monday outfit post

Hey all, hope you had a fab weekend, get up to much? Mine was pretty chilled and included a spot of real shopping (purchased winter coat to be put away for Christmas) and an epic ton of window shopping!
X-factor was probably the main event, I’m gutted Diva Fever have left, but breathed a sigh of relief when Wagner got through πŸ˜‰

Today I’m wearing my favourite pair of Black Milk leggings (you have to check out James’ latest prints, that guy is genius!), with an ancient black shift dress and a vintage velvet blazer with awesome lace cuffs.
It feels so good to get back on the crazy tights train.




What’s on the agenda for this week? I’m desperatley trying to make plans! So far I’ve got appointments to fill my time with, a review to write for the blog, and getting back on track with my media law course.

And watching masterchef. Of course.

76 comments for “monday outfit post

  1. I have the opposite problem this week πŸ™ Too much to cram into too little time !!
    Have a lovely week, those tights are awesome! πŸ™‚ xx

  2. Ohh I love your leggings! And the blazer too. Makes me want to go shopping now! πŸ™‚

  3. greats leggings and shoes! <3
    I love masterchef, such an addictive show XD

  4. I love you leggings… but that’s no surprise. πŸ˜‰

    Really cool how the purple ripple offsets the black in the rest of the outfit. Love.


  5. This is such a lovely outfit! I want your boots! =)

    Today I’ve given myself more time by missing uni (bad bad shibby) but it has to be done I have so much work to get done.

    Have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  6. I adore the lace cuffs. Such nice detail xx

  7. Lovely outfit! I like your leggings, too.

    Have a wonderful start into the new week.

  8. Love this look – totally up my alley.

  9. ohhh, how i love the leggins!

  10. Yay they fit! And look cool too!

    β™₯ Leia

  11. HA! I miss your leggings too! these look stellar on you πŸ™‚

  12. Those leggings are just tremendous. The blazer is fab too – love those lacy cuffs!

    I have tons to pack in this week but I think next week should hopefully be quieter.

  13. Love the jacket, leggings and boots. I just bought a vintage velvet jacket, they’re gorgeous!


  14. Black Milk leggins are AWESOME! And their from Australia… even better.

  15. Love the leggings and your pairing them with the work boots!!

  16. I love the leggings so much! I am in to x factor for the first time ever, the aussie and I love the Sunday night show. Diva Fever had a poor choice of rescue song I thought. My favourite is Cher, she really is very talented

  17. Fabulous outfit, the leggings add just the right amount of colour and eccentricity. Love it!
    Horrah for Wagner, I think I’m going to trail Dudley and track him down. xxx

  18. Fantastic outfit! The leggings are great and add a splash of character to the look. Love the cuff detail on the jacket, so pretty! x

  19. fabulous outfit! I love the wild pattern of the leggings.
    Have a great week x

  20. Those leggings are insane! I love that vintage blazer – the lace cuff is such a beautiful detail!

  21. i always love when you wear those leggings! and i also love your boots!

  22. Oh, I definitely remember those tights! And you may be one of those few who can pull it off so well, love it with the all black look:)


  23. OMG your leggings. You gorgeous thing, you. πŸ˜€

  24. I love this outfit, all of it. I was gutted Diva Fever went out, they made me smile whenever i saw them on screen. xxx

  25. love these leggings , we have masterchef in greece too
    really busy for this week lots of kisses from corfu !!!

  26. Again, those purple leggings are awesome!! xoxo

  27. thanks for stopping by!!

  28. You’re beautiful! And I love your leggings, and the boots! πŸ™‚

    Hugs from Norway

  29. love these leggings!!!

  30. that blazer is amazing!
    have a great week ahead, dearest.

  31. I love those leggings in face I love all Black Milk’s stuff but they’re waaay out of my current price range *sobs*

  32. Yay, yay, I’m so glad you are on the crazy tights train again too! You have the boldest and best tights collection.
    By the way, you are looking FANTASTIC!!!
    How is your course?

