela

    I have some shirts and jumpers that have lasted for years, probably because I find it hard to find suitable replacements. Sometimes you’ve just got to stick with what works. Great outfit πŸ™‚ x

  13. Love love love, those tights are awesome.

  14. lovely dress! I find myself returning to a vintage plaid shirt I bought. It is cosy and warm and goes with almost everything! πŸ™‚

  15. i love this style. those boots are to die for!!


  16. I do believe I profess my love every time you wear the thing so its obviously doing something right [because, clearly, it’s alive…ahem].

    You always carry off brights so well. BAH. xx

  17. Er- I return to florals, empire line tops, turquoise…!

  18. Time after time I go back to floral dresses, stripy jumpers and little booties! Oh and good thick black tights! There’s more variety in the jewellery I have than the clothes πŸ™‚

  19. You are amazing and so are these boots!

    Maria xxx

  20. Stripy tops! or my leather jacket..

    I know what you mean though you, on days where your like ‘ah what do I wear? or I have nothing to wear’

    My motto is wear what you feel comfortable in, not whats in.

    Jen xx

  21. well you have a lovely staple style with your outfit recipe! I always reach for jeans and a big warm jumper when in doubt.

  22. Fab boots! Shoe envy alert!

  23. Those boots are FANTASTIC.

  24. Great outfit! I think everyone needs that faithful go to dress!

  25. I totally agree – floaty dresses and clompy boots work perfectly together and you look lovely!

  26. Love the dress, so pretty :).

    Sadie x

  27. nothing wrong with old comforts from time to time – love these boots πŸ™‚ hope you’re well lovely x

  28. I love your outfit, you look so good, that dress is so cool, the color, the length, the shape are perfect, you look so chic and you are so beautiful, also lovely leggings and boots! Your blog is lovely and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  29. Lil

    I have several floral Primark dresses that I’ve had for 2-3 years and can’t let go. Those teamed with my trusty pixie boots and I’m ready to go. Kinda like you! X