Lazy Hazy

Oh wasn’t yesterday glorious? I wish the weather could always be like this, it makes me want to do nothing but sit on my ass and eat ice lollies.

For whatever reason, my outfit still involved tights (well, people were still wearing jeans). I learnt my lesson by 4pm when my ankles had swollen beyond recognition and a cold bath followed by a somewhat cooler maxi skirt and vest combo were deemed essential.


Hair swept out of face


And makeup kept minimal (pouting, standard)


Today, despite the forecast I have woken to a bedroom more humid than a greenhouse. Hair that’s going in twenty crazy directions and no idea of what to wear for work.

Thank you to everyone who entered the Witch giveaway. The ten lucky winners were;

Jennie, Lauren, Hannah, Pippa, Sherin, Charly, Char, cowbiscuits, Lois, Zilla.

Congratulations ladies, you should have all had an e-mail from me now, if not, give me a prod


P.S. Aussie post sooon!

39 comments for “Lazy Hazy

  1. the outfit is very cute, love the colour of the tights! Cute hair pin, too! xxx

  2. your hair is gorgeous, looking healthy! xx

  3. Sweet outfit.

    Yesterday was glorious and hot. It called for lots of pimms in our house.

    X x

  4. I love your hair pin, really cute 🙂

    BTW I still can’t get over how hot you look with red hair!


  5. cute dress! And my bedroom was hot without recognition when I woke up this morning! x

  6. Yay: I’m loving this weather. I really love that dress you’re in. The floral print is gorgeous.

  7. Really like the cut of the dress! And the daisy is really cute:)

  8. Pretty outfit and your hair looks lovely !

  9. Pretty outfit and your hair looks lovely !

  10. I love the dress and the tights, great color combination, as well with your hair! =)


  11. The dress and tights are lovely! xx

  12. Love your outfit very pretty xoxo

  13. I love your dress, it has a very cute print!

    Laura – White Winters

  14. Ooh yay thankyou! You really must have sweltered in those tights. I agree with having a room like a greenhouse! xx

  15. Love the print of your dress! I want to see a full body shot! Can’t wait to see your adventures at Yummy Hair xx

  16. Anonymous

    why on earth are you sucking in your face?

  17. Love that dress & the tights are gorgeous! I never look stylish when it’s so hot!


  18. Love your outfit and your daisy hair pin xx

  19. I like the sun but not the insane heat. I’d like the sun to dial it down by about 5 degrees. But then I’m a fat lass so I get flustred. Haha!

    Great outfit, I’d kill my grandma for your legs.

  20. I’m totally the same as you and find it very hard not to wear tights! Love it how you’ve kept it summery by going for a colourful pair – best of both worlds!

  21. Beautiful dress & I adore your hair like that. x hivenn

  22. My original comment was to say that I love your dress, but when I got to the last photo I realised I just had to say I loooove your hair! x

  23. My hair doesn’t like this weather one bit either! Lovely outfit x

  24. My hair is rebelling too – that and its too warm to try and do anything with it

  25. Your hair looks gorgeous and I love your floral dress! I was over in Oxford yesterday and it was absolutely boiling! Had mistakenly put on jeans and it was almost too hot to be outside! Who would have expected it from England?!

    Hope your room cools down a bit! Eeek. xx

  26. A cute summery outfit – send some of the heat up north please! xx

  27. Ahh swollen anything and wild hair in the heat are quite the nightmare… But your tights look gorgeous with that dress, so I think it might well have been worth it! x

  28. I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WERE IN LONDON FOR THE AUSSIE THING AND DIDNT TELL ME RAAAH 🙁 please come again this summer! i love your new tat, btw 🙂 xx

  29. What I love aboout tights is that they can be whipped off in an instant if things heat up!!! I adore your dress, its so pretty!

  30. Your hair is a lovely cut and a fab wee dress too,thanks for coming by.My hair is a curly mess at the moment so im rather jelous of your gorgeous hair hehe x

  31. it’s sunny here during the day but it’s still quite fresh so i am loving my leggings and summer option combos. Love the dress

    Bright Green Laces

  32. Such a gorgeous dress! xx

  33. Anonymous

    Gorge dress & love the tights! I drop by your page occasionally but always when I need to be cheered up … you’ve never failed! Love the fashion posts anytime!

  34. I absolutely love your dress!! The fabric ans style are gorgeous on you!

  35. Your hair looks so very lovely here xxx

  36. Adorable floral dress. I love the pairing with the daisy clip. Daisies totally remind me of you. Probably because of the title of your blog but whenever I see daisies, I think of you!