Perfecting the Art of Idleness

Sitting around and doing not much at all does not come easily to me, I’m one of lifes fidgets but over the last five and a bit weeks I’ve had to curb that and learn to relax a bit. Back surgery does not go hand in hand with activity, for the first two weeks even getting around the house was a challenge, things have much improved since then but I’m still under instruction to take it easy and things like lifting and excessive activity are still out of bounds.
Forced inactivity does have it’s upsides. People coming to visit and making me endless cups of tea (with biscuits on the side!) and finally being able to catch up on the magazines that I never usually get time to read. Not having to get changed out of Pjs, or more commonly a onesie if I don’t want to and being able to binge watch Breaking Bad whilst starting and actually finishing some craft projects.
My current favourite loungewear is this onesie (for I am a convert after insisting I never would be) from Universal Textiles. Despite being fleece it’s less stifling to wear than my Onepiece one, as well as a much better fit so I’ve been at far less risk of falling over myself. With the addition of cosy socks I’ve been all set for a day of chilling out with Mae, who I’ve had so much fun laughing at over recent weeks.
My magazine loves at the moment are those shown above. I go through phases with what I buy, sometimes you’ll find Elle or Vogue in the mix but I do find them overpriced and I tend to buy what’s on offer. I have a monthly subscription to Glamour as well, and Marie Claire which comes direct to my iPad.
How do you spend your chill out days? I only have a few days of it left and hope to make the most of it, although now I’m much more mobile and Spring is springing I’m more likely to be found outside, walking or on my bike to get my core strength built back up.
Congratulations to the five winners of my Logitech giveaway! Fiona, sj, Corinne, Rachel Anderson and Monika I have attempted to make contact- get back to me asap!


6 comments for “Perfecting the Art of Idleness

  1. Most of your post has been my past few weeks to. I know exactly what you mean about having to do nothing. People just don’t believe you when you say its a nightmare. But like you I have been loving the cups of tea, ironing and hoovering been done for me and visitors, flowers and chocolates. Is that bad?

    Congrats to Fiona, sj, Corrine, Rachel and Monika.

    X x

  2. I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel, I get stir crazy after a day! That onesie looks so cosy and those magazines are fab, really loving Red at the moment!

    Maria xxx

  3. I love your onesie. To be honest when I have a chill day, I seem to end up eating all day long!!!! Meeting someone for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Haha. Enjoy your tea and biscuits 🙂 xxxx

  4. Can’t say I’m a fan of onsies, but I’m all for chilling out. My chill time is usually all about blog reading and relaxing youtube videos 🙂

  5. Being laid up while a back heals can be very frustrating. I hope it heals well so you never have to got through it again. Your onesie is cute and so is the photo of Mae. I see you have some excellent fashion magazines to look at. I only just recently watched the first season of Breaking Bad on DVD. Very entertaining and exciting watching – definitely not dull. I’ve been reading other peoples’ blog posts a lot lately – I don’t have television. Here’s to healing and the fast approaching Spring.

  6. I love your attitude and approach to life. I find it inspiring. Hope you begin to feel better soon. P.s Cute onesie : )