Lusting after; Tasty Cream

Once upon a time, well over a year ago now I did a series of posts featuring fabulously printed leggings from Black Milk whilst bemoaning the fact that no-where in the UK even came close.

Although I’ve somewhat toned down my style these days, I was utterly delighted to be e-mailed by genius Michael Rowland about his label, Tasty Cream and his range of latex fashion including leggings to make every addict weep tears of joy.

A few words from the man himself:

“I have been working with latex since 2006. Showing some of my latex dress designs meant I was able to acquire a place at the biggest latex design company located in London from 2009-2011, where we produced customized items for many well-known celebs such as Lady Gaga.
As you probably know latex is appearing more, and even more commonly. 
Topshop had a trial run on their latex collection last year, which I have been informed was a great success, and they will be bringing back in the near future. However the collection had been sourced  from a low quality manufacturer and was priced very high.

So my aim with Tasty Cream is not only to bring latex presented in a ‘wear out’ way, but to provide a constant new look, partly by sourcing ‘modern look’ materials. I have only started working with elastane-based materials (shown on my site) from last year but find them much easier to work with than latex!

All garments are hand made with a lot of care, and I make sure the fabrics sourced are; safe, of an excellent quality, and look/feel good. I think the great thing about the high-waisted leggings/shorts on my site at the moment is that they can be combined with a lot of garments most girls have in their wardrobes, resulting in a stunning and a highly impacting outfit without even much effort”

If a genie could grant me three wishes from Michael’s designs they would be the above…

American Beauty, £43, Latex Dream leggings, £60 and Starstruck, £42.

What do we think folks? I remember a LOT of love for my previous crazy leggings posts…

I say “watch this space”, Tasty Cream is taking over.


12 comments for “Lusting after; Tasty Cream

  1. I love these leggings so much and the Black Milk ones I only wish they weren’t as expensive. I tend to think of leggings as a step up from tights as they rarely last as long as trousers so it’s a lot of money to fork out if the quality isn’t there and I go through leggings so quickly! xoxo

  2. They’d definitely get some attention! x

  3. i like the second pair the best! nice use of wishes girl lol

    Vi from Cali

  4. Antonia J

    Love it!!!!

  5. those leggings are intense! and so amazing!

  6. Kat

    I pretty much love the latex ones. I would wear them to my great books course with my 80+ year old professor and just wait for the epic comments.

  7. I really want some patterned leggings, but I don’t know if I’d pull them off, or have any simple tops to go with them. Like the look of the galaxy ones from Black Milk though and I like your picks too

    Bhav x

  8. These are brilliant! Great suggestion x

  9. Anonymous

    These are cute. I LOVE my Black Milk’s. I have a couple of pairs that are a year and a half old and they are still good as new. With leggings it’s all about the quality. The good quality ones are definitely worth the price, it’s just a pity that there are so many cheap bad quality leggings out there that give them leggings a bad name.

  10. If they wanted to make it less obvious that they’re essentially trying to rip off Black Milk all the way from their legging design to website layout and facebook page, they could at least have picked a brand name that didn’t take the exact same “adjective-dairy product” forumla. Some of their items are clearly ripped from BM designs and the ones that are original aren’t anywhere near as good. I’d welcome Black Milk rip-offs if they were significantly cheaper, twenty quid at a maximum, but these leggins aren’t even that. Boo. Given price similarity, I’d way rather go straight to Black Milk which is more original and, let’s be honest, is just cooler.