It is ALWAYS time for cake.

Sunny morning, feeling poorly (kidney infection, boo), loads to do…

what else is a girl to day other than bake?

Really, there are a zillion other things I should have been doing on my day off, but the lure of flour, eggs and sugar were calling me.

I confess, I cheated a little. Chocolate and coconut are one of my favourite flavour combinations and I had this jar of coconut spread (a lidl special a couple of months ago) lurking with no real purpose….until it became instant icing that is! Mmm.

It doesn’t look all that appetising but oh man it was good. I wish it was a permanent product!

It had to be cupcakes. I’m reading “Meet me at the cupcake cafe” and it’s got me inspired.

These are now in my cake tin and ready to come to work with me tomorrow.

Well, all but this one.


34 comments for “It is ALWAYS time for cake.

  1. Ooooohh love the idea of coconut spread, I’m gonna snaffle some of that up! They look divine.
    Kandi x

  2. awww, these look so yummy! I have also spotted those jars of spread (I remember there were different flavors) in Lidl, but did not buy them because I had no idea how to use them… wish I had known this back then! πŸ™‚

  3. I totally agree with you girl – there is ALWAYS time for cake! I have been baking up a storm the past week hehe πŸ™‚ These sound absolutely yum! And who’d have thought Lidl could do such an amazing spread?! I want!! xx

  4. Oh wow these look so yummy and the idea of coconut spread is quite exciting! x

  5. Awww they look so yummy, I love coconut. I hope you feel better soon hun <3

  6. I am suddenly extremely hungry πŸ™‚

    You’re so prolific in the the kitchen, you put me to shame!

    Sorry to hear about the kidney infection. Those can be nasty, hope it clears up soon.

  7. wow coincidence, I’ve just finished Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe! Bought it as a treat for the evening after my first exam, it SO does make you hungry for cake!

    Yours look scrumptious, I wish I could afford ingredients but I’ve already gone over my food budget for this week, sadtimes!

    Sarah x

  8. It looks delicious, may I have some? LOL


  9. Lovelyyyy. I’m going to bake loaaads after exams when I have time x

  10. oh these look delicious!! coconut and chocolate are the best, oh well caramel too, strawberry maybe..hell, i want a cupcake!

  11. You will be very popular at the office!
    By the way, holy ouch!
    Feel better.
    LOts of fluids! Cranberry!

  12. OMG that looks amazing. I wish I worked with you. hope you’re feeling better.


  13. Mm those look nice, hope you feel better soon <3 x

  14. Jo

    Mmmmmm coconut. Never knew you could get coconut spread. And indeed you are right, it is ALWAYS time for cake, hehe.

    Feel better soon x

  15. Yum! I really love coconut too, have you ever heard of Kaya? It’s like a sweet coconut spread, it’s Malaysian I think, it’s yummy!

    Also, my mum bought the choco boy from the chinese supermarket. So random!

  16. these look so yum! love your sneaky icing cheat!

  17. Haha I agree with the post title. However as yummy as these cakes look I cannot stand the taste of coconut :'( cc

  18. Yummy Yummy! i agree, we always have time for a cake!!!

  19. Yummy Yummy! i agree, we always have time for a cake!!!

  20. Um…yum, can I come over to sample?! πŸ˜‰

  21. Methinks I need to go to Lidl! That sounds gorgeous.

  22. Kim

    Woah, coconut spread?! I think I need to track this down for future baking expeditions xxx

  23. Coconut Spread yummy I love coconut.

  24. amy

    Coconut makes everything delicious and heart warming. The pictures make me hungry!!

    hope to hear from you*!

  25. Ooo, those look delicious. And that coconut spread sounds SOOO good!

  26. It looks delicious!!!

  27. Coconut spread!?! Sounds bizarre/delicious.

  28. My Mum bought me a pot of the coconut spread – I’ve had to resist eating it straight from the tub it’s so delish!

    What a clever idea – will have to get baking! πŸ˜‰


  29. I agree with you. we always have time for a cake!!!