
I spent a long time lusting after a jersey maxi dress, and what seemed like an eternity searching for one that met my needs AND budget. As ever it was New Look that came up trumps with this one pictured below, priced at Β£15…I also took advantage of a 20% off voucher making it a very affordable Β£12.

I’ve had it about a month now, hanging in my wardrobe waiting for the weather to improve. With yesterday promised as the warmest day so far I decided it was time and teamed it with a nude lace vest and my grey jersey blazer.



I love the floaty feeling you get from wearing a long dress, and the fact it’s jersey means it’s comfortable enough to want to live in.
Totally a summer essential in my eyes!

Are you having a good weekend so far? The weather has taken a turn for the worse today; grey skies and rain which is just no good! Thankfully it is set to be lovely again from tomorrow which is just as well as I have a busy week full of appointments and my birthday on Wednesday.

What have you got planned?

Don’t forget you have until Thursday for my giveaway and this week will also bring more outfit posts and an eco-friendly review.


114 comments for “Maxi

  1. I really want to try jersey maxi dresses! They look fab on you and on everyone I’ve seen wearing one! Great choice with the blazer


  2. Oh my, it’s just beautiful! I love the soft grey colour, the way it fits you, it’s lovely! And just imagine in how many ways you can accessorize it… Necklaces, belts, bangles, cropped jackets… Wow, I think I need one myself!

  3. Ohhh, love your blazer! They don’t seem to be paired with maxi dresses v often, and I don’t know why, your combination looks awesome!

  4. Oh I love that grey maxi. Might have to buy that. x

  5. I had a fabulous weekend but now it means that I am incredibly tired, still worth it though πŸ˜€
    That dress looks so great on you and the kind of thing you’ll really enjoy wearing. I fancy getting myself a maxi dress this year.

    Florrie x

  6. oh you look so pretty!
    hope you have a nice birthday!
    lots of love

  7. that is absolutely gorgeous. You just convinced me I need a maxi dress too.

  8. Ooh love the maxi and love it in grey (and with the lace vest peeking thru). I saw two friends wearing something similar last summer in NY, in Southampton.. I’ve posted it somewhere.

    Having a lovely weekend, Laura, hope you are, too! Oh: are you on facebook? Have we friended each other? Jill Carin Adams. If you’d like, just started a polka dot club:

    please join (i.e. ‘like’ – upload photos to it – spread the good word!) thanks xox

  9. I wish I was tall enough to pull off a maxi dress!

  10. You look lovely in this and I love the colour πŸ™‚
    I’ve had a good weekend decorating and I’m shopping today =)

  11. I love your maxi dress… you look so lovely in that ensemble. xoxo

  12. wow, it looks stunning! love it πŸ™‚ especially with the blazer. I’ve had a very lazy long weekend so far. yay for public holidays! hope you have a great week!


  13. i absolutely love this maxi dress on you, and it looks so comfy. i would live in jersey if i could, and i’m not talkin’ about the city! i will surely make a romper for you. i put a sample of the one i’m going to sell up on my blog, and i’m also working on some different patterns. just tell me what color!!


  14. That’s such a nice maxidress, I am really loving the new jersey maxidresses that are around at the moment. I am still hunting for the perfect three quarter sleeved one.

  15. I really want a jersey maxi dress too! Must look out for this one in New Look πŸ™‚

  16. Gorgeous maxi dress!

  17. Maxi dress is always fab! Great colour, I heart grey!

  18. Its lovely! Looks extra comfy too πŸ™‚ Wishing you birthday greetings in advance in case I get busy again during the week xo Cuddles from Patsy too!

  19. I love your blazer.


  20. Ahhh, another sickeningly gorgeous dress! I so nearly bought a grey jersey maxi last week but didn’t and have been thinking about it ever since, this has just compounded my misery! lol!
    Vicki xxx

  21. This is such a great colour and I love how you teamed it with the lace nude vest tres chic and it works perfectly with the blazer fabulous xoxo

  22. Oh yes, I love the floaty feeling when you wear maxi dresses too! You look fab:)


  23. it looks beautiful on u ^^

  24. You look gorgeous as always, and thanks for the kind words. I’m nothing special, but I do love drawing. I have a friend who is out of this world though when it comes to art! xxx

  25. J.

    I absolutely love your dress! And what a bargain too! Well done!!

