no time for the blues

What I wore for the last day of 2011. River Island dress with faux fur collar (still indecently short and I still don’t care!), NewLook tights and Jeffrey Campbell boots c/o Sarenza…which are now only ยฃ48 in the sale!

It’s so strange to suddenly be writing 2012, I’m not a fan of even numbers but I am not letting that be an omen for the year.

I have two weeks off work stretching ahead of me and refuse to let January blues strike me down just because I’m not distracted. Currently plans include shopping, cinema trips, seeing friends and becoming a domestic goddess (soup anyone?)…any other plans for cheap things to do (I realise shopping and cinema make this statement null and void) during this time?

Also, talk to me of iPod touches!

What are you up to on this last day before the real world begins again? Anyone else prone to January blues?


43 comments for “no time for the blues

  1. Love the colour combo of your outfit hun!
    Ah, lucky you to have all that time off work. I have to go back tomorrow.. although I will have another break in a couple of weeks so I guess it’s not all that bad!

  2. Gah! I am eternally jealous of your legs! That dress is lovely! I am going to Tesco today lol – can hardly hold in my excitement! xx

  3. The shift style dress always looks gorgeous on you!


  4. Love this blue dress, the collar looks amazing.x

  5. I def feel the same; it would be so easy for me to get dragged down over the next few weeks but I’m determined to stay afloat and keep making progress.

    Long walks and craft projects are my fave free things to do (yeah I know I sound like a granny!) Enjoy your time off xx

    P.S. Beautiful hair!

  6. I actually get really motivated in Jan, I am full of inspiration from the Christmas holidays ! Have a lovely day. You look really lovely in this outfit, I like the colour combos !

  7. January blues – hideous things, but I do think that everyone gets them to varying degrees. I know I get them horribly & that’s when I tend to dream most of a)running away or b) living inside my duvet covers & not moving until March.

    Your fantastic style continues to make me green with envy, but I love it on you & love that lots of shops, ideas are thrust at me by your gorgeous self.
    Enjoy your work free time & indulge! Oh & soup – make butternut squash & sweet potato; winner every time & perfect for this cold, ‘grey’ January period. xxx

  8. Check out your tiny legs ๐Ÿ™‚ outfit looks fab hun.

    Love the colour combo, very brave. Wish I was a little more outrageous with my colours of tights xx

  9. Lovely outfit, really suits you. So jel that you have time off, I go back tomorrow and want more time off already haha x

  10. Iยดm glad to find this post today!
    Great ideas and style.

  11. Loving this colour combo!

  12. Happy New Year Laura! Hope it’s great for you. xx

  13. I love this outfit, you look so glamorous! Hope you had a lovely Christmas x

  14. Love the boots! Glad you had a good New Year ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. If it snows in January I’ll not be feeling blue ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Love your dress. You should wear this length of dress mire often because your legs are amazing. Have a fun and relaxing time off. I always like January provided I can keep thoughts of returning to university next month, away.

  17. I totally get the January blues! It feels the worst term at school- so depressing and nothing to look forward to! I can’t stand the thought of going back, I want to cry!!
    Hope your two weeks isn’t tainted by the blues but hope it is glorious!x

  18. Gorgeous colours! Enjoy your 2 weeks, it’s easy to fritter the time away but hopefully you can fill it with fun things ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Love the boots, love the collar.
    The dress is not too short at all, you have the legs!

    Happy New Year!

    Jojo xx

  20. Love the colours in this outfit!

  21. Happy new year! Loving the colour in this outfit its lovely. I know how you feel about how days off can drag at times – because i’m not allowed to work i’m home every day and yeah – they can really drag and be totally boring at times.

  22. Love those boots! xxx

  23. Vix

    Happy New Year!!!!
    I love this colour combo and that cute fur collar. If this is the first outfit post of the year then even number or not I predict a year of amazing things for you. xxx

  24. Really lovely outfit, goes really well with your hair ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  25. Happy New Year! Gorgeous outfit, have a fun 2 weeks off ๐Ÿ™‚ xxxxxxxxxx

  26. Loving the blue dress on you.

    How about visiting a few local libraries or museums? They are normally free. A nice walk with your camera to capture a few nice pictures and play around with the settings too.

    What ever you do enjoy your two weeks off.

    What do you want to know ref iPod touch? I live in a house of apple geeks!

    Today has consisted of tidying and chilling.

    X x

  27. January is a time to look forward to all the things you want to achieve in the coming year! I would love two weeks off i would blog, play photographer, read, bake, and sit in coffee shops and people watch for hours….

  28. I love the colour clash! x

  29. That dress looks fantastic on you, you have gorgeous legs.

  30. Enjoy the rest of your break! Love all the colours in this outfit, brightens up how dull January is! xxx

  31. Enjoy the rest of your break! Love all the colours in this outfit, brightens up how dull January is! xxx

  32. Love the colourful outfit here. Enjoy your time off work- I have two interviews in as many weeks so the start of this year is rather stressful for me

  33. I’m planning for a good year… first stop new job, start in the morning. Hope the new year brings great things for you, have a great couple of weeks off.

  34. Very cute boots. for me? you shouldn’t have…oh you didn’t …awkward!

    Bright Green Laces

    happy new year

  35. Love your outfit! The whole thing is amazing!!

    Fashion Translated

  36. That fur collar is simply adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. The blue of your dress is a lovely colour. It makes me think of sunny blue skies, despite the fact that is the exact opposite of the weather today!

  38. i love the little fur collar and your colour combination!

  39. girl, you are fierce! i love the blue with your tights… and your hair is amazing! xo

  40. With legs like that, the shorter the better!!! xx