Oasis New Vintage

*Drool Worthy Collection Alert*

“Taking inspiration from the past, Oasis has created the New Vintage Collection, compromising of exquisite prints and designs, these beautiful pieces encapsulate the romance and nostalgia of eras gone by”.

There are five dresses in the collection, all with matching scarves and bags.





At the very least, I NEED a scarf. These prints are right up my street; and the cut of the dresses looks amazing. Vintage with some modern kicks. Laura loves.

All are available now from Oasis stores and online.

Oasis also kindly sent some amazing biscuits from biscuiteers. I took them in to work for some much needed spoiling…and they didn’t last long enough to snap a photo. Take my word for it though guys…most stunning biscuits ever!


30 comments for “Oasis New Vintage

  1. Love the 2nd dress and the bag xx

  2. I love the second one so much, it really reminds me of one of the dresses Carey Mulligan wears in An Education x

  3. Oh I love both of these dresses but the price is a little steep!

  4. Ah that top dress is very similar to how I envisage my next sewing project … and using a £6 vintage floral bedsheet makes it a bit cheaper! If I could charge £125 for them I’d be making quite a profit!

  5. Oh dear it looks like I’ll be purchasing that scarf, I’ve been after one in those shades for weeks! Goodbye bank balance…

  6. My

    the second dress is to die for!

  7. I want everything!

  8. These are so pretty! I love the little floral purse!

  9. Ahh I saw these in the window and I nearly died – they are gorgeous! Yay for summer!! 🙂

  10. Ahh I saw these in the window and I nearly died – they are gorgeous! Yay for summer!! 🙂

  11. I’m inspired, thanks hon 🙂

  12. Ooooh I do like the scarf but dunno if it’s a tad out of my price range? I’ll probs end up sticking to primark!


  13. oh my, these are wonderful :)!

  14. Love the first dress – very tea party like x

  15. Cute dresses but the scarf is beautiful – I need it! They’re sending me some biccies too, what a gorge treat. xx

  16. There was a gorgeous second hand one in a charity shop at the weekend but it was £39.99. Now I know that’s substantially cheaper than the brand new versions but jesus, I’m not paying that much for charity shop stuff!!

  17. All these are perfect for summer!


  18. dresses and matching scarves! how very stepford wives! love it!! 🙂 yes i think a new scarf is a must have for both of us 🙂 x

  19. Not super interested in the accessories but the dresses are beautiful. More generous shapes than original vintage too, I guess. x

  20. adore the matching dress and bag! lovely x

  21. Holy moly, that first dress!!!! WHOA!
    Also, your outfit with the sundress and red tights and sandals…I’m in love, plus your hair looks STUNNING.

  22. Oasis are so good with prints, I used to work there and every Summer they would bring out some new vintage inspired dresses! The scarf is pretty too!

  23. Love the 2nd dress and the bag!
    Great post!

  24. Those dresses are so cute ñ_ñ


  25. I need the scarf!!!!!

  26. oh my, I need the sscarf too. there are so many lovely dresses around at the moment 🙂

  27. Gorgeous post 🙂
    Thanks for doing it sweetie!
    Glad you love the collection!
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  28. 500 days os summer anyone? reminds me so much of Zooey in that film!


  29. I love this new vintage collection, the dresses are all awesome and colorful.. It is good for summer..