Lazy Weekend

I wasn’t going to post today, because I am the living definition of lazy and have so far only succeeded to stay out of bed for about an hour before diving back in,
but hey, it’s Sunday and it wouldn’t be Sunday without more random photos from my week!

Gorgeous gifts from gorgeous bloggers!


(thank you Char)


(thank you Lauren)


(thank you Stefanie)

Soft toy octopus?! Thanks MUM! This is so random, but when we realised it was called Splash (Flash’s nickname) it had to be bought




Jeans! I wear them more often than I wear trousers, but again it is one of those challenges and I don’t often last the day. Yesterday I did. Something has clicked, finally, in my head!


Embracing Spring with my gorgeous necklace from Go Jewellery!

What random things have made you happy this week?

Are you a believe in Sunday laziness? Do you have any traditions? I 9/10 of ten meet up with Trudi (a.k.a. best friend ever) and either visit my grandparents or go for coffee. This is followed by sitting around the table with my parents to eat dinner…one of the best things about recovery? Roast dinners!


49 comments for “Lazy Weekend

  1. I love your flower necklace and the pink top the best.

  2. You match your bedroom today! πŸ™‚ Mmmmm roast dinners – I could just eat one but looks like it’ll be the leftovers of lastn night’s sausage and barley casserole for me!

  3. Your room is so beautiful, i want.
    Love the go jewellery necklace xx

  4. Die eerst eketting is echt prachtig!

  5. Such lovely gifts, you lucky girl!!

    I adore your necklace:)


  6. I love your bedroom its so pretty and that necklace is lovely xx

  7. your room looks so pretty! xx

  8. oh my god, the flower necklace is amazing.

    And you really look good in jeans even though they’re way too baggy πŸ˜‰

  9. Love the necklaces and how cute is that octopus! The top you’re wearing is gorgeous too by the way.

  10. i LOVE your wallpaper!

    and I just love lazy sundays – having a few glasses of rosΓ© in front of the log fire… aaah!


  11. what a pretty outfit! the blouse looks so lovely on you, it’s the perfect colour for you!

  12. Ooh lovely flowery necklace. I also really like the top you’re wearing.
    I don’t really like Sundays, especially Sunday evenings as they’re all about getting ready for the working week ahead.

    PS Big thumbs up for yesterday’s post πŸ™‚

  13. Your top is so pretty, as is your gorgeous girly bedroom! πŸ˜€

    Wish I was gettin a roast dinner today πŸ™ can’t be bothered making ot myself hehe

    Loved yesterday’s post too πŸ™‚ but I was reading it on my BB so couldn’t comment! x

  14. Love the GO jewellery necklace!!! πŸ™‚ xo

  15. Aw you got some gorgeous bits and pieces there! The Octopus is cute!

  16. Fab look, love how jeans are so versatile. I use mine for washing the car and gardening, means I don’t flash the neighbours too, always good.
    Cute stuff you received! I’m enjoying being able to shop again, yay!

  17. In France there is this huge Speculoos mania!

  18. aww, lovely gifts u got πŸ™‚

    and love that top <3

  19. I have to go buy that Octopus. Its soooo cute.

  20. The flower necklace is fab and I love the octopus (octopi are a running joke between me and my bestie). Your top looks fab, I love the print on it. Weekends are meant for being lazy surely?! I hope you are enjoying yours xx

    Kittenish Behaviour Blog

  21. Am loving that floral top!It’s soooo preeetty! And like other commenters, am LOVING the beautiful girly boudoir- it’s sooooooo tidy!!!!

    The octopus is a darling! My mum used to work with a travel agency called Octopus Travel and they had little mascot toys, similar (but Green) and you just made me remember the way she would send one of them on holiday with me so I could take photos of it posing at interesting locations!)

    Greek salad has made me happy this week, receiving post, kind well-wishers, being able to play my flute after broken wrist, pretty dresses that fit!
    I am a believer in Sunday laziness, I think it should be kept as a day of rest and yet interminably, I find myself reluctantly having to do all my school prep, marking, planning, etc, which I cannot persuade myself to do on Saturday or before). Big sigh! Mmmm, roast dinner….
    Have a nice Sunday!

  22. First of all, I LOVE that flash has a nickname. That is just inspired.

    Secondly lady, you are looking mighty fine in these pictures- that colour is gorgeous on you. And I have room envy, just so you know.

    And finally, YAY roast dinners! I’m so sorry that my post made you cry…deifnitely didn’t mean for it to! But yes, I’m sure it can strike a chord with a lot of people. And you are one of those included in the thank you btw πŸ™‚


  23. Lovely top, and your room is so pretty!

    Sunday lazyness is definately a necessity, mine are about lie-ins, coffee, and bad tv!

  24. Awww I love the toy octopus πŸ˜€

  25. I knew you’d get out of bed and blog. Thank you so much for your kind comments on mine. I took my inspiration from you actually, you constantly write personal posts and it seems to have helped make you stronger. Sometimes it heps to open up.

    Sending you lotsa love back

  26. The flower necklace is so lovely and I am in love with your bedroom dΓ©cor xx

  27. speculoos spread?! hmm that sounds delicious!! is it like the filling on those wafers?

  28. love that floral necklace , unfortunatly its not in stores anymore so i missed out xoxo

  29. that dress/top is so cute! πŸ™‚ x

  30. cute necklcae ur wearing! i love ur dress and ur wallpaper πŸ™‚

  31. I love the necklaces. Chocolate cake and new shoes have definitely been making me happy this week.

  32. Pretty in pink! Great gifts, well deserved. xxx

  33. lucky you getting lovely gifts! x

  34. cute gifts! every sunday i just bum around and do homework. i also tend to watch skins on dvd every sunday at night to go to sleep. it’s my favorite show


  35. Sunday used to be lazy day for me, but now it’s all about catching up on all the work I should have done the previous week… The Perks of Being a Procrastinating Flower, ey? I love Sunday roast though, perfect meal.

  36. Oh Laura, what lovely gifts to receive! Everything is so colourful and sunshiney πŸ™‚

  37. Just wanted to say good job on the trousers. I know how difficult it is. I recently forced myself (after over a year of not having worn trousers) to wear trousers for a week (sort of).

    Sundays are absolutely for laziness. Usually cycle some place, meet up with a friend and we knit, chat and have coffee. A recent Sunday tradition.

    Have a good week. xx:)

  38. OH…I forgot to say…I love all the floral! πŸ™‚

  39. love both necklaces!
    have a great week!

  40. love that first necklace – so cute! x

  41. What lovely treats!
    Your pink top is very pretty. x

  42. aww I love the gifts you got, that necklace is lust. Well done on the jean front hun, you are knocking them barriers down one at a time πŸ™‚ I love the go necklace soooo cute xxxx

  43. aww I love the gifts you got, that necklace is lust. Well done on the jean front hun, you are knocking them barriers down one at a time πŸ™‚ I love the go necklace soooo cute xxxx

  44. aww I love the gifts you got, that necklace is lust. Well done on the jean front hun, you are knocking them barriers down one at a time πŸ™‚ I love the go necklace soooo cute xxxx

  45. your floral wallpaper is amazing!

  46. K that toy octopus? Cutest thing ever.
    Wow, I thought I was the only one like that with jeans. Everyone I talk to seems to like them so much and I would much rather prefer skirts/dresses. Good hob for challenging yourself to wear them though! I need to do that too.
    We always have roasts on sundays too! Absolutely delicious, I could never get sick of my mom’s roast dinners.

  47. www I love your wallpaper! So fresh! πŸ™‚
    x Melody