Ladylike + Snack of the week.

I ended the week on a more ladylike note with my final work outfit. Comprising of a £5 skirt from Primark and one of my oldest uniqlo tees, the addition of super shiny Kate Kanzier loafers made me feel smart and appropriately layered for the ever changing office climate. These shoes are pretty much the most comfortable thing ever. Anyone questioning whether to order from Kate Kanzier should just do it!

I skipped Snacking Saturday last week, and this week it is back in the form of Snack of the Week…a prestigious Laura created award given for addictiveness. This week it without a doubt goes to Warburtons Baked Pitta Chips, kindly sent to me by the creators themselves after I expressed great love for the Cracked Black Pepper flavour. The other flavours are equally as good and make the perfect houmus scooping tool (very important don’t ya know?)  Chilli Jack was the flavour I expected to loathe, and on it’s own it didn’t win any favourites award…but combined with cool and tangy houmus my mouth was in heaven.
For eating plain, Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar took the lead, but all the flavours are good. Really good. I’ve never tried Pitta Chips before, although I’ve seen them mentioned on foodie blogs I follow. A few vital statistics are:

✔ Made from pitta bread
✔ Baked twice for the perfect crunch
✔ A third less fat than potato crisps*
✔ Available in 40g & 150g bags
✔ No artificial ingredients
✔ Made with sunflower oil

These are perfect for sharing with friends and family, or hoarding all to yourselves! You’ll find them in most supermarkets….if I don’t get there first!

Have you tried Pitta chips before?

Favourite vessel for houmus?

Any other Kate Kanzier shoe fans?


24 comments for “Ladylike + Snack of the week.

  1. Ooh these look so good! I love pitta chips, so crunchy!
    Favourite houmous scooping tool has to be ordinary pitta bread, or pepper and carrot sticks!

  2. those chips are amazingly good. tuna and pitta bread chips for lunch? yes please! x

  3. Yum they sound lovely….i wonder do we have them over here as ive never heard of them before…i will have to keep a look out :o)

  4. Anonymous

    Laura, I hate to say it but you look really ill again 🙁 I hope that you are getting help xxx

  5. I love those shoes, they do look really comfy! I’ve not tried pitta chips before but bet they’d be great with dips! x

  6. Lil

    Loving the loafers! X

  7. I’ve never heard of pitta chips before but they sound gorgeous! x

  8. I’d like a serving of this… just to keep on discovering new tastes! Ladylike suits ya gal:)

  9. I love the midi skirt!

    Yum, those Pitta snacks look so good. I like making my own Pitta chips using microwaved Pitta bread. Nothing fancy, but can be pretty addictive too!

  10. Vix

    Stunning outfit, I love it!
    Those pitta chips sound yummy. x

  11. I want your whole work wardrobe, everything you wear looks fashionable but still practical – jel


  12. Love the outfit, the skirt looks fab on you.

    Sadie xx

  13. Looking very lady like and smart. Lovely shoes.

    Those snacks sound yummy.

    X x

  14. Wow! Can’t believe that skirt is from Primark! Love it!
    And I have to try those crisps!

    London Last Night

  15. You look AMAZING and I may steal your shoes!

    Maria xxx

  16. Oh man.
    Oh man oh man oh man. I LOVE houmus and pitta, and these are way easier than toasting one myself!
    Have you ever tried roasted onion houmus from sainsburys? ADDICTION. right there.

  17. I don’t normally like loafers but those are fab!

    Bhav x

  18. Zoe

    I have not tried pitta chips before, these look delicious! I think I’ll have to pick some up!x

  19. I would like to try the pitta chips !! Your shoes are very nice..!

  20. i love the shoes and the snacks have made me realise how hungry i amatm!

  21. oh, i’m totally lovestruck by your loafers. they’re truly perfect!

    xx //