Playtime with Dantoy*

[Ad- gifted product]

One of my favourite things about being a Mum is watching Eliza learn and discover new skills whilst playing with her toys. Despite my best intentions, the majority of her toys are noisy and plastic- it’s just how it goes it would seem! However, we do like to shop sustainably where possible; sometimes this means picking up something from our local charity shops or from vinted and other times it means treating ourselves (or being treated) to something new from the every growing range of sustainable children’s brands.

A little while ago now we were gifted this Hammer Toy by Dantoy. Eliza loves to bash things (trust me, I have the bruises to prove it) so this toy was an instant hit with her and her curious little mind and it didn’t take her too long to work out how to smash the balls through the toy by using the hammer, and Pablo loves to chase them as they escape and roll across the living room floor.

Whilst Eliza loves the fun side of this toy, I love the eco-credentials of the brand. The hammer toy is made from bioplastic, a 100% sustainable and 100% recyclable raw material. Even the packaging is environmentally friendly, being made from recycled cardboard so it really is a product that gives back.

A month on and the novelty of this toy hasn’t worn off, it’s great to watch Eliza become more and more confident, knowing it’s helping her hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, as well as doing something for our planet too.

Dantoy is firmly on our radar as a brand we love, and with Eliza’s first birthday rapidly approaching, we will hopefully be adding some more to our collection soon!

Posted in baby


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