Peanut Butter M&M cookie cake

Within my Cybercandy package of joy was tucked this little gem which made for a wishlist inducing breakfast read. When I saw a recipe inside for cookies using peanut butter m&ms I knew I HAD to make them; as luck had it I had recently found a huge bag of peanut butter m&ms that I had picked up some time ago and forgotten about (how I don’t know, those things are like crack!) I’ve shared the recipe above incase you want to give these a go too, and believe me, you should! I made a couple of amendments- my mixture was really runny so instead of making lots of small cookies I made two cookie cakes which I sliced straight from the oven as a fun treat for my colleagues at work. I also didn’t have enough plain flour so subbed 1oz of self raising with no ill effect…oh and I mixed the m&ms into the mixture rather than just dotting on top.

The result?


just baked

sliced to share.

The cookie cakes took just over ten minutes to bake perfectly. I’d never made these before but would do it again as a fun alternative to a birthday cake!
What do you like to throw in to cookies?


16 comments for “Peanut Butter M&M cookie cake

  1. why slice to share at all, that’s what I say. Look yummy!

  2. Oh yum, that looks divine, I love cookie cakes! Making your version asap, thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂

  3. Mmm I love peanut butter things at the moment, especially m&ms & kitkats! This recipe looks yummy I need to try it asap 🙂
    Rachelle x

  4. Oh my gosh this looks absolutely amazing! <3

    Jennie xo |

  5. that looks so yummy! 🙂

  6. I don’t think I’ve ever even tried peanut butter m&ms – but this looks like a very good way to change that…fast. What a great idea too – to bake an alternative, huge biscuity birthday cake.

  7. Oh my god. I will eat anything that includes peanut butter but this looks amazing!! Xx

  8. OMGosh. This looks sooooo good!!

    The Style Rawr!

  9. This looks super yummy. Must try this.

  10. Mmmmmmm this looks so good. Making me dribble a teenie bit! 😛 I hope you enjoyed them!



  11. Looks so yummy, I love anything with M&Ms in! Total addict xxx

  12. Those peanut butter M&Ms really are like crack- I tried them the other week…. and the coconut ones are GORGEOUS too.

  13. yum!!! omg I need to make that for myself! x

  14. yummy…they look so nice. Could imagine them with a nice cup fo tea x