Random Sunday

Yep, double post from me today! I thought I’d share some of the ups, and downs on this week!


-Finishing my Christmas shopping!

-New warm jumpers, good old Primark. I wore one of the yesterday


-Dressing Flash up for the cold weather


-Dunster by Candlelight with my Grandad. I failed to get any photos, but trust me it was MAGICAL. It was madly busy, you couldn’t get in to any of the shops, but it didn’t matter! Seeing the town lit up…especially the castle. Just wow.

-PG Tips Christmas Monkey! Thanks Dad!



-The weather. I don’t need to elaborate!

-Christmas songs. 2 hours of Cliff Richard Christmas songs on the return from Dunster. Kill.Me.Now.

-Wrapping Christmas presents…the downside to have finished shopping. I’m useless at gift wrapping.

-Crazy mood swings. Tears to laughter in 2 seconds flat? No thanks.

What were your ups and downs this week?


44 comments for “Random Sunday

  1. So jealous you’ve finished shopping, I’ve been putting it off as it just stresses me out. I love the wrapping part though!
    How cute is Flash in his winter woolies!x

  2. How cute does Flash look.

    Love your dress in the first pic you look gorge.

    Highs for me SNOW and buying two fab tops from Toppers
    Lows walking to work and no post but worth it for the snow . Enjoy the rest of the weekend xoxo

  3. I agree with Emily, I am extremely jealous you’ve done your shopping. My downs.. it has been pouring with rain here and the river in my town is flooding and it’s getting higher!!!

  4. Flash looks like he’s off to the football! πŸ˜€ Well done on finishing your shopping – I ALMOST have – did more online than usual as can’t face the snow! x

  5. Flash ~ bless, he’s wondering if you are going to chuck him out in the snow now he’s all dressed up for it!
    Love your little monkey the kids have the big ones and love him – where was it from, it would make a great stocking filler.
    I’m green with envy that you have finished shopping, if I lived closer I would come and wrap them all for you I love wrapping and do everyone’s, blokes at work bring in their wives pressies and I wrap them too!
    Keep warm lovely lady
    Kandi x

  6. awww your cat is lovely he looks annoyed at being dressed up.

    I love the jumper dress xx

  7. Oh bless, look at Flash’s face! Oscar doesn’t hold with any of that sort of dressing up malarkey – he goes into rapid reverse mode.

    You look really beautiful in that photo with the monkey.

  8. I love the jumper dress, and you’re cat looks so cute! x

  9. LOVE your cat!! Must bevery patient! x

  10. I love the wrapping have no idea what to get people for christmas πŸ™

    but its so warm today πŸ˜€


  12. You kitty is adorable <3

    I have the Monkey to i was going to give it to my nephew but I haven’t got round to that yet… I will… eventually XD

  13. I love wrapping presents, like to an ocd level…. which is such a contast to my room! haha
    My brother last year upgraded from tin foil wrapping (no selotape? no problem – scrunch scrunch scrunch) to actually shelliing out for gift wrapping in store – still cheating in my opinion.

    I’m with you on the cliff richard… bleugh!!!


  14. Can’t believe you’re done with shopping!
    You look great and so do Flash!

  15. Kim

    Oo I like the jumper you’ve got on πŸ™‚ Aww how cute does Flash look?! Hehe the PG Tips Xmas monkey is sweet. Woah 2 hours of Cliff Richard songs? *Brings back horrible childhood memories of being subjected to this musical torture* You poor thing! I envy you for having finished your Christmas shopping, I’ve barely started. Yikes! xxx

  16. PG tips christmas monkey? I’m so jealous.

    Your cat is beautiful!


    -new 16GB player finally after nearly 4yrs!

    -Some Xmas gifts found after several stressful shopping trips


    -Crappy job

  17. oooh I love the little PG Tips Monkey… soo cute. And well done that you already finished the Christmas shopping. I am nowhere near started! And the wrapping part really is the down-side of it πŸ™‚
    My UP this week was that my family came over for the weekend. The Down was them leaving today
    Have a fab Sunday

  18. What a cute cat <3 :D!

  19. hahaha is so cute and funny your cat!! πŸ™‚

  20. Thank you very much! It looks cute!

  21. I love Flash’s Christmas hat so much and Dunstar all lit up sounds beautiful. I can sympathise with you on the mood-swings front. I’ve been the same all week. xxx

  22. Awww how cute is your kitty!!! πŸ™‚

    xx Love & Aloha
    ***I’m hosting a Jeffrey Campbell Giveaway! Come enter!! πŸ™‚

  23. Mr Flash looks so fancy πŸ˜‰
    I wish i could help you wrapping! I love to do it ***

  24. ahhhh we’re cat buddies! Are cats should have babies, and they could be awesome fashion-cat-babies. God, I really have an over active imagination.. Love the dress! Thanks for you sweeeeet comment, Im so sorry I haven’t replied sooner! Im finally back posting after a week of crazyness. URGH. Panda xo

  25. @ hours of Sir Cliff? I think that I would go mad. You are obvously a much stronger woman than I.

  26. Jen

    I’m always up for double posts!! My ups and downs for the week? Up: Got my xmas tree up! Down: Big snow storm and unplowed roads! Doesn’t the weather know I have to get my xmas shopping done??

  27. hehe, flash looks so cute!
    i am also exceedingly useless at gift wrapping….or anything crafty for that matter

  28. I am so glad you are having a good week despite the downs πŸ™‚ That sounds awesome with your grandfather! And your cat is adorable πŸ˜‰


  29. Cute lickle Flash!

    Glad you had a good time at the Candlelight event, sounds pretty.

    Christmas songs can get a bit tired. I’m lucky at work, we don’t play that many in a day. x

  30. 2 hours of Cliff Richard? LOL sounds like my nanas idea of heaven!

    I love the Primark jumper chica πŸ™‚

  31. Hi gorgeous!
    love your dress!


  32. I LOVE your dress!

  33. that last photo of you is beautiful

  34. Flash looks great! haha aw and love that Primark dress. Also, sorry about the weather. I tweeted you about it (@caitielady08) when you sounded down but I wish we had really snowy weather, I must say. πŸ™‚

  35. Love the sweater dress!! It’s so pretty and flash looks so adorable.

  36. oh i think the weather is gradually getting better here, the rain seems to have done away with most of the snow and ice we had last week -i hope it gets warmer for you xx

  37. I love the PG Tips monkey, I must have walked past him about 10 times now in the supermarket and thought shall I buy him or not. Damn!
    The flower/clip in your hair is so pretty xx

  38. Anonymous

    how cuuute is flash <3 <3 lovely :*

  39. Pretty dress and cute kitty… I went to get a monkey today but they had sold out πŸ™

  40. That dress looks awesome on you.

  41. hahaha that cat just made me laugh! Mine wouldn’t let me put a hat on his head no matter how cold it would be!

  42. Les photos sont superbes et le chat est trop mignon.


  43. Hey Daisychain! I was reading some earlier posts, like this one, (it’s amazing what distractions you find when you know you’ve got to plan a lesson observation the next day!) which I hadn’t read before and I wonder, do you mean Dunster in Exmoor? If so, I went there last May bank holiday and completely fell in love with the region!! We stayed at an amazing organic place called Cutthorne with regency decor and beautiful beautiful land around, particularly Dunkery beacon!