Sampling Dermalogica

As a relative novice to the world of skincare I’m still a bit hesitant in splashing my cash on full size products even if the reviews are brilliant. I have pretty sensitive skin and the last thing I want is to drop £20+ on a fancy new face cream only to find it brings me out in a dodgy looking rash.
I recently received a few Dermalogica samples in the post and thought I’d share my thoughts on them and whether I’ll be investing in the full size products.
Pure Bright Serum:50ml of this product will cost you £72.50 so a sample or two before you try is really quite essential. I got on ok with this, it promises to brighten skin and balance out pigmentation and un-even skin tone. I certainly noticed my skin being brighter with this, as I suffer quite a dull looking face most of the time. It’s not a product I could afford to buy unless I was feeling really indulgent but it was lovely to have a few sachets of this to perk me up when I needed it most.
Skin Perfect Primer: I really, really like this and almost wish I didn’t as again at £34.85 for a 22ml tube it’s on the pricey side. This is a product I’ll be saving up for though as a little goes a very long way- each sample sachet did three full face applications! The primer provided a perfectly smooth base for my foundation without drying my skin out which is often the case with primers. One for the “I would purchase” list.
Daily Defence SPF15:Sadly for my bank account this is another product for my “I would purchase list”. A lovely light-weight daytime lotion that helps combat skin ageing and provides vital protection from the sun. At the grand old age of 28 skin ageing is something I’ve started to panic about so this multi-tasker would be a welcome addition to my skin care collection. A 100ml pot of this will set you back £33.70 which actually seems quite reasonable to me!
Body Hydrating Cream: I’m really, really fussy when it comes to moisturisers for my body. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve bought one, declared it perfect then ended up abandoning it after a couple of uses. I hate anything that’s slow to sink in or leaves my skin feeling greasy, which this one didn’t at all. It made light work of my dry elbows and shins and also fixed up my sore, cracked hands. Prices for this range from £10.95 for a 75ml tube up to £34.95 for a 473ml bottle. I’m thinking of treating myself to the smaller size to keep in my work bag, I’m yet to find a hand cream that I really love, but this has made the world of difference especially after a morning of scrubbing my hands and wearing endless pairs of clinical gloves.
Are there any Dermalogica products you’d recommend I’d try? How do you feel about samples? I’ve seriously under-estimated them in the past, but now I’m taking a quality over quantity approach to skin care they really are the best way to make sure you’re getting value for your hard earned cash by not buying something that everyone has raved about but that you personally hate!


One comment for “Sampling Dermalogica

  1. Samples are a great idea. I use the Dermalogica Gentle Cream Exfoliant. It’s about £30, but great for dull skin (and far cheaper than the serum – yikes!!)
    I’d be tempted to try more Dermalogica products if I could try samples first. Sometimes I buy products that people have raved about, only to find that they’re absolute rubbish!