  26. I saw this dress and thought of you, also one in H&M too. I love maxi dresses but sadly they look awful on me being 5ft and the shape i am. You look beautiful though. This week should be fun, i’m going to the midwife woooo and also having a day out with my boyf, hopefully the sun will shine for us xx

  27. Love the maxi dress! I love them, they seem so comfortable. I’ve bought a long stipey bube tube style dress this weekend which I think will be the closest I can get to wearing a maxi dress asI’m so short! Still not sure if I can pull it off so have kept the reciept in a safe place incase I have to take it back! Great bargain though!

  28. You look amazing in this dress! love the colour and the drape and cut! i really want this dress now! weather here hasnt turned out too well and we are having bbq soon! maybe under an umbrella?!
    vicki xo

  29. so you stole the sun then- caught red handed! although you do make more of it than i so i guess i forgive you πŸ˜‰

    love you always

  30. yes oh yes!! jersey maxi dresses are just the comfiest! πŸ™‚

  31. So pretty! I really like the color on you. It looks both trendy and comfy. Perfect combo.

  32. Happy Sunday to you, Daisy;-)
    I love this wonderfully flowing dress. xx

  33. Lovely dress your look is great!

  34. Great maxi. Really suits you and is a good length considering how tall you are.


  35. such a perfect outfit! i love it. i wish i was tall enough to wear maxi dresses, i absolutely love the flowy effect… but even if i found a maxi that didn’t drag on the ground, i’d still look like i’m wearing a too-big nightgown. you’re lucky you can rock the maxi!

  36. That maxi dress makes you look like a Greek Goddess, Laura. I love the way it sweeps out around your feet – so glamorous!! πŸ™‚

  37. Love it with the jacket!

  38. Only a handful of people can pull off casual maxi dresses really well and I think you’re one of them!

  39. Kb

    You look simply stunning, it works well because you’re tall. Wish I could pull this off…

  40. Hey Daisy πŸ™‚

    Sharp dress!! The colour is nice on you too πŸ™‚ Plans for the week? I just watched movies; (was going to watch) Amelia, but didn’t. So instead it’s been Morbit and The Lovely Bones.

    Have a fab Sunday πŸ™‚

  41. This dress looks stunning on you with your figure and so perfect for Spring/Summer!

  42. You really look lovely !

  43. love this jersey dress,the colour is great and verstile

  44. I love that you paired it with the lace top underneath! perfect!

  45. girl, that is CUTE! esp on you!

    what will you do for your birthday?
    : )

  46. maxi dresses are such a tricky trend, i don’t think i could rock this look! you look lovely x

  47. Long skirt looks great on you and the blazer is chic!!

  48. Love it with the blazer…is there anything you can’t wear?

  49. Jen

    Love the maxi on you! Especially with the blazer and those heels. Fab!

  50. The weekend here is all rainy, wet and cold! Toronto is having some weird hot and cold weather weeks! You look lovely in that gray, its so soft.

  51. I love the maxi dress + blazer combo. One of the other commenters mentioned it’s not something you see often, and I agree it’s not, but it looks fab!

    We’ve had grey skies and rain most of the weekend, so I’ve been mostly inside just catching up on work.

  52. I love Maxi dresses and this one looks fab doll.
    I am off until wednesday πŸ™‚ and bf is off for 2 days so we are going to make the most of sunny London.
    Can’t wait til you come visit one day


  53. This dress is gorgeous and I love how you paired it with the blazer. xoxo

  54. I wear blazers and maxi dresses all the time but never thought to wear them together… great look on you, will definitely be trying this!

  55. J

    that dress looks so comfy!! i feel that im too short for maxi dresses but i love it when others wearit!

  56. i love this dress!

  57. I am adoring that blazer of yours!!! And hope you had a lovely weekend dear!


  58. thankss for the add on twitter:) yourrr soooooo lucky yourr thin. that dress looks FABULOUS. i would say it makess me crave summer. but itss always summer where i live,, πŸ™‚


  59. great dress; it looks very comfortable.

