Luxe little Stocking Fillers from Aspire Style

Stocking fillers are one of my favourite things about Christmas present shopping. Seeking out cute little additions to a main gift or making a hamper or box out of several themed goodies. This year Aspire Style has come up trumps with their range of gifts under a fiver and I’m struggling to think of anyone who wouldn’t love these festive themed yet year round usable treats!

The bath salts and lip balms are all priced at £4.99 and the range consists of favourite festive tipples- I’m a Gin&Tonic girl myself.
The squirrel pen costs £3.99 and really has no place in this post other than it was just too cute not to include!
Aspire Style aren’t just brilliant for gifts either, I’ve found my perfect Christmas Day Dress
It costs £49 but would see me through NYE and other winter gatherings too. Love.
Which of these little gifts would you like to receive? 
I think they’d make a lovely main gift with a bottle of said drink packaged with the bath salts and lipbalm….the perfect way to relax after all the festive madness!

8 comments for “Luxe little Stocking Fillers from Aspire Style

  1. Anonymous

    love the look of the dress – that would make a wonderful xmas present !
    fashmr p

  2. ooh G&T all the way! I love stocking fillers and do stockings with my mum and boyfriend so these might come in handy 🙂 x

  3. how awesome are the jumpers on their site, I want the cat one especially haha

  4. This post is such a cute idea <3 I love the bath salts, they look so pretty and would make beautiful stocking fillers!

    Sophie xox soinspo

  5. Really cute packaging those lipbalm c: Xx

  6. All of the bath salts look amazing! I’d definitely be glad to wake up on Christmas morning with them in my stocking!

  7. Make mine a G&T 😉

  8. Stocking fillers are a favourite of mine too! I wish I had a bath to nab some of those bathsalts for!