retail therapy at its best

So yesterday, in the end I wasn’t needed at college (but will be at the end of the month) but as the weather was good and Mum and I had planned to shop after, we went on in anyway.

It was a success in terms of buying things I needed, Urban Outfitters sale was a gold mine yesterday and I ended up getting a skirt for £4.99 (instead of £30) and some [blank] jeans for £4.99 (instead of £60). I also got a sweet floral top in the New Look teen section for £10 and some bits and pieces for my Mum and a friend.

Outfits this week have been hit and miss,
mainly because I’ve been lazy and the weather has been so-so.
Tuesday I wore a dress I forgot I owned (woops, I’m so bad for doing that)


I think it was once Mum’s, bought for a holiday…possibly from Matalan.

Yesterday I opted for a cream and black dress, but failed to get a photo because I was rushing around,
and today I popped on my new skirt and top
(I could have done without the tights but I was too lazy to de-fuzz this morning)



The material is soft jersey with a denim effect, so comfortable and I’ll probably live in it from now on.

I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of another week,
I hope it’s been a good one


61 comments for “retail therapy at its best

  1. Woow. Sounds like great buys! I’m so jealous =D Love your dress. So pretty.

  2. I love the first posted dress! So pretty with your hair color and ivory skin!

  3. AvatarNatalie

    Urban outfitters sale for the win!!
    I think that is my favorite shop 🙂

  4. Love the first one, very nice 🙂

    nicola xx

  5. I love UO, I could spend hours in there! Love your tights, such a rich colour!

  6. Gorgeous, darling! Love your dress!


  7. Finally have got around to catching up on blogs. Kinda forgot you’d changed yours but here I am 🙂 I love, love, love that dress in the top pic! Its great when you rediscover things..

  8. Beautiful!
    Love the 1st dress very much dear…
    Love a great find!

  9. Eeeee, I’m jealous of your UO steals!

    Love both the outfits! THe dress is adorable.

  10. oh, that flowery top is so lovely ♥

  11. you look lovely… it must be great to shop with your Mom, I could never manage a friendship with mine…
    have a great day, xoxo

  12. AvatarSam

    That first dress is lovely! It gives me a bit of a 70’s feel. And I really like the 70’s.
    I also adore the second outfit! I would never thought of wearing tights like those with a floral pattern! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Nice outfits, I really like the top of the second outfit!

  14. I love that dress! lovely new top too.

  15. AvatarMeg

    Gosh, I’m so glad I found your blog again! I missed it while I couldn’t find it (I know, I’m slow at that sort of thing). Glad your shopping went so well!

  16. your such a natural beauty!

  17. What a lovely dress!

  18. Heres the deal, I’ll swap you my skirt for that dress haha. Seriously, love that dress though, its amazing and on you, its spectacular.

  19. love the first dress..very girly…

  20. Lady, you’re damn adorable in that dress!

  21. Eek I just came back from my hols and couldn’t find your blog, glad I tracked it down. Looooove the pic of Flash in his cape! xx

  22. sweetie i love the dress!!!! is amazing !!!!

  23. Lovely top, it has been a good week.

  24. oh darling you found some great deals, well done on the score honey. love that floral top! the print is perfect honey

  25. You are soooo unbelievably gorgeous!

    La C.

  26. AvatarE

    That first dress has such a mesmerizing print. It’s so striking.

  27. Nice bargain buys, UO does have the best sales. And that dress looks gret on you!

  28. thank you so much for your comment! 🙂 i love your second oufit, it’s such a pretty combination. <3

  29. I quite like that skirt…it’s very swishy – just how I like them! 🙂

  30. What great outfits, I love the second one. Purple tights are so cute

  31. Beautiful outfits as always – you have amazing skin and purple tights = awesome. (long time lurker coming out of the shadows here 🙂

  32. wow. i go to read daisy chain dreams and get to a blog by “sam” that has no posts. very weird. lol. sorry this happened to you. Glad you’re back on track 🙂

  33. I really like the first dress. have a fab weekend. a good sale is like music to my ears…. : )

  34. HELLO’S!!!!(=



    PeAce & BoWs…

  35. AvatarFeather

    Wow…I miss the five pound grabs! lol. I LOVE the dress.

  36. ahhhh a dose of retail thearpy can cure anything!

  37. YAY. For good buys! I love it all. And I really love those tights, the colour is amazing!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂 – when I went to visit your old blog, my mouth dropped as I thought it was gone. Glad it’s not really.

  38. Looove the dress in the first picture! it looks so pretty on you!!

    -N + K

  39. oh my goodness! that FIRST photo is gorgeous. you MUST wear more colours like that. really suits your hair and skintone. xxx

  40. i love ur dress in the first photos, u look so pretty with it, the colors of the dress very perfect with ur tones 🙂


  41. I love jersey… and both outfits 🙂

  42. AvatarKb

    Love your floral top, great you got some bargains. Lol at the defuzzing, can’t wait till autumn and i won’t have to worry!

  43. you’re so gorgeous! your eyes and skin are perfect!

    amazing buys too!

  44. Florals are for Summer<3
    and you wear it so lovely!


  45. So good! It’s been long since I’ve shopped!

  46. lovely. shopping in your own closet is the best!


  47. Sounds like you got some great bargains!
    Love the dress

  48. hello gorgeous
    im sooo loving the first dress, its great with your hair!!! im also loooving the floral in the second!

    enjoy your weekend

  49. I love that first dress! All your purchases sound awesome.

  50. Love your purchases! I’m always buying things from Urbanoutfitters! You look beautiful in both outfits! xxoxoxo

  51. Hey! loved the pictures, great blog btw, check out ours whenever you want, we invite you to follow it.

  52. Congrats on the new purchases! Love the top and that skirt does look incredibly comfortable. Scored some great deals in UO myself… I couldn’t believe sales were still on in the UK. Oh, and the first dress is gorgeous as well… really like the retro pattern on that.

  53. love the flowery top 🙂 i’m re-adding you to my bloglist, can’t believe you got hacked!!!! why would anyone do that? hacking is so 1999 🙁 can we re-exchange links? hope you’re feeling better after the flu. hows your summer going otherwise? i hear the weathers cleared up, just as i left the UK! typical xxx

  54. i love the first one.

    you look so cute.

    have a great day pretty

  55. That first dress is my fave!


  56. The girl looks so sweet in this dress.

    Lise charmel lingerie

  57. Love the dress, very pretty 🙂 x