  33. the leggings are slick! I lvoe them and the shoes :3 have i ever mention my love of lace too :3 ? ^^

  34. omg omg omg your leggings are so amazing!! Perfect outfit πŸ™‚


  35. I absolutely LOVE this outfit!! Those leggings are so fabulous! And those lace cuffs are gorgeous! I adore you. πŸ™‚

    PS. I sent out your gift today so you should be recieving that hopefully in the near future! xo I’m so excited about our exchange!!

  36. Your leggings are really good fun!

  37. cool tights! Love the lace cuffs, great detail πŸ™‚

    xxx Charlie

  38. Whoop! The crazy tights are back!

  39. Jen

    Love those leggings! It’s so good to see your crazy-patterned legs gracing these pages again πŸ™‚ x

  40. Gorgeous photos! Black Milk leggings? I am very jealous!

    Thank you so much for your comment on my Friday post. I really appreciated hearing from you!

  41. love all the details in this outfit – leggings, lace and boots! and oh my, masterchef is such a guilty pleasure of mine…

  42. oh i love those shoes!

  43. Oh another lovely velvey blazer – I want one quite badly now πŸ™‚
    Kandi xx

  44. Gorgeous tights. I’ve got a really busy week ahead – roll on the weekend! xx

  45. Kb

    Love the jacket, I’m and glad things are starting to sort themselves out for you. All I’ve been doing is knitting!

  46. I want this leggins or die!
    Supose your a really stylish one for it!
    I’ll look for Black Milk…!

  47. Wicked boots. And gotta love a velvet blazer.
    Hope you had an awesome weekend.

  48. oooh i really like shoes! Im desperate to go shoe shopping. masterchef rocks.

  49. The touch of lace is fab, and I swear I wore ALMOST the same boots today, lol!

    Hope you’re having a great week! For once I did absolutely nothing this weekend, but for some reason I am still exhausted.

  50. omg omg my fav so far
    those are so amazing
    i need to get a pair
    i bet they are expensive
    and the lace and blazer so good with this leggings
    i love masterchef too!!

  51. That vintage blazer is gorgeous! Velvet and lace always make for a lovely combo.

    In other news, Ive been bored to death as of late. It’s been work and even more work. I suppose I am to blame, it was my choice to take on 2 jobs after all.

    I cannot wait for Halloween but Ive no idea what to wear. You should do a post about it! I need ideas. πŸ™‚

    love ya too darl!


  52. Those leggings look awesome, i’ve always like purple and black paired together πŸ™‚


  53. I LOVE those leggings!! They look so awesome with those boots!

  54. Love your leggings and blazer together hun! Hope you had a fab wknd! xxx

  55. I love that velvet blazer! So luxury!


  56. hun media law was the hardest during my MA. when I passed it I was so excited because then I knew I was almost there….2 months later I was offered my first tv job.

    you look fab, love the blazer,


  57. oh wow, that blazer is a dream. love the lace detailing sis!

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  58. Those tights are divine! I love this outfit, also I have a purple velvet jacket that might not be lace-less for much longer!


  59. im loving this outfits witchy vibes! also those boots are gorgeous!

  60. Amy

    I know I say this all time, but really you wear the best tights ever! These are so fun!!

    Ooh and I need a pair of boots just like yours. Too cute!!

    Hope you are having a lovely day!


  61. ooh know what you mean about the crazy tight train..these are gorgeous, im really wanting to get back on the crazy tight train now!

    and yay for wagner πŸ™‚

    just found your blog tonight and i think its quite inspiring. you’re looking so great in these recent pictures πŸ™‚ and i love your understated elegant dress style

  62. Great close-up!

    I wore purple and black tights today and thought of you πŸ™‚


  63. Love the boots! And the blazer with the lace cuffs is so perfectly Victoriana! It’s lovely.

  64. I love your shoes !!!

  65. Awesome tights!
    I admire your style so much πŸ™‚

  66. Trying to find boots like that – where from!? Sturdy, warm, comfy too perhaps…?

  67. Love the tights!! That jacket is pure amazing!