  60. Your maxi dress is so cute!


    There is a Giveaway on my blog

  61. ooh such a pretty maxi dress!

  62. That’s the perfect jersey dress. I looove the lace detailing and the color.

  63. wow very unexpected with the blazer and I am loving the combo! πŸ™‚

  64. I love the feeling of wearing a long dress too. I love your grey dress, it would look great with a belt too.

    Im having a giveaway if you would like to stop by.


  65. Absolutely stunning! You look so relaxed and casual in this, what a perfect piece for you. I’m still determined to find one that fits well enough to make me look an actual shape rather than square!

  66. Wow you look so elegant in the dress! I love your shoes as well!

  67. I love your maxi dress:)

  68. I saw this in black yesterday and wondered how it’d look on someone. It looks absolutly stunning! Good buy! I also took advantage of newlook’s 20% off (see bottom of kate nash post on my blog, I’ve added two pictures of my recent buys)


  69. Saturday weather was ah-mazing and so is your maxi dress. I’m a sucker for anything grey!

  70. love how you paired it with the blazer!

  71. LOVE the maxi dress – so glad you found it πŸ™‚

  72. you rock it babe. you should wear maxis more often. you look super awesome in them.


  73. So gorgeous, darling!
    I adore long jersey dresses!


  74. Sigh. I wish I could wear a maxi dress. But I look pregnant in them.

  75. i love ur maxi dress

  76. This maxi looked great with a blazer! Nice match!

  77. oh that looks lovely on you! and i love the structured jacket.

  78. Loving the maxi trend! The great thing about the one you’re wearing is that it’s simple, therefore versatile. πŸ™‚

    Live Love LA

  79. oh i love this dress!

    High street + Couture =

  80. i just love maxi dresses they are so flow-y but girlie! so cute

    Anna Katrina

  81. Jen

    i am beyond in love with the way you chose to wear this maxi dress. it’s gorgeous with the subtle lace and the blazer πŸ™‚

  82. Love it, looks so effortless πŸ™‚ Hope things are going good for you lovely lady x

  83. You look fab – grey is a great colour on you!

  84. I posted all about maxis today. LOVE them. Yours looks soooooo comfy!

  85. wishing you a lovely week ahead sweetie.

  86. I absolutely love the maxi dress with a blazer! I thought at first that the lace was part of the dress, it looks awesome.
    also, I have been doing my research and finding wonderful candy that I am assured is not available in the UK! You can expect a sweet treat soon πŸ™‚

  87. i LOVE long dresses. you never have to worry about it blowing up in the wind!

  88. What a great dress! It’s fits you perfectly!

  89. E

    You’re so statuesque in that long silhouette!

  90. looks lovely on you! i love how you paired it with the blazer!

    i really need a long jersey dress but alas all the ones i want are out of my budget at the moment!


  91. i love your dress paired with a blazer!

  92. i LOVE your photos! you should be a model.
    are you in lookbook, chictopia or something like that?

  93. Love the blazer! I like maxi dresses but everytime I wear them I get way too hot and uncomfortable! I guess they are much better for spring days instead of really hot summer days! Oh well, lesson learned!

  94. You look great with almost any outfit =) Looks nicer without the blazer from my point of view.

    With butter and jam,

  95. so cute! ive been wanting a maxi dress.. this ones perfect on u!

  96. Oh i have a black jersey maxi dress and it’s wonderful but the temp has dropped dramatically here so no more of that for about 6 months I’d say

  97. Thanks for your comment πŸ˜€

    you look gorgeuos !!
    Great Outfit


  98. I love this look…it’s absolutely perfect for summer.

  99. Mat

    looks ace, this one suits you so much

  100. I love your dress, it really suits you and the blazer is perfect.

  101. For sure the most comfi look this season! Its so easy to wear, works with everything. Love your choice of colour.

  102. Your dress looks so pretty and comfy! Like it with the blazer too!

  103. The maxi dress looks surprisingly good with that blazer. I hope the weather gets better so you can wear this more often.

  104. that dress looks really flattering on you πŸ™‚ <3 x