Project Ocean

About Project Ocean

The ocean is a source of food, a place for recreation, and its beauty has inspired countless artists. But, it’s under threat – from over-fishing and poor fishing practices.

From 11 May – 12 June 2011, Selfridges is partnering with more than 20 environmental and conservation groups to celebrate the beauty of the ocean, highlight the issue of over-fishing, help us all understand the threats to the ocean and make positive choices about the right fish to buy and eat.

There’s a huge amount going on in Selfridges flagship London store including:

· Live cooking demonstrations in the Food Hall from top chefs like Tom Aikens, Linda Dangoor and Bruno Loubet (with recipe suggestions and wine recommendations online)

· Innovative exhibitions by sculptor Jason Hackenwert, fashion curator Judith Clarke and conceptualist artist Beth Derbyshire

· Talks by leading thinkers

· Workshops for kids, offering interactive arts and crafts and educational pieces

For a full timetable of events, click here

If, like me you can’t make it to London during this time there are still plenty of ways in which you can support the cause…Selfridges has some amazing merchandise such as tees by Katharine Hamnet

For more information, ways to donate and which fish are good to eat pop along to the Selfridges website.

Some of the less well known varieties of fish are truly delicious; get brave and try pilchards, tilapia or rainbow trout. Trust me.

Have you been along to Selfridges? What do you think?

I was contacted by PR to write this post. I am aware it’s not the kind of thing I usually post about but it is a cause I believe in and support. Please respect that.

14 comments for “Project Ocean

  1. I’ve been obsessed with the sea since I was little and I won’t eat any kind of fish x

  2. Important message to get out there. Our oceans are in peril and they’re a fundamental source of life for our planet. Good post!

  3. Great idea, I’m glad someone’s doing something to help xxx

  4. This is a brilliant idea, the T-shirts I especially like

  5. This is a really good cause, I really like that t shirt as well. A lot. 🙂 x

  6. We don’t buy cod, haddock or tuna anymore. Only responsibly sourced stuff now. I tagged you for an award on my blog btw.

  7. Laura, as a geography student and budding conservationist I 100% am behind you in this post. This is a fantastic cause to blog about and a wonderful way to raise awareness about the plight of fish stocks in the oceans. Thanks for posting this! I will reply to your letter as soon as possible. xxx

  8. This is a great thing to get out there! I’m actually looking into some environmental and conservationist groups in Canada. Thank you for contributing your voice to this cause! xx

  9. I don’t eat much fish to be honest the only fish I like is tinned salmon.
    I do think that ‘man’ as a hole does destroy everything in the world and over fishing etc is just another part of that.

    I tend to not eat much meat or fish and I would like to give the, both up but because I have anaemia have been advised not to.

    Do you know I don’t think I have ever been in Selfridges? Weird..I don’t know why.


  10. This is a really good message, good for you for posting about what you believe in 🙂 I really love that t-shirt! xoxo

  11. Oh yes, I got the email about this too, really great what Selfridges are doing, they are so innovative and great with CSR!

  12. funny you would mention this because me and handsome visited Selfridges last week and were discussing how impressed we are with this project and Selfridges.


  13. funny you would mention this because me and handsome visited Selfridges last week and were discussing how impressed we are with this project and Selfridges.
